11th January (83 points)
(and following)
A division of four brigades, artillery and the division commander for my 6mm ACW Union army. That's 163 6mm foot figures, an artillery piece and one mounted fellow.
25th January (32 points)
(and following image)
A group of mercenary skirmishers and some odds an ends to fill the ranks for our Dux Brit Vikings conversion.
25th January (36 points)
A 28mm Dark Age building for Dux Brit, obviously.
25th January (20 points)
A 6mm Confederate infantry brigade for TCHAE.
17th February (56 points)
Here's one large and two small ACW Confederate infantry brigades for TCHAE.
That's 112 6mm foot.
8th March (18 points)
6mm ACW: two Confederate batteries with limbers and horse teams
8th March (23 points)
6mm ACW: a Union infantry brigade with a section of artillery
8th March (18 points)
6mm ACW: a Confederate infantry brigade with two mounted officers
28th March (54 points)
15 inches of 6mm snake fence and 30 inches stone/rail fence, painted and flocked.
28th March (6 points)
One 6mm house.

6th April (57 points)
A Union commander and a flagbearer, a Confederate infantry brigade (or a regiment for tomorrow's game!) and six pieces of woods, each approximately three inches in diameter. That's 2 mounted and 40 foot plus the scenery. It goes without saying, they're 6mm.

6th April (24 points)
Some homemade roads made of acrylic caulk, painted brown and drybrushed in an appropriate dirt colour (it was awfully dull doing the drybrushing by the way). There's 116 inches of the road.

2nd May (40 points)
Here's two Union infantry brigades. That is 80 6mm foot.

12th may (21 points)
(and next pic)
Here's an infantry regiment (the IR 2 Erzherzog Carl, to be precise) and a heavy field artillery piece for my Seven Years War Austrian army. That's nineteen 15mm foot and one gun.
6th August (12 points)
A 15mm ruined building
6th August (6 points)
15mm Jagdpanther
6th August (9 points)
15mm Austrian SYW field gun with crew
6th August (16 points)
15mm unit of Austrian SYW dragoons
6th August (8 points)
A 15mm unit of Austrian SYW Grenzer infantry
6th August (16 points)
Four 28mm Finnish Civil War (FCW?) Red Guards

24th October (4 points)
Two 15mm SYW general officers, a Prussian and an Austrian.

24th October (12 points)
Two 15mm SYW Prussian guns with 3 crew each.

24th October (16 points)
A 15mm SYW regiment of Austrian fusiliers, 16 miniatures.