21st May (172 points)
DAK Platoon (43 figures): 2 officers and 1 NCO; 3 sections @ 12 men each; AT rifle team (2 crew); Extra LMG team (2 crew)

21st May (100 points)
DAK supports (1 tank, 1 motorcycle, 1 AT gun, 12 figures): Panzer III; MC combo w 2 crew; FOO team (2 crew); PAK 38 and 3 crew; AT rifle team (2 crew); 50mm mortar team (2 crew)

21st May (184 points)
British reinforced platoon (46 figures)
Platoon HQ: 1 officer, 1 NCO, AT rifle team (2 crew), 2" mortar team (2 crew); 4 sections @ 10 men each

21st May (44 points)
British supports A (1 weapon and 11 figures, 1 converted): MMG w 5 crew; Company officer w radio operator; FOO team (2 crew); Extra officer; Medic (converted: headswap and some other minor stuff)

21st May (40 points)
British engineer section (10 figures, 4 converted): NCO; three teams of three men (four have medium conversions done, e.g. scratch built mine sweeper or wire cutters etc...)

21st May (72 points)
British supports B (4 vehicles, 4 crew): Crusader tank; Universal carrier w 3 crew; Dingo scout car; Morris CS9 w 1 added crew (minor conversion from a standard infantry figure)

21st May (36 points)
Four jump-off markers

21st May (36 points)
An oasis
5th October (48 points)
FJ (Ramcke Brigade). Section of 12, 2 LMG teams
5th October (24 points)
FJ (Ramcke Brigade). Platoon command, Sani (medic), LMG team
5th October (36 points)
British gun crews. 2 on the left are Offensive Miniatures (for their Breda gun), 2 on the right part of the Perry 2pdr, the rest are Perry plastics.
5th October (40 points)
DAK engineer section. All are converted Perry plastics
5th October (8 points)
German company commander
5th October (16 points)
Desert rats sniper team and 2" mortar team
5th October (18 points)
PAK36, 5 crew and an NCO. The base needs some boxes and cases, maybe even some sandbags.
5th October (16 points)
MG34 on tripod, 4 crew. Again, the base needs some clutter

24th October (24 points)
A half section of DAK (NCO plus LMG team of 5, all Perry plastics)
A converted FJ NCO in Luftwaffe tropical kit (Perry figure with Valiant "20mm" head)

24th October (36 points)
A 20mm Breda gun and 1 crew (Offensive Miniatures)
A 2pdr AT gun with 1 crew (Perry again)
2 gun crew (Company B)

5th December (72 points)
9 Imperial Assault storm troopers. I think these are 35mm or something.

5th December (28 points)
7 Home Guard characters. 28mm Wargames Foundry figures.

5th December (8 points)
Four generic jump-of-points, based on cargo loads from Sergeants Mess miniatures - 20mm

5th December (42 points)
(and next pic)
Two sections of AB Miniatures British paras (total of 21 figures) - 20mm

5th December (16 points)
4 Kriegsmarine fusiliers (Warlord, 28mm)

5th December (12 points)
Russian Maxim and 3 crew (Warlord, 28mm)

11th December (24 points)
Warlord metal Kriegsmarine landing party

11th December (24 points)
Warlord British commandos (plastics)