6th January (12 points)
The new Moongrunt range from GZG. Twelve 15mm infantry.

17th January (4 points)
An inordinate amount of time spent for 4 points but I like how they've turned out: 4x15mm figures from White Dragon Miniatures.

28th January (6 points)
A downed mech

3rd February (16 points)
A few unusual 15mm SciFi models I got from Shapeways a while ago, by "The Lazy One".
I Love the grav bikes, they have a real space chopper feel to them. I'm not sure what the floating command pod thing is meant to be though!

12th February (6 points)
This is a Bogatyr MBT from Armies Army in 15mm.

1st March 2016 (15 points)
15 Xar from GZG in 15mm.

8th March 2016 (4 points)
15mm Robo Monkeys by The Ion Age.

19th March 2016 (4 points)
A unit of 15mm Talos hardsuits from White Dragon Miniatures this week.

23rd March 2016 (9 points)
Nine alien types from GZG and Critical Mass Games in 15mm.
21st April 2016 (6 points)
Six more Xar from GZG to report. The heavy weapons teams.
21st April 2016 (12 points)
My first three 28mm of the year. A wizard and a couple of Orcs from an old film from a few years back.
3rd May 2016 (108 points)
14 foot-long sections of walls for our recent Dragon Rampant game set in Moria.
24th May 2016 (30 points)
Five 15mm BTR160s from Armies Army: APC, heavy APC, engineer vehicle, MGS and mortar vehicle.
5th June 2016 (48 points)
A dozen 28mm dark age warriors by Gripping Beast.
21st June 2016 (108 points)
27 Sanwar from Ironclad Miniatures in 28mm.
21st June 2016 (12 points)
3 random fantasy figures. All 28mm.
26th July 2016 (24 points)
Two hills that fit together or can be used separately
31st July 2016 (50 points)
Just re-based 100 undead in 15mm.
I'd really rather not have to do that again, it's a thankless task!
18th September 2016 (108 points)
Huge scratch built Martian arena/cricket ground.
18th September 2016 (56 points)
2 Sanwar lizard riders
1 Sanwar rocket launcher plus crew
1 Mining machine/movable deployment zone
1 random zombie that needed to be painted.
6th November 2016 (24 points)
Two sci-fi VTOLs in 15mm
6th November 2016 (32 points)
Eight assorted 28mm fantasy and sci-fi minis.
7th December 2016 (8 points)
A pair of 28mm Ghosts of Gaia from Bad Squiddo Games
7th December 2016 (6 points)
A 15mm Nemesis light strike vehicle from ClearHorizon Miniatures.
19th December 2016 (18 points)
18 x 15mm chaps today. Mostly Brigade Models but there are a few GZG in there too.