6th January (96 points)
Twelve 28mm Calpe Miniatures Prussian Hussars
Close Up

12th January (28 points)
Seven "not Robin Hood" figures
26th January (32 points)
Eight 28mm peasants
26th January (28 points)
Seven 28mm clergymen
1st February (12 points)
Three 28mm heroes for "A Very British Civil War"

15th February (76 points)
Nineteen 28mm FIW Marines from Redoubt

15th February (20 points)
Three Foundry Gorgons and two statues, 28mm.

15th February (24 points)
Two giant snakes (Black Tree Design) and four snake swarms, 28mm.

15th February (4 points)
The Pegasus
18th March (40 points)
Ten 28mm colonial British from Ironclad
15th April (96 points)
Another twelve 28mm Napoleonic Prussian Dragoons from Foundry
29th April (116 points)
Perry Miniatures 28mm Napoleonic Prussian artillery: two guns with eight crew; two limbers, eight horses with four crew.
29th April (96 points)
28mm Prussian Napoleonic Kuirassiers: twelve mounted chaps.

9th May (96 points)
Twenty-four 28mm Perry Prussians

9th May (72 points)
Eighteen 28mm Front Rank War of the Roses Archers

9th May (72 points)
Eighteen 28mm Front Rank War of the Roses Archers
13th May (96 points)
Another twenty-four 28mm Perry Prussians
17th May (72 points)
Two Grand Manner buildings in 28mm
24th May (48 points)
Twelve 28mm WW2 Black Tree Brits with Brens and 2" mortars
14th June (12 points)
15mm Ground Zero Games Mantis Gunship

3rd July (18 points)
Three 15mm Warthog armoured cars from Antenociti's Workshop

19th July (24 points)
Four Crooked Dice cops and two dogs, 28mm
4th August (96 points)
192 rebased second hand 15mm infantry (various manufacturers) not my painting (half points)
4th August (96 points)
Eight guns and eight limbers (48 crew): 15mm Peter Pig painted by me.
4th August (38 points)
Twenty-four foot command and seven mounted. All 15mm Peter Pig again painted by me.

4th August (20 points)
Hasslefree "not" Scooby and friends, 28mm
4th August (32 points)
Four gladiators for Jugula. These are the Gripping Beast 35mm ones.

23rd August (34 points)
A Sassanid Elephant from Gripping Beast, 28mm

23rd August (192 points)
Twenty-four Fireforge Crusaders, 28mm

23rd August (32 points)
Eight Crooked Dice character figures, 28mm

23rd August (68 points)
Seventeen pirates from Foundry, 28mm

23rd August (24 points)
Last of the Mohicans character set: six figures from Redoubt, 28mm

23rd August (36 points)
Nine French/Indian Wars civilian figures, 28mm

23rd August (136 points)
Thirty-four US sailors from Tiger Miniatures, 28mm

25th August (84 points)
Twenty-one Gripping Beast plastic Vikings, 28mm
30th August (20 points)
5-man Vickers team, 28mm
30th August (16 points)
Four men moving and deployed 2" mortar, 28mm
30th August (144 points)
Thirty-two infantry and four PIAT men, 28mm
30th August (12 points)
Medic and sniper team: three figures in 28mm
30th August (40 points)
Spare support section of ten men, 28mm

30th August (32 points)
Eight engineers, 28mm

30th August (16 points)
Four spares, 28mm
21st September (304 points)
Thirty-eight Black Tree knights, 28mm
Close Up
21st September (12 points)
Three Crooked Dice heroes, 28mm
21st September (24 points)
Six Wars of the Roses Big Men (Perry & Front Rank), 28mm
21st September (4 points)
A prisoner in the stocks from Black Tree, 28mm
28th September (80 points)
Twenty Very British Civil War Forest of Dean Freeminers, 28mm
28th September (36 points)
Ironclad Armoured tractor and trailer for the Freeminers, 28mm
4th October (72 points)
18 Front Rank Wars of the Roses Infantry
4th October (96 points)
Black Tree Normans: 8 crossbowmen and 16 spearmen
4th October (48 points)
6 Fireforge Knights for a Lion Rampant force
4th October (76 points)
19 Foundry Vikings
10th November (96 points)
12 Fireforge cavalry in 28mm
10th November (60 points)
15 Foundry Vikings in 28mm
10th November (504 points)
72 infantry and 90 cavalry rebased onto singles from Impetus ready for some Lion Rampant fun and frolics this week.
24th November (52 points)
Thirteen 28mm Perry crusades casualties for battered markers in Lion Rampant
24th November (48 points)
Six 28mm Perry Poor Knights
24th November (48 points)
Twelve 28mm Crusader Crossbowmen (Perry Miniatures) painted and based.
24th November (16 points)
Four 28mm Black Tree command
24th November (120 points)
Thirty Black Tree Spearmen
24th November (64 points)
Sixteen 28mm Foot Knights
5th December (48 points)
Painted and based - 12 Perry knights (half here)
5th December (48 points)
Painted and based - 12 Perry knights (other half)
5th December (48 points)
Rebased 12 archers and 12 halberdiers (Perry)
5th December (48 points)
Rebased 24 archers (Front Rank)
5th December (48 points)
Rebased 12 crossbows and 12 archers (Perry)
20th December (16 points)

28th March (128 points)
32 Front Rank 28mm WOTR infantry.