11th January (42 points)
I painted one DBA Welsh army, so a total of 34 foot, 3 mounted and one
Napoleonic mounted officer, all 15mmm. (I am aware of the historical
anachronism, but I discovered I needed another officer for a game today,
so I based him up along with the Welsh!).
17th February (12 points)
A Dark Ages hut in 15mm painted after having it kicking around for - quite literally
- at least a decade and a half. Embarrassing really.
17th February (32 points)
A 15mm 32 figure French Napoleonic legere battalion
8th March (34 points)
A platoon of 15mm late war German Fallschirmjaeger: 34 figures
8th March (24 points)
I added some support to the Luftwaffe's finest ground troops. An extra squad, an iconic 75mm recoilless gun, a pair of Forward Artillery observers, another panzerschreck team (since in CoC i'm handing my opponent a LOT of support points, so I fear I'll be seeing a lot of armour), a tripod mounted LMG, a few extra riflemen for use as gun crew markers and last but not least a single Heer medic,
since I had the "feldgrau" paintpot open anyway. All 15mm.
27th April (18 points)
I've painted an entire city! Mind you, it is admittedly in 2mm scale (for use with 6mm Blucher armies and/or 6mm aerial "Bag the Hun" games) but still. An entire city! Which of course is the excuse for a lot of the photo being out of focus...sorry.
27th April (24 points)
A 15mm four stand battery of Napoleon's Daughters - 12
pounder guns from Warmodelling, crew from Campaign Game.
27th April (12 points)
A Puma and SdKfz 135/1 150mm in 15mm from Gaming Models
27th April (12 points)
A Czech 38t and SdKfz 251/22 75mm in 15mm from Gaming Models
26th May (18 points)
French armour. To wit, one each Char B1, Somua S35 and Renault R35.
26th May (24 points)
A couple of French guns (47mm and a 25mm, the latter not particularly
dangerous to anything with armour better than damp cardboard) and a pair
of Hotchkiss MMG.
26th May (18 points)
Three Chatellerault LMG teams surrounded by a field of dead.
26th May (47 points)
The star of the show - the infantry platoon, plus a bunch of extra
commanders, grenade launcher and riflemen to make up another squad, or
to add to the guns and other support as crew.
26th May (11 points)
An eagle eyed FO team, another LMG team and a couple of 60mm mortar

30th July (81 points)
(and next pic)
A small update, in all senses of the word. A friend of mine was generous enough to give me a 6mm GHQ Modern West Germany Combat Command box set, in an attempt to shrink his lead mountain and increase mine. But I outwitted his cunning plan by painting them all up in a couple of weeks. (He responded by painting his matching Soviet box, so looks like 1985 West Germany is going to see some hypothetical action next week)!
All told, 24 infantry painted and 23 vehicles. All 6mm, as previously mentioned.
This photo shows the primary might of the Federal German Republic Bundeswehr - four Leopard 2A4, plus six Marders and infantry.

Second photo shows the various supports - three Luchs recon armoured cars, three Jaguar 2 tank destroyers, three Fuchs transport vehicles, 2 Iltis jeeps and finally some M106 mortar fire support.