8th January 2019 (60 points)
I found 4 oxen and some chaps pushing and pulling bought long ago for a siege tower. That never happened so I raided the bits box to make two wagons, one of which has got into trouble. Good scenario objective! Also 6 swivel guns for pirate games also assembled from the bits box. All 28mm stuff.

20th January 2019 (18 points)
An onager with four crew, 25mm Hinchliffe.

20th January 2019 (36 points)
The final dregs of the painting drawer. Mayan priest, Viking companion, two knights, baggage camel, camel warrior and two dugout. Knights 25mm, others 28mm

24th February 2019 (40 points)
New project for 2019. Saracens. 5 x 28mm Gripping Beast figures.

15th March 2019 (32 points)
More Saracens. Armoured Turkish horse archers. 4x28mm Gripping Beast figures

24th March 2019 (32 points)
Saracen infantry. 8 x 28mm Gripping Beast figures

5th May 2019 (32 points)
Some more Saracens. Turkic archers. 8 x 28mm Gripping Beast figs.

5th May 2019 (36 points)
Pygmies! And a freebieRoman legionary who came with them for some reason. 9x 28mm Foundry figures

19th May 2019 (32 points)
Moorish Black Guard. 8 x 28mm Gripping Beast figures

19th May 2019 (44 points)
Saladin, champion of Islam, and some rocky terrain markers. 28mm Gripping Beast figure, rocky terrain from Javis

2nd June 2019 (32 points)
Baluchi sharpshooter. 8 x 28mm Foundry figures

16th June 2019 (32 points)
Zulu War Highland infantry. 8 x 28mm Foundry figures

30th June 2019 (36 points)
A hovel and some barrels. 28mm scale

14th July 2019 (48 points)
RAF reinforcements for Blood Red Skies. 6 Hurricanes and 2 Spitfires. 1:200 models from Warlord

27th July 2019 (42 points)
Luftwaffe reinforcements for Blood Red Skies. 6 x Me110 and one Me109. 1:200 planes from Warlord

27th January 2019 (16 points)
Four Later Romans

31st August 2019 (72 points)
Napoleonic French Lancers of the Guard. 9 x 28mm Foundry figures

9th September 2019 (48 points)
Saracen archers. 12 x 28mm figures from Artizan design

28th September 2019 (72 points)
Moorish cavalry. 9 x 28mm figures from Artizan designs

19th November 2019 (60 points)
Zulu War British. 15 x 28mm Perry figures

1st December 2019 (32 points)
Knights Hospitaller. 4x 28mm Gripping Beast figures. The last of the Crusades stuff…

31st December 2019 (24 points)
Two Brigs for Black Seas. 1:700 Warlord models