28th January (80 points)
20 Black Tree Roman infantry
28th January (48 points)
One box of Perry plastic WOTR armored cavalry gives 12 figures
4th March 2016 (438 points)
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More Romans in 28mm. 105 infantry and one ballista finished as far as painting. I'm still tinkering around with the basing and those figures on the big bases are on their second base and it is likely they will get a third before I am satisfied.

30th March 2016 (120 points)
My latest 28mm Romans: 24 Warlord plastic soldiers.
28th April 2016 (60 points)
15 Perry plastic longbows
28th April 2016 (96 points)
12 Wargames Factory Auxilia Cavalry
28th April 2016 (96 points)
24 Black Tree Design Romans
19th May 2016 (96 points)
28mm Auxilia cavalry unit
19th May 2016 (200 points)
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I painted 320 Baccus Romans this week and rebased some 160 Celtic warriors. I wanted the legions to look fairly uniform and not a mishmash of units mixed together. So, 40 figures per 40mm by 40mm bases look pretty outstanding if I may be so bold.
24th May 2016 (6 points)
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Some photos of a Celt/barbarian camp. One photo showing an undefended camp, one the defended camp. The camp was built on a DVD disc. The tents, critters and wagons come from Baccus, as do the soldiers.
24th May 2016 (6 points)
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Some photos of a Roman marching camp. One photo showing an undefended camp, one the defended camp. The camp was built on an MDF/mat board base. The tents, critters and wagons come from Baccus, as do the soldiers.
19th July 2016 (332 points)
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It's been awhile since I last sent some photos. I blame this bunch on eating (reading) too much Lard and the publication of SP2, that and attending Enfilade convention where the Perry big battle box was too much of a temptation (I have little will power when it comes to figures).
That was in late May and I've been painting Union figs ever since. Except for 6 cavalry, these are all the Union figures in the box. 48 regular infantry (69th Pa/2nd CA), 24 Zouaves (114th Pa Volunteers), two pieces of artillery, and one mounted command. I've mounted them on steel washers and have movement trays for them if needed.
20th October 2016 (490 points)
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I painted these little guys for a friend who got them from another friend (wish I had friends who gave me large armies!). This was the part of the army that wasn't painted and my buddy didn't feel he could paint 6mm, thus I volunteered to paint them for him. A total of 590 infantry, 76 cavalry/mounted command, 29 caissons, 4 artillery pieces, 16 casualty figures, and 4 6 horse wagons were painted. Took about 3 weeks of my painting time, which is hit or miss depending on real life interfering with my hobby!
20th October 2016 (96 points)
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German coastal craft, all by Skytrex and SDD. Could resist doing the little German trawlers, pretty cute little figures. Anyway, a total of 8 ships.
20th October 2016 (60 points)
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4 German R Boote and one lone Japanese escort.
20th October 2016 (120 points)
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4 Pt Dockyard Dogboats, 1 PT Dockyard Denny steam gunboat, 3 Skytrex Dogboats, 1 Skytrex Denny steam gunboat, and one Skytrex Isle class trawler.
20th October 2016 (24 points)
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24 ACW command figures depicting the Irish Brigade in 15mm
7th December 2016 (192 points)
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48 Black Tree auxilia archers
7th December 2016 (96 points)
24 Warlord auxilia spearman
7th December 2016 (96 points)
12 Wargames Factory auxilia cavalry
7th December 2016 (204 points)
Seventeen 1/1200 Langton galleys
26th December 2016 (576 points)
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9 US river craft, monitors, transports and ASPDs along with 7 sampans.
26th December 2016 (96 points)
Twenty-four 28mm Romans
31st December 2016 (12 points)
Two 15mm M-41s from QRF with some added baggage added for variety.
31st December 2016 (72 points)
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These six bunkers are from the only Kickstarter I ever backed. It did not get funded, but Hallowed Ground honored all pledges and I got real nice bunkers, sampans, and firebase positions. Hallowed Ground makes high quality items, now I just have to get the fire base painted!