13th January 2019 (36 points)
10 small resin scenic items, to be used as JOPs etc for Chain of Command. The round ones are on 3cm circular bases and the other one on a 5cm square.

13th January 2019 (36 points)
(and next pic)
Two resin bridges (the 28mm figure is for scale only)

13th January 2019 (54 points)
8 x space ships plus an asteroid (ruler for scale purposes) to be used as an Aerial army for Hordes of the Things.

20th January 2019 (108 points)
24 x 28mm Warlord FIW French fusiliers from the Régiment de Guyenne with three leaders (27 figs)

27th January 2019 (8 points)
A Colour Party (Warlord)

27th January 2019 (84 points)
(and next two pics)
A few 28mm Gripping Beast plastic Late Romans (including a few GBP Saxons with Roman shields) (12 figures in total).
There are also two scratch built walls (behind the command groups) measuring 15cm x 7.5cm (I made these for Frostgrave).

27th January 2019 (22 points)
A wagon from Warbases, pulled by two horses and accompanied by a chap
with a barrel (Perry).

3rd February 2019 (16 points)
(and next pic)
These are four 28mm figures from Bad Squiddo, representing Lucrezia Borgia and Caterina Sforza. There are two poses for both ladies. Lucrezia is the grey assassin and also in green. Caterina is wearing blue.

16th February 2019 (10 points)
British Rifle section (10 figures)

16th February 2019 (10 points)
2 x Vickers MMG teams (10 figures)

16th February 2019 (5 points)
2 x PIAT teams plus a senior leader (5 figures)

16th February 2019 (10 points)
German Heer section (10 figures)

16th February 2019 (6 points)
1 x tripod-mounted MG42 team plus a senior leader (6 figures)

24th February 2019 (36 points)
Here is the start of my latest big project, a late-15th century Condottieri band in Papal service.
All the figures are Perry plastic 28mm ones.
My first finished group is 6 men-at-arms on foot, with a commander, standard bearer and herald.

3rd March 2019 (48 points)
Here is more 28mm Perry plastic stuff for my Renaissance Condottieri project. These are 6 gendarmes on armoured horses.

15th March 2019 (48 points)
More Perry plastic 28mm Condottieri: these are six gendarmes on unarmoured horses.

15th March 2019 (48 points)
Bad Squiddo 28mm WW2 Soviet women soldiers: a 10-woman infantry squad, plus a lieutenant and a commissar

15th March 2019 (28 points)
Bad Squiddo 28mm WW2 Soviet women soldiers: a 7-woman scout team in camouflage

24th March 2019 (48 points)
Here are some more Perry Plastic 28mm figures for my Condottieri band. These are six mounted crossbowmen.

1st April 2019 (48 points)
Here are the last of my mounted troops for my Condottieri band. They are Perry Plastic 28mm figures, once again. 6 x mounted light lancers (i.e. sergeants or coustiliers)

13th April 2019 (116 points)
(and next four pics)
This week is a diversion away from my Condorrieri into the Peninsular War. I had to get these done in a rush for a big Sharp Practice event.
These are all Victrix 28mm plastic British centre company infantry.
They are representing the 61st Foot and are;
4 x Leaders
1 x Drummer
3 groups of 8 rank and file
Now, back to Renaissance Italy again.

25th April 2019 (16 points)
A couple of musicians and two standard bearers/leaders.

25th April 2019 (44 points)
As promised, back to Renaissance Italy with 11 Swiss pikemen - once again all Perry 28mm plastics.

5th May 2019 (24 points)
Armoured foot

5th May 2019 (12 points)
Armoured foot in livery

19th May 2019 (48 points)
Still working on the Condottieri. Once again, all Perry 28mm plastic figures.
Here is a group of 12 x Swiss Halberdiers, again in the colours of the
Canton of Uri.

2nd June 2019 (160 points)
(and next three pics)
These are all Gripping Beast plastic 28mm figures for my Late Roman army:
3 groups of 8 Comitatenses (i.e. regular legionary troops)
16 x Limitanei (i.e. border defence troops)
Total 40 figures

16th June 2019 (8 points)
These are all North Star 28mm Frostgrave female figures;
Apothecary and Thief

16th June 2019 (12 points)
These are all North Star 28mm Frostgrave female figures;
Barbarian, Knight and Templar

16th June 2019 (12 points)
These are all North Star 28mm Frostgrave female figures;
Markswoman, Tracker and War Hound
30th June 2019 (4 points)
A female Dwarf Champion by Bad Squiddo. She is a sample figure Annie sent me to paint up to publicise her Dwarves and Amazons Kickstarter.

30th June 2019 (4 points)
A 28mm female Spellcaster. Not sure about the manufacturer, but I picked her up from a bargain bin at a show a year or so ago.

30th June 2019 (24 points)
These are North Star plastic 28mm Snake Men, 6 Hearthguard with Heavy Weapons

30th June 2019 (32 points)
These are North Star plastic 28mm Snake Men, 8 Hunters

14th July 2019 (8 points)
A North Star Greater Daemon on a home-made rocky outcrop

14th July 2019 (8 points)
A North Star Ancient Guardian Daemon with a big sword, also around 4cm tall

14th July 2019 (8 points)
A "living icon" Obelisk from Fenris Games

14th July 2019 (8 points)
A North Star Hemata Snake Daemon, which is around 4cm tall

27th July 2019 (8 points)
A Papal standard bearer and associate for by Condottieri band

4th August 2019 (64 points)
(and next pic)
These are all 28mm North Star plastic figures. They are 16 Cultists for my Saga Age of Magic warband.

17th August 2019 (24 points)
2 battle mechs from Ground Zero Games, with alternative swords from the bits box (figure for scale only)

17th August 2019 (24 points)
6 battle droids from Alternative Armies (figure for scale only)

31st August 2019 (80 points)
(and next pic)
These are all 28mm scale resin treasure chests and treasures from Bad Squiddo, suitable for a dungeon near you.
There are;
12 treasure chests
8 piles of treasure

15th September 2019 (44 points)
(and next pic)
Last year I backed a Kickstarter launched by Antediluvian Miniatures for some 28mm Sci Fi figures and now, I have finally got round to painting them up, so I can start playtesting some sci fi skirmish rules I've been writing on and off for the last three years. There is a total of 11 figures.

28th September 2019 (40 points)
(and next three pics)
Here is my latest lot, more Sci Fi 28mm, they are 10 Bad Squiddo Ghosts of Gaia post-apolcalypse sci fi fighters.

10th October 2019 (36 points)
(and next three pics)
Here are the last of my 28mm sci fi figures for a while. These are all Copplestone Rogue Stars figures from North Star. There are 9 in total.

21st October 2019 (44 points)
(and next two pics)
I'm going a bit Gothic Horror this week. These are all 28mm scale resin scenic pieces by Wargames Terrain Workshop. There are 4 gargoyles, five gravestones and a figure of the Grim Reaper, who is 11cm tall.
I suppose that I really should have saved these for Hallowe'en.

8th November 2019 (4 points)
A 28mm Bad Squiddo figure of the legendary shieldmaiden Lagertha
8th November 2019 (24 points)
Three 28mm hard plastic Reaper Bones figures that I am using as Jötnar (i.e. giants). They are 6cm tall, so quite big chaps.
19th November 2019 (44 points)
These are Perry plastic 28mm figures for my Condottieri band. They represent Romagnol Pikemen. There are 12 figures in the photo, but the drummer was submitted previously, so only 11 are eligible.
1st December 2019 (52 points)
(and next two pics)
These are all Games Workshop plastic 28mm figures. They are the first GW figures I've bought in at least 20 years, and they are for my homebrew sci fi rules. The human troopers were festooned with spikes and pointy bits, most of which I cut off. You could have had somebody's eye out with that sort of malarkey!
There are:
2 x Beastmen
7 x Troopers
2 x Alien thingies
2 x Drones
14th December 2019 (16 points)
Four 28mm plastic figures made up from leftover parts from the North Star plastic Frostgrave Cultists box, which could be used as Reaver Wights.
14th December 2019 (16 points)
Four Foundry 28mm monks, which could be useful in lots of settings.
14th December 2019 (4 points)
A 28mm figure of unknown provenance, which could be a Hermit, Wizard or something else.
22nd December 2019 (16 points)
The mounted Condottiere himself, accompanied by his gonfaloniere with the Papal banner.

22nd December 2019 (24 points)
Perry 28mm plastics for my Condottieri band: 6 Swiss handgunners