25th August (50 points)
A 15mm DBA Alexandrian Macedonian Army: thirty-four foot, eight horse

25th August (67 points)
A 15mm DBA Ancient Spanish Army: twenty-seven foot, five chariots

25th August (28 points)
Seven Foundry 28mm Darkest Africa explorers

25th August (12 points)
An early war Sdkfz.231 (6 rad) in 20mm

25th August (12 points)
A 20mm Bishop Mk1

25th August (12 points)
20mm Type 97 Chi-Ha

25th August (24 points)
Two 20mm Cromwells

25th August (12 points)
A 20mm Daimler Mark 2

25th August (84 points)
Two Dingo Armoured Cars; two Bren Carriers; a Sherman I; two M3 Half-Tracks. All 20mm.

25th August (12 points)
A 20mm Hotchkiss H38/H39 Light Tank

26th August (84 points)
US Gun Crew (four figures); Fallschirmjaeger Gun Crew (four figures); US Rifle Platoon (thirty-four figures). All in 20mm.

25th August (48 points)
Two L3/33 Tankettes, two Semovente M40 da 75/18. All 20mm.

25th August (12 points)
A 20mm Konigstiger

25th August (12 points)
A Pzkpfw I ausf. b. in 20mm

25th August (12 points)
A Pz.Kpfw.III Command in 20mm

25th August (12 points)
Stuart light tank in 15mm

25th August (36 points)
An early war Sturmgeschutz lll Ausf.B and two Pz.Kpfw.III. All in 20mm.

25th August (120 points)
Various German armour in 20mm: an Sd.Kfz.265 Panzerbefehlswagen; a BMW & Sidecar; a Beutepanzer Hotchkiss H38; a Kubelwagen; a 7.5cm PaK 40; an SD. KFZ. 234/2 Puma; three Sturmgeschutz lll Ausf.G; and a Panther

26th August (36 points)
Various 20mm British: a Quad Tractor and a 25lb gun plus Limber

25th August (72 points)
Various 20mm Americans: a Sherman II; a 37mm Gun; a Dodge Truck; a Jeep; an M10 Tank Destroyer; and a Sherman M4A2

26th August (130.5 points)
6mm Pax Arcadia Battle Group: forty-one vehicles; fifteen infantry

26th August (67.5 points)
6mm NAAS Battlegroup: ninety-nine infantry; four walkers; one dropship

26th August (78 points)
6mm Alien Battlegroup: sixteen vehicles, twenty-four infantry, two walkers, two aircraft

13th October (24 points)
Two 20mm tanks for Barbarossa

24th November (12 points)
20mm Cromwell with homemade hessian camo

24th November (12 points)
20mm Hasegawa Jeep

24th November (12 points)
Stug III (PSC)

24th November (24 points)
PzIII & Kubel in 20mm

24th November (36 points)
Brits in Europe (you’ve seen the Daimler A/C but this has the Dingo, halftrack and Universal Carrier)

30th November (46 points)
Picts, masquerading as Scots Irish: 4 light chariots, 18 Auxilia and 4 skirmishers. All 15mm.