2024: A Year in Review

Well that’s another twelve months gone by, which means it must be time for my annual review of all things wargames.


A spectacular year this year with 72 games played, more than any year since records began back in 1985. Every game was fully written up, which kept me very busy when I wasn’t gaming or painting.

The Timurids in Action at To The Smallest

Most of the games were competition games, as this year I made a real effort to play in as many To The Strongest tournaments as I could, which meant that 60 of the 72 tabeltop encounters were in the Ancients/Medieval category.

Playing through the Siege of Norchester scenario pack for For King & Parliament with friend Rob meant that the 17th century period came in next with nine games, with the 19th Century, WW2 and Sci-Fi games making up the rest.


I played in 10 events/tournaments this year, using my Ace-loving Venetians for all but one of them.

A real mixed bag of results, but I was very happy with the two first places:

Many thanks to all the organisers and my various opponents: all the games I had were played in the very best of spirits, with none of the unpleasantness I’ve sometimes seen at other events. I do remember laughing a lot when playing, always a good sign!

Luck is a funny old thing.

I know it’s easy to blame the cards (TTS is a playing card-driven system) but I think even the most uncharitable of my opponents would agree that the Aces do flow for me in competition, and it’s when they don’t I seem to do well i.e. it’s not that I get the good cards then, I just don’t get the bad ones!

That said, I think my two most memorable games involved a lot of luck going my way. Number one was snatching victory from the jaws of defeat against Matt and his Anglo-Normans at The Crusades at the Bunker in Weston-Super-Mere; and number two was the two Tens I drew to defeat Steve’s Yorkists atthe last moment at Peter’s To The Longest event.

But, as I said above, my thanks to all my opponents throughout the year. Just looking through the AARs has made me realise again how much I enjoyed all the competitions I enetered this year, and I would highly recommend the To The Strongest competition circuit to those who fancy a bit of “competitive gaming without numpties”.


Not a bad year for painting: no great shakes in terms of points in the Painting Challenge, but some significant projects finished.

The first part of the year was mostly taken up with finishing up all the units I needed for my main TTS tournament army, the Venetians. This included a favourite figure of mine: the chef heading up the city militia unit of Spearmen that I sometimes have to field:

Never complain about the food!

The middle part of the year was spent on a whole variety of projects: some Scots for the English Civil War period, some more Ottomans for the 17th Century, and an assortment of sci-fi figures from various manufacturers:

Finally, the latter part of the year was mostly spent on producing a new army: 15mm Hittites from the excellent STL sculpts by Red Copper Miniatures, which I had printed by Baueda in Italy.

These are very nice figures indeed: highly recommended to anyone wanting new chariot-era army.

Wargames Shows

One sacrifice I did have to make because of all the tournament gaming was to reduce the number of shows that I went to.

After last year’s cornucopia of events, all I managed this year was Roll Call, Britcon, Warfare, Colours and Salute, with the first three being because I was competition gaming there which obviously cut down on looking around.

Disappointingly, I also managed just one TFL Lard Day: Operation Market Larden X in Evesham, where I played a great game of I Ain’t Been Shot Mum and also managed to try out Sid’s When The Last Sword Is Drawn (Banzai Bonkers) samurai skirmish game, this last highly recommended. It seems extraordinary that this event has been happening for ten years now, and I have been to every one.

Looking back at the pictures from the shows that I have been to, I still saw some very inspirational games: a good reason to try and up the number I go to in 2025.


So all in all, 2024 proved to be a packed and very good wargaming year.

As always, a big thank you to all my gaming chums and opponents whose good natures and dedication to the hobby have made the last twelve months so much fun.

And to all those who have read Vis Lardica throughout the year: thanks for your visits, likes and comments throughout 2024, and I look forward to seeing you all throughout 2025 as well. Incidentally, we passed the 500,000 page view mark in March, and that’s with not being on Blogger either. If you do own a blog of your own and like this site, please add VL to your list of recommended/favourite links: it seems a shame for all this content not to have a wider audience!

Here’s to doing it all again next year!



Warfare 2024

My main reason for going to Warfare this year was for the To The Strongest Open competition held there, but there are plenty of other reasons for going as well.

It’s a great venue - Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre - easy to find and free parking all day. There are some great trade stands, a bustling Bring & Buy, and enough space for some really huge demonstration games.

Here are some pictures from the day. The first is the main competition area, the others are all of the superb demonstration games on show. Some lovely, inspiring work!

IABSM AAR: Normandy in Knoxville, Tennessee

Andy Cowell ran a Normandy game of I Ain’t Been Shot Mum at a couple of events recently.

The first run-through was at a Knoxville, Tennessee fundraiser for the American Red Cross to raise money for Hurricane Helene relief as part of the Knoxville Blood Bowl League (KNOBBL).

In the game, US Airborne troops are assaulting a small village amongst the Normandy hedgerows.

Andy then ran the game again as part of the East Tennessee Miniature Wargaming games day, also in Knoxville.

The game was scaled up a bit for a larger table: a full company of Airborne with a platoon of Shermans assaulting a village crossroads held by a Germany company with PaK 38s and an 8cm mortar battery.

IABSM at The Other Partisan

I didn’t get to The Other Partisan this year: real life getting in the way of wargaiming again!

A pity, as there look to have been many excellent games on display including those in the now usual Lard Zone.

Featured below are photographs from Michael Curtis from the I Ain’t Been Shot Mum Facebook Group of the superb 28mm Gold Beach, King Sector, 6th June 1944 game.

Colours 2024

Off to Newbury racecourse for the annual Colours show there. A great day out that started with an unlimited breakfast at the nearby Toby!

Parking is free and a short walk from the grandstand where the event takes place. The entrance fee for Colours is only £5, which makes it a real bargain compared to some of the other shows that I have been to recently.

Highlight of the show was seeing Simon Miller’s new War of the Spanish Succession version of To The Strongest/For King & Parliament in playtest:

These seem like a must-have once they are out, and will presumably give me an excuse to buy loads more little soldiers as I haven’t got any early 18C figures yet. Tricornes ahoy!

Bumped into loads of people I know and/or haven’t seen for some time: Colours is a very relaxed occasion, so very good for that sort of thing.

Wandering around, there were some very nice games on show. Plenty of big battles involving loads of figures (which I did photograph) and a selection of mini-games and boardgames (which I did not!).

Note that the last four pictures are of the same game.

The shopping opportunities were, as usual, very good. I picked up some much-needed basing material and could have a root around all the 28mm Ancients plastics as I attempt to choose next year’s competition army.

Colours is firmly on the list of shows to visit again next year: recommended.

F4freddie Terra Firma

Britcon is more than just a gigantic tournament, it’s a trade show as well and, by dint of planning it that way, all the To The Strongest players had time to have a wander around the various stands in between their games.

One trader that caught my eye was one I hadn’t seen before: F4freddie Terra Firma. I have no connection with them at all, I hasten to add (I don’t even game WW2 in 28mm!), but loved what they had on show: especially all the unique items they have to “dress” a tabletop.

What first caught my eye were the washing lines you can see top right in this picture:

Then there were the Anderson (air raid) shelters, ponds and pig styes etc that you can see below:

Then all the gardens and houses and huts…you get the picture:

Really nice, quirky pieces that would really make any battlefield come alive!

F4freddie have an Etsy shop that you can find here: etsy.com/uk/shop/F4freddieTerraFirma

As I said, I have no connection to them whatsoever, but do feel free to mention Vis Lardica if you buy anything from them!

Salute 51 (2024)

I almost didn’t go to Salute this year - last year’s dismal 50th anniversary show really put me off - but, in the end I decided to make the trek to Excel one more time…and was really glad that I did so.

Salute this year was a really buzzing event. When I arrived at around noon, the show was packed with people, and it stayed that way for much longer than last year. Then, by 2pm, the place was almost deserted: this year it didn’t start emptying out until at least three.

Yes the hall was still dark, and the floor unforgiving, but, as I said, the show had a real buzz to it: something that has been missing recently. As there weren’t as many other shows on at Excel (a shame not to have the usual dichotomy of the Marathon check in!) the catering was easy to access as well: no need to queue at all.

On top of that, there was so much more to see this year, with crowds of people actually playing games, practising their painting or basing, or even mdf building. I would say that the demonstration/participation games at this year’s show were some of the best I have seen, well worth the ticket price alone.

The Lard Zone was in full swing: the huge Stalingrad game in the pictures below was Chain of Command, and there was Strength and Honour on show as well. Funny to think that the Lardies, always traditionally thought of as disruptors, are now fully mainstream!

Also good to see the huge For King & Parliament game based on my Siege of Norchester scenario pack. The last two pictures in the gallery below show a little of it but can’t really properly demonstrate its scale. Well done to Simon for putting it on, and the game won a prize as well.

Another reason to go to Salute is, of course, the shopping, and there was the usual cornucopia of things on offer. Not too many bargains but lots of new ranges on show, particularly in the fantasy space. I only actually bought something from Essex (whose stand ressembled Mr Ben’s shop in its simplicity and throwback to a bygone age in amongst all the flashier outlets) but could have seriously spend the childrens’ inheritance had I been on a buying spree.

So welcome back, Salute, as one of the premium events of the year! Here are a few photos of some of the games:

Warfare 2023

I had a mixed day at Warfare last Saturday: the show was great, but I didn’t do very well in the To The Strongest competition I had entered and, as icing on the cherry on my cake, I got home to find that I had left my jacket on the back of the chair I’d been using for my last game!

But this post isn’t about that, nor about the competition games: they will follow individually in due course, once the Vis Lardica Ministry of Truth has had time to put a positive spin on an execrable performance! No, this post is about Warfare, the show.

And what a good show it is!

Now at the Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre, Warfare is only about an hour for me, and is a trip well worth making.

I got there nice and early! This is the competition area: it was big!

The venue has grown on me since my first visit last year. Free parking right next to the hall helps, and it didn’t seem as dark and gloomy as before.

I, as I said, was there for a competition, along with 420 other people, which immediately gave the show an extremely busy and bustling feel. It was also great to walk about amongst the other games’ tables and see what was what. Some impressive armies and terrain on show, and there was plenty of room as well: some other competitions I have been to are too cramped to make spectating even possible let alone enjoyable.

There were also plenty of traders and a significant Bring & Buy. I didn’t actually purchase anything, having spent all my money on a new “real life” Roman baggage train (see post later in the week) but could have done so had an imminent tax bill from last year not been weighing on my mind, but there were plenty of products to put on the list for the future.

I won’t be buying either of these (well, not soon!) but thought they were rather fun:

Finally, there were a large number of excellent demonstration games that I made sure to find time to look at during the competition lunch break. I didn’t really have time to note down who had done what, but here’s a quick gallery of some of the one’s that I saw:

So Warfare is recommended for a visit next year, even if you aren’t competing.

Oh, and if you do go, and you see my jacket, pick it up for me will you…

Colours 2023

Yesterday was the annual trip to Newbury Racecourse for the Colours wargames show.

I must confess that I almost didn’t go: my memories of previous Colours were of a very packed, very hot, and very sweaty show…and the weather forecast was for the day to be the hottest day of the year so far.

Well, it did prove to be the hottest day of the year so far, but when I arrived at about 10.30am, the venue was actually pleasantly cool: all the doors on all the floors were open and there was actually a breeze blowing through the stand. It did get a bit more crowded and a bit hotter during the day, but well done to the organisers for making sure that despite the blazing sunshine, I shall remember this year’s show as one of the coolest on record.

That and the free parking and low entrance fee (£5), and the fact that one of the catering points was actually a Costa (or at least had Costa coffee), made me very glad that I had made the effort to attend, and I shall certainly diarise next year’s show as soon as I can.

I wasn’t shopping for anything in particular this year, but there were the usual plethora of tempting trade stands, and I did actually end up buying some very nice “clumps” to use on my big element bases.

Magister Militum were conspicuous by their absence (being in the process of being sold) and as I wandered past where they usually were, I remembered that I bought something from them at their first show ever. Can’t remember what it was, but I’ve been a regular customer since, and they have always given excellent service. Let’s hope the enterprise goes to an equally good new home.

I thought that the display games were better than usual this year (there’s a gallery of some of them below) and I even played in one of them: the soon-to-be-published mini-skirmish game set in the Edo period of Japan currently known as Bonzai Bonkers or, perhaps more properly, To The Last Sword or similar. Incidentally, Sid, if you’re reading this, my 16-year old thinks the latter is too generic and that Bonzai Bonkers is the way to go! Kids, eh?

The game is excellent fun whilst, as with all Lardy games, really engendering the feel of the period/theme it’s designed to replicate: here, all the jidaigeki/chambara films that I love. The rules are very easy to pick up (my opponent, Gary, and I were working out our own combats etc within ten minutes) but involve a suitably fiendish amount of decision-making.

In this scenario, my band of four ronin and two retainers (I’m sure that means we were missing one!) were out to reclaim a legendary blade from the evil wrongdoers who had killed our daimyo and stolen the sword in the first place.

As with all good films games, it all came down to one last fight, where the hero Juko, supported by his retainer Mushin, was up against the Boss of the opposition: a far better fighter and dressed in armour. Juko fought bravely but was cut down and all looked lost, but Mushin hurled himself forward and, throwing caution to the wind (no parrying dice for Mushin!), finished the Boss off with a lunging thrust: my clan had avenged the insult, reclaimed the sword, won the battle and won more honour as well. My thanks to Sid and Gary for an excellent game.

So a very good Colours indeed, and my commiserations to anyone who decided not to go because of the heat: it was, as they say, a good’un.

The Lardzone at Britcon

Another good reason for going to Britcon was to see the Lardzone in action: a whole hall devoted to games from the TwoFatLardies.

It was no disappointment. Below you will find a gallery of the tables set up for the day, demonstrating the incredible displays on show.

In fact, the only table I didn’t get a picture of was the late war Burma game of Chain of Command run by Rich himself: it was still being set up when I had the chance to visit. So I have borrowed one from the Battle Bunker HQ’s post about Britcon, along with the shot of the enormous Chain of Command table, also a Pacific game, and the Sharp Practice ACW clash.

Attack! in Devises (and some musings!)

Last weekend I went to the Attack! show in Devises for the first time.

A lovely drive through the Wiltshire countryside almost made the trip worthwhile on its own and, after a little confusion as to where the actual carpark was (Attack! takes place at a school, and you have to snake your way through almost the entire campus to get to the area where you can park your car), I duly arrived and headed into the show.

Attack! is an old school (pun intended) show where rather than being in a single, purpose built exhibition hall, the various venues are scattered across the school campus: main hall, gym one, gym two etc. I rather liked this: it was quite fun exploring, but I was glad it wasn’t raining!

There was a good selection of traders, and I managed to pick up all those odds and ends you need but don’t want to pay postage on, a fair selection of demonstration games, and a large bring and buy. Part of the bring and buy was the sale of a truly massive collection of 28mm mixed historical and fantasy figures that apparently came from a recent house clearance: there were twelve dragons as part of it, which shows you how big it actually was.

Painted Figures for Sale

One thing that was noticeable was the amount of painted figures on sale throughout the show i.e. both on the trade stands and on the B&B.

Even five years ago, painted figures for sale were a comparative rarity, now they are all over the place…and I can’t decide whether this is because:

  • we are all more time-poor these days, so buy painted figures instead of taking the time to paint things ourselves

  • are of the instant gratification generation i.e. want to play now rather than spend the time building an army

  • are more butterfly in our wargaming habits: moving from period to period, scale to scale, and funding the change with the sale of figures from our last, now abandoned project

  • wargames from the start of the ‘golden age of wargaming’ are now all dying from old age and their collections are being disposed of

I am certainly guilty of the first two, but then don’t sell any figures, so my collection just keeps on growing!

The Circle of Life…

That said, I have been selling off a few wargaming bits and pieces that I found in Mother’s attic when helping her clear it out. These I had deposited some thirty years ago, and included any non-15mm kit that I had, including a cardboard box full of nearly-all-unpainted, still-in-the-packets 28mm Celts from Garrison.

I duly popped them up the ‘net, and friend Steve said he’d take them off my hands…but it was only when I came to give them to him that we realised that he had actually sold them to me over thirty years before when he was Garrison in that little shop in Twyford. Proof of the pudding: my name was written on the box in his handwriting!

Partisan Show

I hadn’t been to the Partisan show in Newark in years, mainly because at about two and a half hours away it’s really just on the outside of how far I want to drive for a single day’s show. Indeed, the last time I went I was actually breaking a journey to Scotland, staying over in Newark in one of those happy coincidences that happen occasionally.

Anyhoo, to Partisan and Newark I went this year, and jolly pleased I was to have gone. The show was excellent: much better, even, then poor, tired, gloomy, old Salute. Firstly, the hall was light: you could actually see the demo games without the need for extra lighting. Secondly, there was a real buzz about the show, a certain je ne sais quoi that has been missing from the other shows I’ve been to this year. Finally the demo games were amazingly good, as you’ll see from the pictures below.

I could quibble about the catering or the slightly limited number of trade stands…but they would only be quibbles. Highly recommended, and I shall be diarising another visit next year.

Campaign in Milton Keynes

No, not my attempt to invade the most famous new town of them all but a visit to the annual Campaign wargames show held, would you believe it, in Milton Keynes.

Milton Keynes is only about an hour from me. I’ve actually been there before: once on a geography field trip when I was at school, and once for business about eight years ago.

Campaign is an unusual show in that it takes place in the middle of the MK Central shopping centre. Yes, right in the middle of a mall. As such, besides the usual wargaming folk, you have large numbers of members of the public exposed to our hobby…which is a good thing.

MK Central is the mall to end all malls: it is truly enormous with every chain you can think of in there. The show itself is small: it’s a handful of trade stands, a double fistful of demonstration games and, mostly, a venue for a variety of Ancients competitions.

I think the idea of the show is terrific: our hobby needs a constant supply of new blood to keep it fresh, so exposure from Campaign has got to be a good thing and I applaud the organisers for their efforts.

Here are some pictures from some of the competition games:

Salute 2023

It’s April, so it must be time for the annual pilgrimage to Excel and Salute.

This year, rather than drive, I thought I’d try taking the new Elizabeth line. Going by train would previously have involved a change at Paddington onto the tube, another change at Aldgate onto the DLR and, all in all, be a right pain…but now I got on a train at Maidenhead and got off at Custom House only about an hour later. Extraordinary! And the return trip cost me less than it does to park at Excel all day, so money saved too.

Anyhow, on to the show: the hall in Excel was its usual gloomy self; no real queue to get in; pretty packed in the morning but emptied out after lunch. The best bit of the show, obviously was the Lard Zone, with some spectacular-looking demo games of What A Cowboy; IABSM; Chain of Command; Strength & Honour; and General d’Armee.

There were some great looking non-Lard demo games elsewhere as well, some of which I’ve photographed below. Forgive the variable quality: I was having camera troubles, so some are from my camera and some are from my mobile phone.

I wasn’t shopping for very much, so only bought a few odds and ends, but one thing that did strike me was how little there was on offer for a 15mm gamer such as myself. Essex were there, Forged in Battle were there, Battlefront/FoW “we now only do late war” kit was everywhere, but apart from those three, I don’t think there were any other 15mm manufacturers present. Certainly nothing spectacular and new to spend my money on, and I was ready, willing and able!

So a bit disappointing really, especially as this was supposed to be the 50th Anniversary Salute. Worth going, but very run of the mill :(

Overlord 2023/Valour & Fortitude

I went to Abingdon Wargames Club’s Overlord 2023 show at the weekend. This was the first one back after lockdown and COVID, and a very pleasant little show it is too.

Whilst it’s not the biggest show in the world, it had all the important elements needed: demo games, trade stands, car-parking, reasonable food and drink, and only a £4 entrance fee.

I didn’t buy anything, for a change, I’m still painting Normans and working on the lead mountain, but I did get to play in a very nice 6mm game of Valour & Fortitude: the fast-play, skeleton Napoleonic/19th Century rules from the Perry twins.

It’s quite a brutal game, in the same style as the Neil Thomas rules I have been using for the post-Napoleonic 19th Century period, in that battalia take a few hits then go shaken then are removed from the table, all of which can happen in one round of melee…but it was a fun encounter where myself and a chap who’s name I didn’t catch, as the French, successfully defended a river/bridge against large numbers of Prussians.

My thanks to Si, Mark and John for running the scenario, and to my opponent and fellow player for making it an enjoyable game. As I said, above, the French hung on, just, for long enough to win…but it was the very narrowest of narrow victories!

If you can get to Abingdon without too much trouble, put Overlord into your diaries for next year: definitely worth going to.

Warfare 2022

Just back from Warfare 2022: a show I have been to many times before but whose home, this year, was the Farnborough Exhibition Centre.

So what did I think?

Well, it was £10 to get in: hardly a bank-breaker, but more expensive than any other show I have attended this year.

A ‘Nam game that looked like a recreation of the famous scene from Apocalypse Now

The venue itself was half exhibition centre and half aircraft hanger. I found it a bit dark in the hanger: but I imagine it’s set up that way because they anticipate that participants in whatever’s on show will bring their own lighting. Catering was okay (bring back Ascot as a venue!): the queues looked much, much worse than they actually were; and prices were fine.

German engineers make their way to Luxembourg

There were a decent number of traders, but not as many as I would have expected to see, and they were all crammed into two areas with very narrow aisles between stands. It was quite claustrophobic even though we were effectively in an aircraft hanger! It left little room for browsing, so it was really a question of only going for what you needed.

Vive la France!

Besides the bring and buy, which was the usual sweaty melee, there did seem to be much more painted figures, presumably second hand, for sale. Apparently this has been the topic of some discussion on various fora recently: how the first of the gamers who enjoy the “golden age of wargaming” are dying off, leaving behind them hundreds or even thousands of beautifully painted figures available at comparatively bargain prices. I may have come away with a complete, lovely, fully-painted Burgundian Ordnance army for To The Strongest for considerably less than it would have cost me to buy the lead and get my figure painter to paint it but, if my better half is reading this, that would definitely be a scurrilous rumour with no basis in fact. Honest.

Some kind of attack on an Italian aerodrome!

There were a lot of exhibition games, and of an incredibly high quality. I have dotted this post with examples: they were very inspirational and, as usual, surrounded by people happy to talk about the battle, the game, the rules, the figures etc.

A bit blurry, but another spectacular WW2 game

The largest part of the show, however, were the competition games…and there seemed more than ever of them. It was good to walk around, weaving your way through the labyrinth of tables, looking at all the beautiful figures on display. It was amusing to see the difference between the look of the tables and the different rule sets used…but I will refrain from any bad-mouthing of rules other than those that I play.

So all in all, worth going to, but I won’t go again tomorrow: it’s an hour’s journey for me either way and it wasn’t that good. I will go next year, provided it is on and not too far away: the exhibition games alone, if they repeat this year’s quality, would be worth it.


Yesterday, Milton Hundred Wargames Club demoed a game of Charlie Don’t Surf at SELWG.

They had a load of interest, plenty of people stopping and asking after the rules…who later went over to the TFL stand! A big shout out to Full Metal Miniatures for printing the sampans as a test. They’ll be on his web store soon!

Here are some pictures of the game, posted onto the CDS Facebook Group by Steve Thomas.

Colours 2022

A good visit to the Colours show yesterday. Very crowded in the morning, but had largely emptied out by the time I left at two-ish.

A big fantasy game from the show. They obviously knew the way in!

Interesting journey there: I’ve been many times before, so went my usual route, only to find that that entrance to the racecourse was closed, with no way through to the correct entrance just the other side of a traffic barrier. It was really a case of so near, yet so far! I then spent the next twenty minutes driving around the nearby industrial estate trying to find my way in…and all the time I could see the racecourse, and the stand where the show was held, but just couldn’t work out how to get there! Eventually ended up looping onto the end of a convoy of obvious wargamers following someone who did actually know the way in, but that’s still twenty minutes of my life I’m not getting back LOL.

My irritation immediately disappeared, however, when I remembered that there was no entrance fee this year, so one could just swan in and out as required. Jolly good show already!

Colours followed its usual format. The ground floor (the betting hall) was packed full of traders, and ws the usual scrum to get through. Slight need for more deodorant from some people as well, particularly in one corner away from the doors, but that could just be my still-unusual, post-COVID sense of smell kicking in. I bought some bases and tufts, but nothing major: just the things you get irritated having to pay postage and packing for.

I did fail to immediately buy a giant crab for £14 from Disain Studios only to find that they had sold out when I eventually decided that I had to have it, so I remain crab-less. I have no need of a giant crab, I hasten to add, nor any expectation of needing one anytime soon, but it was calling its siren song to me, so I will probably end up getting one at another show. Or I could go to their website to get the link for this post…no, must resist…at least until I see it in the flesh (the shell? the resin?) again!

I couldn’t find the crab on their website (am I destined never to get crabs?!) so here’s a shot of a large ancients game from the show

Next floor up was combination of demo games, trade stands and places to eat and drink. Catering was the usual snacks and sandwiches (can we go back to Ascot again please: the food there was lovely!) and this was the floor where the Lardies had set up shop with games of Chain of Command and Strength & Honour.

The CoC set up was part of the legendary TFL Arnhem triptych some of which I had seen at Operation Market Larden, and looked even better than before. Can’t wait to see all three in place in the near future.

Then onto the top floor: demo games and the Bring & Buy. This latter didn’t have anything I wanted, but at least had a sizeable frontage that meant not too much barging around to see what was what.

Roundway Down

Lovely For King & Parliament demo game was up here as well: featuring the Roundway Down scenario. Also good to finally meet Simon and Andrew face to face.

So that was Colours for another year. As I said, a good show, and loads of people to say hello to and chat to.

A Day at the Races: Warfare 2021

This weekend just gone, I visited the Warfare show at its new if exceedingly temporary home at Ascot Racecourse (next year it will be somewhere in Farnborough - Ascot proving too expensive for a repeat).

Those of you who have been to Warfare in previous years will know of its historical presence at the Rivermead Leisure Centre in Reading: a place often characterised by terrible parking, worse catering, but two large halls (and a few smaller rooms) packed full of gaming goodness that made it an unmissable event.

So how was the Racecourse.

Pretty good actually, if you ask me.

There were a few problems: the parking, although free, was very badly signposted when I arrived around midday. Apparently the original car park had filled up more quickly than anticipated, and there wasn’t any decent signage for the overflow. But it was, when I eventually found it, plentiful and free, which is good.

As for the atmosphere, I thought it was excellent. The main body of the show was on the ground floor of the main grandstand: a space that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. Imagine Salute squeezed into a 10m wide corridor and you have an idea of what I mean. This gave the show an intimate, labyrinth like quality, where display games and trade stands seemingly appeared out of nowhere in a way that I can only describe as being akin to the back of Mr Ben’s favourite tailors! In a similar vein, and for our younger viewers, I half expected to step into Narnia at any moment!

It reminded me a bit of the town hall in Kensington that used to be the venue for Salute, but schroffed up and brand new. I liked it.

Amazing 54mm battle between the Romans and Carthaginians

The ancillary elements, the Bring & Buy, the competition games, were on the second and fourth floors: again, plenty of room and very pleasant surroundings. I don’t competition game any more (brings out the worst in me!) but I enjoy wandering around looking at all the armies on show, admiring the look and feel of the rule sets I like, scoffing at the ones I don’t! The venue made this easy to do and a most enjoyable trek.

So, all in all, an excellent show in an excellent venue. Even better, the catering was up to the standards you would expect from Ascot Racecourse, and not too pricey either. Three excellent coffees and a cake cost me only £11.50 (and the cake was delicious: fresh etc); my lunch was a burger that actually tasted of cow and not of a poor unfortunate who broke a leg at the last!

Well done to the Wargames Association of Reading, and I’m already looking forward to next year’s show.