5th January (16 points)
Italian LMG Team (4 figures)
11 January (40 points)
A 28mm Italian Rifle section with 10 riflemen for North Africa
14th January (40 points)
More Italians: platoon commanders, LMG teams, FOO team (10 figures)
28th January (36 points)
Two CV33 Italian tankettes in 28mm
23rd February (32 points)
Late War German rifle team (8 figures) in 28mm
23rd February (32 points)
North Africa Italian Bersaglieri LMG team (4 figures) in 28mm

18th April (40 points)
After a long spell, I have now 10 new Italians (4 man LMG team and 6 rifles )
20th April (20 points)
A HMG (3) and a light mortar (2) teams to reinforce my Italian Bersaglieri in 28mm
31st May (20 points)
A couple of support pieces for my Italian Desert Army: a Solothurm AT Rifle team and a 45mm Elefantino AT gun in 28mm
8th June (60 points)
My first German forces in North Africa (28mm): a Motorised infantry squad with junior leader (12 figures); and a Platoon NCO and artillery FOO (3 figures)

21st June (18 points)
An Italian M13/40 tank

6th September (140 points)
Two sections of the Spanish Republican Army, with officer, sergeant, flag and LMG team, all 28mm: this totals 35 models

6th September (30 points)
Republican 45mm Russian-supplied ATG with 3 crew
21st September (52 points)
Further reinforcements for my SCW Republican Army: Mortar squad with two sections and a junior leader (7); Commissar (1); Officer (1); Two LMG teams (4). Total: 13 models
4th October (44 points)
DAK Grenadier section with NCO
4th October (20 points)
DAK Light mortar team (2), ATR team (2) and NCO (1)
6th October (18 points)
A desert-painted German Stug III (28mm)
21st October (12 points)
Maxim HMG for the SCW in 28mm
21st October (12 points)
Heavy Mortar for the SCW in 28mm
21st October (8 points)
Hotchkiss MMG for the SCW in 28mm