9th January 2018 (32 points)
Pirates with boarding piles. 8 x 28mm Foundry figures

29th January 2018 (32 points)
More pirates (8x28mm Foundry figures)

10th February 2018 (36 points)
More pirates. 9 x 28mm Foundry figures

8th March 2018 (36 points)
The last of the pirates. 28mm figures. 8 x Foundry and one Ral Partha chap.

2nd April 2018 (100 points)
Some early 18th century types.
25 x 25mm Minifigs Malburians

22nd April 2018 (48 points)
Assyrian heavy infantry: 12 x 28mm Foundry figures

11th May 2018 (28 points)
Assyrian heavy infantry. 7 x 28mm Foundry figures

20th June 2018 (96 points)
Assyrian Guard Cavalry: 12 x 28mm Foundry figures

27th June 2018 (36 points)
Assyrian auxiliaries. 8 x 28mm Foundry figures and one old Garrìson chap.

24th July 2018 (36 points)
Very early panzer grenadiers! Assyrian Kallapani (cart-mounted infantry). Two carts, two drivers, four mules, ten infantry. 28mm Foundry figures.

4th August 2018 (96 points)
4 Testudos. Resin, maker unknown, roughly 20mm scale. Received as a freebie with some figures years ago and discovered as I reach the bottom of the unpainted lead drawer.

24th August 2018 (64 points)
Assyrian cavalry. 8 x 28mm Foundry figures

21st September 2018 (18 points)
Assyrian chariot. 28mm Foundry figures. 4 horses, 4 men, 1 chariot

11th October 2018 (18 points)
The final Assyrian chariot. 28mm Foundry figures.

11th October 2018 (72 points)
Assyrian archers. 18 x 25mm Lamming figures

29th October 2018 (60 points)
The last of the Assyrians. 15 x 25mm Ĺamming figures

21st November 2018 (72 points)
Planes for Blood Red Skies. 6 Spitfires, 6 Me109s. 1/200 scale models from Warlord games.

2nd December 2018 (44 points)
Stuff from the bottom of the unpaintèd lead drawer. Assorted ancient figures from Foundry, warlord, Essex and a Salute freebie.

23rd December 2018 (36 points)
More dregs from the unpainted drawer. Four Salute freebies, three Irregular casualties and an Essex crossbowman. Seven foot, one mounted, all in 28mm. I know George is on foot but he has a horse which the Dragon is trying to eat!

29th December 2018 (16 points)
Two pike and shot types and an ACW commander. All Salute freebies.