15th February (216 points)
All 6mm.
14 M1 tanks, 5 M2 scouts, 6 veritech mechs, 4 destroids, 14 Zentradi mechs
15th February (348 points)
58 X 6mm buildings
15th February (48 points)
48 X 15mm Polish Infantry

27th April (64 points)
Austrian IR 57 J Colloredo 64X Inf in 15mm

27th April (64 points)
Austrian O'Reilly Cheveleger 32X Cav in 15mm

2nd May (96 points)
Bavarian Infantry 1st BN of 1st,8th, 11th, 13th RGTs= 96X15mm

2nd May (64 points)
Bavarian Cav 3rd Chevau-leger=32X 15mm

2nd May (56 points)
Saxon Infantry Kurfurst, 1st Grenader BN = 56X15mm

12th May (72 points)
1st 2nd 3rd Nassau 72X15mm

12th May (64 points)
AUS IR 7Schroder 64X15mm

17th May (24 points)
Austrians: 1st Jaeger BN 24 X 15mm

17th May (9 points)
Austrians: 3 Command stands 9X 15mm

17th May (36 points)
Austrians: 2 Artillery batterys: 6 guns, 18 crew in 15mm
26th May (144 points)
Twelve 15mm houses
26th May (144 points)
Twelve 15mm houses
26th May (144 points)
Twelve 15mm houses
26th May (2 points)
French general 1X15mm
26th May (24 points)
French Engineers wInfantry support 24X15mm
26th May (24 points)
French converged Grenadiers 24X15mm
26th May (72 points)
French 105th Ligne 72 X15mm
26th May (48 points)
French 26 legere 48 X15mm
26th May (64 points)
Austrian IR 10 Khuel 64X15mm
12th July (48 points)
15mm: two Bavarian batterys: eight guns, twenty-four crew
12th July (32 points)
15mm: Frankfort Cavalry Regiment: 16 horse
12th July (51 points)
15mm Frankfort Infantry Regiment: 51 foot
12th July (102 points)
15mm Wurzburg Infantry Regiment: 51 foot
16th July (83 points)
83X 15mm Felids
16th July (48 points)
15mm 4x pirate cutters
16th July (12 points)
15mm Pirate sloop
16th July (48 points)
15mm ships boats-4
16th July (24 points)
Wurtzburg artillery battery 12X crew 4X guns 15mm

30th July (70 points)
Austrians IR 15 Alton + 2 command stands 70X15mm

30th July (14 points)
Naval Cannon 14X15mm
22nd August (42 points)
Saxon Horse and foot battery. 15mm 17 crew 7 guns
22nd August (36 points)
Pirate crew 36X15mm
22nd August (9 points)
More ships guns 9X15mm
22nd August (60 points)
Many ships boats 10X15mm. More or less. 15mm fits in them so I am going with that!
22nd August (24 points)
French Foot 12lb battery 15mm 4 guns 13 crew
22nd August (7 points)
Chairs, tables and a big pile of gold.
22nd August (14 points)
Officers, Officials and Ladies 14X15mm

5th September (25 points)
25X 15mm more officers and ladies

5th September (30 points)
30X 15mm more naval guns

5th September (31 points)
31X 15mm more crew