27th January 2019 (70 points)
I rebased some thirty-five 25mm Citadel Orcs and goblins

27th January 2019 (20 points)
For my Sugar Island SP campaign, I painted twenty 15mm armed slaves converted from several different lines.

3rd February 2019 (29 points)
More 15mm for the Sugar Islands campaign: 29 x French civilian militia types

16th February 2019 (18 points)
18 British grenadiers for Sugar Island campaign. They are a mix of Blue Moon and Eureka 15/18mm.

16th February 2019 (32 points)
Another batch finished for the Sugar Islands: thirty-two more 15/18mm Grenadiers

24th February 2019 (26 points)
This week it was some Highlander Grenadiers: twenty-four 15/18 Eureka HL grenadiers and 2 officers for a total of 26 minis.

3rd March 2019 (17 points)
Finished another unit for the Sugar Island campaign. This week it was 17 x 15mm French Colonial artillerists

15th March 2019 (25 points)
Finished another group for the French defenders of Martinique and Guadalupe: 25 x Compaignes de la Marine in 15mm

1st April 2019 (30 points)
Finishing up the Sugar Island SP minis.
5) Deployment points with 16) figures plus assorted terrain on them
6) Armed slaves with melee weapons
8) Big Men
total of 30 15-18mm minis

13th April 2019 (48 points)
The end of the Sugar island painting is getting near.
This week's stuff:
All in 15mm
5 escaped slaves
6 man engineer team with 1 Big man
2 manor homes from Empires at War
6 stacks of sugar cane
Total of 12 men, 2 buildings and 6 stacks of cane.

25th April 2019 (195 points)
More Sugar Island campaign stuff.
Besides the 2 poster sized batches of sugar cane(each about 28 X 18 inches) I made three burned off patches of fields and 3 slaves with torches, and 3 flame walls. Also made 4 - 4 inches vineyard strips (24 plants)

19th May 2019 (24 points)
Finished a couple of buildings for the sugar cane plantation of Mms Ducharmey. One large processing building with a smoke stack and a smaller open storage building. Both in 15mm.

19th May 2019 (14 points)
I converted up some buccaneers from ACW zouves for the Sugar island campaign games.. It is a random event kind of thing.
14 x 15mm figures.

2nd June 2019 (22 points)
I just finished out some more Sugar Islands campaign minis.
22) 15mm casualties.

14th July 2019 (184 points)
(and next pic)
A very productive week of painting.
6) Raiden P47 Razorbacks, 1) Raiden P38 converted to a F4 recce plane, 10) Museum Miniatures Bf109Gs total of 17) 6mm aircraft.
64) 15mm Soviet naval troops mostly converted from Peter Pigs' minis.
18) inches of walls for 6mm games.

27th July 2019 (90 points)
Just finished some more stuff for 6mm NW Europe and Normandy IABSM games.
Fifteen 6mm buildings from Leven, GHQ, and Battlescale. I had to put some plaster gel on them and rough them up with a Dremel to get the right rough stone look.

27th July 2019 (148 points)
More 6mm air craft painted:
6) Ba65 from MSD
4) Mc205s, 3) Mc202s, and 4) Cant 1007s from Museum Miniatures
Total of 17 6mm planes
22) grain stacks from Timecast
24" of high walls made from plastic strips. I had to Dremel out the stone work to give it the texture of rough stone walls in Normandy.

4th August 2019 (71 points)
RAF in North Africa:
4) Raiden Gladiators
4) Museum Miniatures Hurricane Mk I trops
And in 15mm:
5) more Soviet Naval troops for CoC and
3) T26 tanks for support

31st August 2019 (276 points)
Got some more stuff done for WWII air and 15mm CoC with my Soviet naval infantry.
8) P47 bubbletops from Raiden
6) Spit VC from Museum Miniatures
4) Avia B534s and 1) Caproni Ca 314 from MSD
Total of 19 6mm aircraft
1) Sdkfz 7 mit 3.7cm AA with 4 crew from Battlefront in 15mm
And some scratch built terrain for 15mm:
3 X 6 inches of trenches
8) team fighting positions
4) shell craters

31st August 2019 (162 points)
A mess of hedges for Saturdays Normandy IABSM game. I have quite a bit of bocage hedgerows but needed more generic hedges for 6mm games. So spent today making 286 inches worth of 6mm hedges.
Some more linear obstacles for 6mm: 38 inches of scratch built post and wire fence lines in 6mm.

9th September 2019 (12 points)
Finished up some more defensive works for my Crimean Soviet naval troops. I figured that they are green troops so need some hard cover! In 15mm, three x 6 inches worth of trenches and four trench end caps.

9th September 2019 (28 points)
I was not happy with the looks of my Churchills in the IABSM game so added spare tracks, tarps and bits to nineteen 1/285 tanks.

15th September 2019 (41 points)
Picked up a Zveda Ba10 armored car in 1/100 for $1. It has issues as a kit. No front fenders and side pieces were warped but after some work it looks good enuf. And finished the first of the German Pioneers.
So 35 x 15mm minis and 1 vehicle done this week.

28th September 2019 (103 points)
Finished the Germans for my Crimea faceoffs with the Soviet Naval troops.
103 x 15mm Germans from Forged in Battle, Peter Pig, and Battlefront.

21st October 2019 (80 points)
Worked on some scenery for southern Ukraine.
2) 15mm scratch built houses
1) 15mm chapel
2) outbuildings
20) haystacks from Timecast.

8th November 2019 (198 points)
Finished up another batch of 1/300 planes for Desert or the Mediterranean.
8) Bf109Fs
6) Re 2001s
5) Mc 202s
2) Spitfire Vs
4) Hurricane IIc (added the trop filters)
3) Beaufighter II
6) Martin Marylands
33 planes in total
All from Museum Miniatures

19th November 2019 (20 points)
20 gravemarkers in 15mm

19th November 2019 (48 points)
Finished up some demo'd buildings for southern Russia.
4 x 15mm scratchbuilt buildings for Chain of Command for the Crimea games.

22nd December 2019 (107 points)
An eclectic mix at the end of the year getting cleared off my painting table.
28" of barbed wire barricades from Blotz(with an double helping of wire) in 15mm
16) Sheep from Peter Pig (15mm)
1) StuG III A from Battlefront in 15mm
1) 75mm IG with 5 crew in 15mm
1) PaK 38 with 5 crew in 15mm
1) German sniper in 15mm
1) well from Peter Pig in 15mm

22nd December 2019 (96 points)
I finished up some winter scrubby woods for 15mm. I will use it in my upcoming Holiday Sharp Practice game.
Used around 100 almost naked trees and scrub to make around 2 square feet of woods for 15mm games.