11th January (96 points)
A unit of 25mm Napoleonic French infantry, 22 foot and 1 mounted.
11th January (64 points)
A 15mm French 1940 platoon for Chain of Command, 64 figures.

19th January (96 points)
More 28mm Napoleonic French. 22 foot and 1 mounted
19th January (48 points)
A unit of 25mm Westphalian Infantry, 1 mounted and 22 foot.
Just based these (half points).
19th January (92 points)
Another unit of Westphalian Infantry, 23 foot. I painted and
based these.
19th January (54 points)
A unit of Westphalian Guards, 27 foot. Just based again (half points)
25th January (8 points)
I'm back again with some monsters this time. The police figure is just
for scale, not to be counted. They are all from the Shadows of
Brimstone game.
A Goliath
Three Night Terrors
Six Stranglers
Twelve Tentacles
Twelve Void Spiders
25th January (24 points)
Three Night Terrors
25th January (24 points)
Six Stranglers
25th January (48 points)
Twelve Tentacles
25th January (48 points)
Twelve Void Spiders
31st January (96 points)
24 Bavarian Infantry in 28mm painted and based

31st January (36 points)
A 15mm Hotel complex, 3 buildings constructed and touched up
31st January (48 points)
24 Wurttemberg Infantry in 28mm, based only (half points)

9th February (30 points)
5 painted 15mm AFVs for ANZACs in Vietnam

9th February (12 points)
2 painted 15mm tanks for the PAVN in Vietnam

9th February (40 points)
20 based 25mm Austrian Infantry

9th February (96 points)
24 painted and based 25mm Highland Infantry

9th February (48 points)
24 based 25mm Tirallieurs Grenadiers of the Young Guard

17th February (96 points)
24 painted and based 25mm Austrian(Hungarian) infantry

17th February (56 points)
28 rebased 25mm Bavarian Infantry (half points)

17th February (48 points)
12 painted and based 25mm ECW Pikemen

17th February (16 points)
4 painted and based 25mm Shadows of Brimstone Heroes

28th February (64 points)
32 rebased (half points) 28mm Old Guard Grenadiers.

28th February (100 points)
A collection of monsters, zombies and heroes for Shadows of Brimstone.
3 Slashers, 6 Hellbats, 12 "Hungry Dead" and 4 heroes.

8th March (36 points)
Six 28mm cowboy casualties and 3 riderless horses from Dead Man's Hand.

8th March (36 points)
A massive Harbinger model from Shadows of Brimstone

16th March (304 points)
28mm Russian WW2 platoon, 46 figures.

21st March (212 points)
53 WW2 28mm US Infantry, Black Tree figures.

21st March (40 points)
10 VBCW 28mm Militia, formerly Musketeer Miniatures.

25th April (18 points)
A trio of 15mm BEF tanks

25th April (588 points)
A total of 98 Mighty Empires tiles, each is 60mm across and all but 12
are double sided.

25th April (40 points)
Ten 28mm RMLI figures, painted up for VBCW or IHMN

25th April (160 points)
Forty Warlord 28mm WW2 Russian infantry

12th May (38 points)
A 15mm dug-in British platoon, 38 half figures in foxhole ready to
defend the line. Skytrex figures and foxholes.

12th May (41 points)
A 15mm dug-in French platoon, 41 half figures ready to stop the Blitzkrieg (hopefully). Skytrex Germans with Peter Pig French heads added.

12th May (128 points)
A Warlord 28mm WW2 German platoon, 32 figures ready to invade
Russia/Greece/anywhere really.

12th May (36 points)
A 4ground 15mm terrace, based up with back gardens and an allotment.

12th May (36 points)
Another 4ground terrace, different buildings, gardens and no allotment.

31st May (72 points)
(and next three pics)
A 15mm street, made up of 4Ground buildings. I have included a picture of the street front and separate pictures of each base's back gardens.

31st May (12 points)
4Ground 15mm Semi-Detached with larger gardens.

31st May (24 points)
A 15mm farm using Landmark buildings and a scratch built pigpen.

31st May (128 points)
A 28mm German early war platoon of 32 Warlord figures.

31st May (144 points)
A 2nd 28mm German platoon, late war Grenadiers with a HMG in support. Thirty-six figures.

20th June (37 points)
15mm: Early/Mid War German Panzergrenadier Platoon - 37 figures

20th June (60 points)
15mm: ten SdKfz 250's from Plastic Soldier Company, to carry the
Panzergrenadiers into Russia.

20th June (30 points)
15mm: four Panzer 38t's and a single Sdkfz 222 from Zvezda

20th June (12 points)
Another 4ground 15mm Semi with gardens

20th June (6 points)
A 15mm Landmark school with playground (just basing, not repainted)

20th June (70 points)
15mm: nine assorted French vehicles and sixteen figures

15th August (120 points)
Another German 28mm WW2 platoon, 30 figures.

15th August (58 points)
A German Pioneer squad and Sdkfz 251, 10 figures and 1 vehicle.

15th August (264 points)
A British platoon for Fighting Season, 33 Airfix 1/48th figures

15th August (104 points)
Two 1/48th Airfix Landrovers, 2 vehicles and 4 figures

15th August (72 points)
A 1/48th Airfix Lynx AH7 (over 200 parts and 100 decals!!!)

12th September (64 points)
Sixteen 28mm Mongrel Miniatures insurgents

12th September (18 points)
Warbases 28mm MDF Mark I tank

12th September (64 points)
15mm Russian Platoon 1941 (64 figures)

12th September (64 points)
15mm Russian Support (5 tanks, 4 guns, 34 figures)

12th September (12 points)
15mm Factory from Sarissa Precision

5th October (60 points)
28mm Zombicide zombies, 15 figures

5th October (48 points)
28mm Zombicide Survivors, 12 figures

5th October (6 points)
15mm German Tiger from PSC

5th October (24 points)
15mm Russian 3 BT-5s and a KV-2 from Zvezda

24th October (128 points)
32 Warlord 25mm WW2 Germans

17th November (176 points)
Forty four 25mm WW2 DAK (Perry Miniatures plastics)

17th November (144 points)
Another thirty six 25mm WW2 DAK (Perrys again)
17th November (40 points)
Ten 28mm Dark Ages warriors (Gripping Beast plastic figures)
16th December (20 points)
Five GW 28mm Warhammer figures
16th December (4 points)
A GW Ogre from the 80's
16th December (4 points)
Pegasus, again from GW
16th December (4 points)
GW Unicorn
16th December (24 points)
Eight Mongrel Minis Simbas from their Congo range
16th December (48 points)
Twelve "Mercenaries", Mongrel Minis again
16th December (4 points)
Thrud the Barbarian
16th December (4 points)
Bloodbowl Troll
16th December (4 points)
GW Minotaur
16th December (16 points)
Four old GW Dwarves
16th December (18 points)
28mm Roman ballista with 2 crew
16th December (4 points)
Old GW Chaos Snakeman
16th December (40 points)
Ten Foundry Roman-British "Shieldwall" figures
16th December (40 points)
Ten other Foundry Romano-British figures