5th January (45 points)
Platoon of early WW2 Germans (45 15mm figures in all)

14th January (36 points)
Finishing off a platoon of WW2 French (36 15mm figures in all)

22nd January (6 points)
Wire cutting teams for 1940 French (6 15mm figures)

22nd January (11 points)
Assorted British for use as dismounted troops for my carrier platoon (22 10mm figures)

22nd January (37.5 points)
10mm Vietcong from Pendraken Miniatures: two platoons and a few odds and sods, RPGs, and leaders (75 figures)

7th February (57 points)
114 10mm ACW Union infantry from Pendraken

15th February (14 points)
Nine 10mm ACW cavalry command stands and an artillery piece

18th March (31.5 points)
Sixty-three 10mm infantry. Mostly command stands for use with Altar of Freedom.

26th April (36 points)
28mm scenery for CoC : 2 x minefields, 4 x barbed wire sections, 20 x wood templates (counts as one building)

25th May (48 points)
Four 15mm Normandy buildings

25th May (12 points)
15mm Walls! (counts as one building)

1st June (24 points)
15mm scenery: 4 x Entrenchments, 5 x barricades, 18 wall sections(counts as two buildings)

15th June (80 points)
28mm Animals: 6 x Highland cattle, 6 x sheep, 5 x pigs, 7 x chickens (counts as ten cavalry!)

28th June (108 points)
Nine 15mm buildings

19th July (120 points)
Scratch-built 15mm ruins: one large, five medium, four small (each counted as a building)

30th August (96 points)
Scratchbuilt 38 feet of walls for use with 15mm figures (counts as eight buildings)

30th August (174 points)
A week off work sees me finishing off a Scotti starter force for Dux and doing some bits and bobs for the Romano-British and Picts: one Chariot with two crew; eight Cavalry; twenty-one Infantry, all in 28mm

21st September (252 points)
A dark age village (five buildings) and a watchtower and stockade (another two buildings) all in 28mm

21st September (32 points)
Four Romano-British cavalry in 28mm

6th October (180 points)
A Gŵr y Gogledd starter force for Dux Britanniarum: forty-five 28mm figures.

13th October (72 points)
Nine 28mm Cavalry for my Gŵr y Gogledd force for Dux Britanniarum

21st October (32 points)

5th December (150 points)
This week re-basing. 110 stands of 8th Army in 6mm. Getting ready for Operation Compass.
Awarded 150 points as an approximate re-basing value.

8th December (30 points)
60 x 15mm British Paras re-based (half points)

More Paras

15th December (24 points)
More 15mm British Airborne for me this week - 25 rebased and 12 painted.

15th December (36 points)
A ruined house for 28mm finished off.

28th December (62.5 points)
A week off work and lots of rebasing 125 x 15mm figures in total.

28th December (21 points)
Two 15mm AA guns with nine crew members.

31st December (35 points)
A 15mm Normandy Church and 23 15mm WWII British. 8 x Paras and 15 x normal.