28th January 2023 (171 points)
(and next four pics)
Eighty-one rebased 28mm medieval figures and a large bombard, a mixture of Perry, Foundry, Irregular, and the old Grenadier range by Mark Copplestone .
All figures have had the old basing material removed, which was a real pain, especially when I was foolish enough to use Milliput back in the 80's! New bases have been created, chipped and worn paintwork retouched, flags repainted and highlighted and an army painter ink wash and highlights added where needed.

11th February 2023 (48 points)
12 x 28mm Native American Indians for my AWI collection (Perry Miniatures)

11th February 2023 (12 points)
A small piece of terrain from scrap cork bark and an old cd (I never did like Coldplay!)

11th February 2023 (32 points)
Three 28mm mounted Wars of the Roses command (Perry Miniatures) and a couple of stray longbowmen (make unknown) found in the back of a drawer.

11th February 2023 (44 points)
11 x 28mm Wars of the Roses longbowmen and billmen with a trumpeter. All Perry Miniatures plastics, with a few conversions.

11th February 2023 (52 points)
13 more Wars of the Roses longbowmen and billmen. Perry Miniatures again, with some conversions.

4th March 2023 (16 points)
4 28mm late mediaeval Italian handgunners

4th March 2023 (48 points)
6 28mm late mediaeval Italian command
6 28mm Wars of the Roses bills and bows

4th March 2023 (24 points)
6 late mediaeval pikemen

4th March 2023 (32 points)
8 28mm late mediaeval Italian handgunners

4th March 2023 (12 points)
15mm rocky outcrop. M are from more old CD's and cork bark. (15mm ACW figures used to show size)

4th March 2023 (48 points)
6 28mm Italian mounted knights

4th March 2023 (48 points)
6 28mm late mediaeval mounted crossbowmen

24th March 2023 (56 points)
14 X 28mm Perry Miniatures Italian medieval infantry

24th March 2023 (32 points)
8 X 28mm Perry Miniatures Italian medieval crossbowmen

24th March 2023 (48 points)
6 x 28mm Perry Miniatures medieval Italian 'light' cavalry

24th March 2023 (36 points)
2 X 28mm medieval light cannon
4 X 28mm medieval gunners
(Both ex Grenadier Miniatures, now sold by Forlorn Hope Games)

5th April 2023 (48 points)
3 newly painted Italian mounted men at arms with 3 mounted Italian men at arms who have been recruited from my Wars of the Roses army (i.e. moved one shelf to the left in the IKEA display cabinet!) and have had horse armour retro fitted.

5th April 2023 (96 points)
(and next pic)
Next 12 marching Wars of the Roses billmen with 12 matching longbowmen (two photos just to be confusing, 6 bills and 6 bow in each picture). All picked up at the Hammerhead Show at Newark.

5th April 2023 (48 points)
Another 6 mounted Italian mounted men at arms with a nice stripey flag.

5th April 2023 (24 points)
Another Hammerhead Show purchase - six standard bearers with flags from Pete's flags on eBay

5th April 2023 (32 points)
Eight Wars of the Roses infantry. I used four different plastic sets, two manufacturers and some conversions too!

5th April 2023 (40 points)
9 longbowmen plus a standard bearer.

23rd April 2023 (164 points)
(and next two pics)
41 x 28mm Wars of the Roses/Hundred Years War infantry. All Perry Miniatures plastic figures.

23rd April 2023 (48 points)
6 x 28mm Late mediaeval Italian mounted crossbowmen. Perry Miniatures plastics again. The rocks on the bases are limestone chippings supplied by my god-daughter - an apprentice stonemason!

23rd April 2023 (240 points)
20 pieces of 15mm ACW fences. Although I've got thousands of ACW 15mm figures I hadn't got any fences to decorate their battlefields until now! (15mm Essex Miniatures figures to show scale.)

6th May 2023 (72 points)
(and next three pics)
24 X 15mm lengths of hedgerow (Peter Pig 15mm AWI Hessians for scale)

6th May 2023 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Two 15mm hills

6th May 2023 (48 points)
(and next three pics)
4 X A5 size wheat fields. Two are shown with 28mm figures (AWI Jaegers and Games Workshop archers) and two with 15mm figures (ACW infantry) The plan is that at a pinch they'll do for either size figures on my table.

6th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X Italian heavy infantry with shields

6th May 2023 (68 points)
(and next two pics)
17 x assorted infantry for the Wars of the Roses or Hundred Years War

6th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X Hundred Years War crossbowmen.

6th May 2023 (4 points)
1 X 28mm Richard III model. This chap was this year's special miniature from the Hammerhead show at Newark.

25th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X 28mm Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War men at arms

25th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses billmen

25th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X 28mm Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses longbowmen

25th May 2023 (20 points)
5 x 28mm Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War French infantry, built mainly with parts from my bits box.

25th May 2023 (48 points)
12 X 28mm Oathmark goblin infantry

10th June 2023 (32 points)
8 x 28mm Oathmark orcs

10th June 2023 (40 points)
10 X 28mm Frost grave fighters. Purchased from a bring and buy stall these were unbased and painted in brown. They've now had bases, shield patterns and more colours added and have found a new home via eBay.

10th June 2023 (24 points)
6 X Hundred Years War infantry (Perry Miniatures)

10th June 2023 (104 points)
(and next three pics)
25 X Hundred Years War longbowmen (aka Citadel Bretonnian archers!) Purchased unpainted from a bring and buy they're now filling out units in my medieval collection.

And a bishop! This is a Grenadier miniatures figure I was given years ago by a friend, now finally painted after nearly 30 years on the lead pile.

10th June 2023 (12 points)
Another 15mm CD-ROM based hill.

10th June 2023 (24 points)
24 X Napoleonic Spanish infantry

19th July 2023 (48 points)
12 x AWI British Grenadiers in 28mm

19th July 2023 (24 points)
6 x AWI Hessian Infantry in 28mm

19th July 2023 (24 points)
6 x AWI Native Americans in 28mm

19th July 2023 (12 points)
Homemade hill

19th July 2023 (12 points)
Homemade hill

19th July 2023 (12 points)
Homemade hill

19th July 2023 (48 points)
6 x AWI British Light Dragoons in 28mm

19th July 2023 (12 points)
12 x Medieval Archers from Perry in 28mm

11th August 2023 (48 points)
12 x bowmen

11th August 2023 (48 points)
6 x stradiot light cavalry to finally finish my Italian medieval stuff.

11th August 2023 (48points)
12 x billmen including plenty of conversions (easy to do with plastic and very addictive too!)

11th August 2023 (16 points)
4 x 28mm hedgerow pieces. Each one measures about 21cm long by 2.5cm tall.

11th August 2023 (24 points)
6 x labourers

11th August 2023 (18 points)
Cart with a horse and driver

11th August 2023 (18 points)
Cart with a horse and driver

2nd September 2023 (136 points)
(and next two pics)
34 Wars of the Roses longbowmen. (Perry Miniatures)

2nd September 2023 (180 points)
(and next four pics)
45 Wars of the Roses billmen, men at arms and some standard bearers. A mixture of Perry Miniatures and Folorn Hope Miniatures (ex-Grenadier Models) Flags are by Pete's Flags from Ebay.

2nd September 2023 (40 points)
A foray into Fantasy figures with 10 orcs

2nd September 2023 (64 points)
16 Frostgrave fighters.

2nd September 2023 (36 points)
8 pieces of home-built fencing. The 28mm AWI skirmishers are to show the relative size.

25th September 2023 (40 points)
5 x 28mm Norman cavalry by Conquest Miniatures

25th September 2023 (40 points)
5 x 28mm Norman cavalry by Conquest Miniatures

25th September 2023 (12 points)
15mm: French 6lb cannon with 4 crew and a 4-horse limber and two riders. A mix of Xan and AB I think (they've been in the lead pile for so long I've forgotten!)

25th September 2023 (72 points)
(and next pic)
Three infantry 15mm battalions. Each 24 figures strong One French (Xan figures I think) and two Spanish (Blue Moon figures).

25th September 2023 (24 points)
A 12 figure regiment of Spanish irregular cavalry. AB figures.

25th September 2023 (36 points)
(and next two pics)
Three wheat fields, shown with 15mm figures

25th September 2023 (36 points)
A big hill shown on my rather grimy work desk with 28mm Perry Miniatures for scale.

7th October 2023 (24 points)
18mm Napoleonics (AB miniatures, Blue Moon and Xan mainly. I can't remember which are which!)
1 x 24 Spanish infantry in blue uniform and shako

7th October 2023 (24 points)
18mm Napoleonics (AB miniatures, Blue Moon and Xan mainly. I can't remember which are which!)
1 x 24 Spanish infantry in top hat

7th October 2023 (24 points)
18mm Napoleonics (AB miniatures, Blue Moon and Xan mainly. I can't remember which are which!)
1 x 24 French infantry

7th October 2023 (12 points)
1 x Spanish 6lb cannon with 5 crew, limber, driver and 2 oxen. (The limber is Prussian, I think. I've run out of French ones, so I'm assuming this is one captured from Napoleon's German allies in one of Spain's rare victories!)

7th October 2023 (10 points)
10 Spanish skirmishers

7th October 2023 (45 points)
(and next three pics)
90 rebased skirmishers/guerrillas. (All my skirmishers are being rebased on to 25mm round bases from the more traditional rectangular bases.)

7th October 2023 (60 points)
(and next five pics)
6 x 15mm circular rough ground markers

7th October 2023 (72 points)
28mm hedges

7th October 2023 (72 points)
(and next pic)
28mm hills

7th October 2023 (72 points)
(and next pic)
2 x 28mm 'half hills' to go against a baseboard edge

7th October 2023 (36 points)
1 x 28mm very large hill

27th October 2023 (36 points)
1 set of 5 28mm bocage hedges (Brettonian bowmen for size)

27th October 2023 (24 points)
6 x 28mm WW2 Germans

27th October 2023 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Napoleonic French light infantry (Xan Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (48 points)
12 x 28mm Norman infantry (Conquest Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (16 points)
16 x 15mm Napoleonic French light infantry skirmishers (AB Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (48 points)
A set of 12 15mm hedges, including a t-junction

27th October 2023 (12 points)
12 x 15mm dismounted Napoleonic dragoons (AB Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (12 points)
1 x 15mm WW2 German blockhouse, an mdf Warbases model

27th October 2023 (14 points)
14 x 15mm Napoleonic Spanish skirmishers (AB Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (36 points)
1 set of 6 small 28mm rough ground markers

27th October 2023 (36 points)
28mm hill, from insulation spray foam (28mm figs to show size)

27th October 2023 (36 points)
28mm hill, from insulation spray foam (28mm figs to show size)

15th November 2023 (48 points)
6 x AWI American light dragoons (Peery Miniatures metals)

15th November 2023 (48 points)
12 x AWI British line (Perry Miniatures plastics)

15th November 2023 (216 points)
(and next two pics)
6 x hills. 1 large, 1medium half hill, and 3 small. Figures are 28mm to show size.

15th November 2023 (36 points)
1 x 28mm stone circle. (3d printed, maker unknown)

15th November 2023 (56 points)
(and next pic)
14 x 28mm late medieval men at arms (Perry Miniatures plastics)

2nd December 2023 (24 points)
6 British AWI line

2nd December 2023 (24 points)
Some medieval clerical types to bring spiritual guidance to my late medieval armies. All Perry Miniatures.
1 mounted cardinal; 1 mounted priest; 1 cardinal on foot; 1 priest on foot.

2nd December 2023 (12 points)
2 x 15mm ACW wagons each 4 horses and a driver by Peter Pig.

2nd December 2023 (24 points)
6 Hessian musketeers

2nd December 2023 (48 points)
12 American continentals

2nd December 2023 (48 points)
12 American continentals

2nd December 2023 (24 points)
24 x 18mm AB miniatures Napoleonic Spanish infantry.

25th December 2023 (24 points)
1 x artillery battery. Two cannon, 8 gunners, 2 limbers, 8 horses, 4 riders (AB Miniatures)

25th December 2023 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
1 x 24 figure French light infantry. (Xan figures)
2 x 24 figure French line infantry (AB Miniatures)

25th December 2023 (48 points)
(and next four pics)
Four small 15mm size hills, adorned with some 15mm medieval figures for scale.

25th December 2023 (24 points)
1 x 12 French dragoons (AB Miniatures). Led here by a spare general because the standard bearer got lost!