3rd January 2019 (36 points)
Church, Small Barn and Village Accessory Pack in 15mm from TimeCast
8th January 2019 (36 points)
Six 15mm Ancient British huts from Forged in Battle’s Empire range.
8th January 2019 (14 points)
Escorts for the Sassanid elephants.
20th January 2019 (36 points)
Greek village/town set from Forged in Battle’s Empire range.
3rd February 2019 (12 points)
Hauk Mortar Teams: 15mm sci-fi from Khurasan
3rd February 2019 (22 points)
More Hauk: six machine gun teams, two snipers and two Big Men. 15mm sci-fi from Khurasan.
15th March 2019 (36 points)
Unit of Sassanid Persian levy foot
16th March 2019 (24 points)
Enormous Russian church in 15mm from Total Battle Miniatures
23rd March 2019 (12 points)
Another Russian church!
This one by Mark IV Miniatures.
23rd March 2019 (12 points)
A well.
4th April 2019 (30 points)
Five Steyr heavy cars in 15mm from Plastic Soldier Company
4th April 2019 (24 points)
Four Jagdpanzer IV in 15mm from Battlefront
6th April 2019 (12 points)
Stilted bamboo house from miniwarfare.com
6th April 2019 (12 points)
Large bamboo house from miniwarfare.com
6th April 2019 (12 points)
Small bamboo house from miniwarfare.com
13th April 2019 (12 points)
Brick house (MDF from MiniWarfare)
13th January 2019 (30 points)
Five KV-85 tanks (15mm Battlefront)
13th April 2019 (24 points)
Four SU-57 lend-lease M3 SP Guns. 15mm Battlefront.
23rd April 2019 (60 points)
Ten Type 89 Chi Ro medium tanks.
15mm Battlefront.
27th May 2019 (18 points)
Thirty-six Celtic types painted by John but based by me (so half points)
2nd June 2019 (624 points)
(and next 11 pics)
Huge industrial complex made out of laser cut mdf from Troll Trader.
16 base boards
24 labyrinth units
2 cylinder tanks and a top platform
1 powerplant
3 small platform bits
1 large platform
1 landing pad
2 staircases
2 corridor sections
1 set of spare ladders, barrels etc
7th June 2019 (24 points)
Four M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyers: two with muzzle brake, two without.
15th June 2019 (36 points)
15cm Nebelwerfer Battery.
Battlefront 15mm plastics.
30th June 2019 (24 points)
Battery of four German WW2 10.5cm Howitzers.
Plastics from Battlefront.
7th July 2019 (21 points)
Praesentia Phase-Shifters and RAL Phase-Shifter Infantry. 15mm sci-fi from Critical Mass (now Ral Partha).
7th July 2019 (27 points)
Praesentia Enlightened and RAL Infantry.
15mm sci-fi from Critical Mass (now Ral Partha).
7th July 2019 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Sumerian Spearmen.
15mm Ancients from Museum Miniatures’ Z Range
15th June 2019 (24 points)
Front two rows of the first Sumerian spear unit finished. Photo shows whole unit. 15mm figures from Museum Miniatures.
15th July 2019 (18 points)
Three Sentinel drones for the Praesentia. 15mm sci-fi from Critical Mass Games originally, now Ral Partha.
15th July 2019 (54 points)
Two more platoons of RAL infantry and their Enlightened commanders.
15mm sci-fi from Critical Mass Games originally, now Ral Partha.
27th July 2019 (18 points)
Three Praesentia Sentinel drones
27th July 2019 (18 points)
Three Praesentia Sentinel drones
27th July 2019 (18 points)
Three Praesentia Guardian drones
2nd August 2019 (48 points)
Second spearman block for the Sumerians.
15mm Museum Miniatures figures painted with GW Contrast paints.

14th September 2019 (48 points)
15mm Sumerian spear block. Museum Miniatures
28th September 2019 (18 points)
Unit of Sumerian City Guard axemen. Museum Miniatures 15mm.
28th September 2019 (14 points)
Two units of Sumerian Levy slingers. Museum Miniatures 15mm.
12th October 2019 (48 points)
Another unit of Sumerian City Spearmen (Museum Miniatures in 15mm)
3rd November 2019 (18 points)
18 Sumerian City or Bodyguard Archers. 15mm Museum Miniatures.
3rd November 2019 (12 points)
Two Sumerian “Straddle Carts”. 15mm Museum Miniatures.
3rd November 2019 (36 points)
Six Sumerian “Battle Carts”. 15mm Museum Miniatures.
8th November 2019 (6 points)
Adler Kfz13 in 15mm (via Shapeways)
8th November 2019 (6 points)
Adler Kfz 14 in 15mm (via Shapeways)

16th November 2019 (18 points)
Three command chariots for the Sumerians.
15mm Museum Miniatures painted with Citadel Contrast Paints
19th November 2019 (12 points)
Four literally ancient Celtic chariots bought for £1 each at Warfare. Touched up, rebased, and heavily varnished to hopefully kill a little bit of lead rot!
24th November 2019 (18 points)
Three Praesentia Hyperion drones. 15mm sci-fi from what was Critical Mass games but is now Ral Partha.
1st December 2019 (48 points)
The fifth Sumerian spearblock.
15mm figures by Museum, painted with Contrast paints.
1st December 2019 (18 points)
Six markers to be used as Heroes or spare General for my Sumerians. All Museum Miniatures in 15mm: hero, scribe and parasol holder.

8th December 2019 (18 points)
Gallic warband painted by John Sharman, so basing only.
15mm Forged in Battle figures.

8th December 2019 (27 points)
(and next pic)
English Civil War Regiment based for For King & Parliament.
15mm Peter Pig figures painted with Contast paints.

14th December 2019 (18 points)
Three Praesentia Hyperion drones (with Soviet musicians to show scale.
15mm sci-fi from what was Critical Mass Games but now available from Ral Partha.
14th December 2019 (28 points)
Two units of Sumerian skirmishing archers.
15mm figures from Museum Miniatures.

20th December 2019 (27 points)
(and next pic)
Another Regiment for the English Civil War.
15mm Peter Pig

25th December 2019 (27 points)
(and next pic)
Another ECW standard battalion of eight pikes, sixteen musketeers and three command figures.

27th December 2019 (22 points)
(and next pic)
A unit of “Swedish Horse” for my ECW armies.
Peter Pig 15mm.
27th December 2019 (18 points)
A unit of Akkadian City Axemen
15mm Museum Miniatures

27th December 2019 (10 points)
(and next pic)
ECW Forlorn Hope
15mm Peter Pig

27th December 2019 (10 points)
(and next pic)
ECW Forlorn Hope
15mm Peter Pig

28th December 2019 (27 points)
Nine “Sons of the Scorpion”.
15mm figures from Splintered Light

29th December 2019 (22 points)
Another unit of “Swedish Horse” for my ECW armies.
11 x 15mm cavalry figures from Peter Pig

29th December 2019 (8 points)
Two Brute Beserker Onslaught figures from Nuclear Shrimp Games.
Two 28mm figures (although it’s a 15mm setting: these are mutants)