21st January 2017 (32 points)
A group of 8 British Napoleonic for SP2 peninsular war
4th February 2017 (32 points)
Next batch of 28mm British Naps: another 8
18th February 2017 (18 points)
A 28mm Humber IV for Chain of Command
18th February 2017 (36 points)
The Hurlingstone villa from Warbases:
4th March 2017 (52 points)
Thirteen vikings in 28mm

18th March 2017 (40 points)
The remaining ten 28mm Gripping Beast Vikings. Glad to see the back of these as I’ve had them for some years!

18th March 2017 (18 points)
a small scenery item - the 28mm Water Cart for Sharp Practice from Warbases.
26th April 2017 (16 points)
A group of four pulp figures: three from Artisan Designs and a mercenary leader from a Kickstarter.
26th April 2017 (16 points)
28mm figures for pulp / modern type gaming: four Hasslefree figures - wonderful sculpts and great to paint.
26th April 2017 (104 points)
Seven 15mm Modern Soviet mechanised infantry. These are a test batch from the Team Yankee Battlefront miniatures. More to follow on these!

14th May 2017 (6 points)
Six 15mm modern British infantry (3 x MILAN teams)

14th May 2017 (6 points)
One 15mm BTR-80

14th May 2017 (20 points)
Five 28mm figures: 3 7TV Timeshift security (i.e. Captain Scarlet), 2 x Modern Mercenary types
24th May 2017 (5 points)
15mm Modern British Infantry: the HQ team
24th May 2017 (8 points)
15mm Modern British Infantry: 1st Section
24th May 2017 (8 points)
15mm Modern British Infantry: 2nd Section
24th May 2017 (8 points)
15mm Modern British Infantry: 3rd Section
24th May 2017 (6 points)
15mm Modern British Infantry: three FOO teams
3rd December 2017 (36 points)
Nine Stormtroopers from the 28mm Imperial Assault range.
3rd December 2017 (36 points)
3 imperial officers, 3 prove droids and 3 rebel infantry: 28mm figures from the Imperial Assault range.