6th January (12 points)
In 15mm, another unit of 12 British foot lost in the wastelands of the Sudan...
24th January (33 points)
Re-basing: 67 15mm Persians
24th January (20 points)
Just completed these for They Don't Like It Up 'Em, in 15mm: four water/baggage elements, each British sub-unit has one of these.
24th January (12 points)
Six British cavalry figures (being a cavalry sub-unit)
24th January (26 points)
(and next pic)
Another little completion for They Don't Like it Up 'Em: in 15mm we have 13 mounted figures for the Damned Fine Chaps

31st January (42 points)
(and next pic)
In 15mm for They Dont Like it up em, as follows: British foot - forty-two figures. This includes the war correspondent Bennett Burleigh who can appear on an event card.

31st January (4 points)
Mahdist Command

6th February (48 points)
Meantime in Middle Earth...in 28mm, we have six riders of Rohan. Its funny switching between 15mm and 28mm and back again.
12th February (24 points)
4 ancient British chariots
12th February (12 points)
6 British cavalry for the Sudan

18th February (64 points)
Sixteen skeletons in 28mm

18th February (72 points)
54 inches of 28mm stone wall

1st March 2016 (19 points)
For the Sudan in 15mm, a heliograph team and five more baggage elements with 10 camels/mules and 9 foot figures

1st March 2016 (12 points)
12 ancient British foot in 15mm

8th March 2016 (24 points)
This week we have some more 15mm...24 British/celtic foot...I think that's them all done now...

19th March 2016 (24 points)
Another 15mm entry with another 12 Gallic cavalry

19th March 2016 (12 points)
28mm - 3 necromancers.

19th March 2016 (29 points)
15mm - 1 mounted officer and 27 Egyptian foot for the Sudan. Just need to do some terrain pieces and then we're good to go to TDLIUE2!

23rd March 2016 (24 points)
Six WW2 German gun crew in 28mm

23rd March 2016 (22 points)
German WW2 PaK40 anti-tank gun in 28mm, plus an American with bazooka.

23rd March 2016 (36 points)
15mm: 3 pieces of rocky terrain for the Sudan, the figures are shown just for scale.

30th March 2016 (48 points)
Twelve zombies in 28mm

30th March 2016 (8 points)
Two bat swarms in 28mm
9th April 2016 (60 points)
15mm 5 terrain pieces for the Sudan. Think these will probably be fine for 28mm too, when I get round to that. Demonstrated here as "into the valley of death....".
9th April 2016 (36 points)
(and next pic)
1:48 (real 28mm) one Sherman 76mm and one Hetzer
19th April 2016 (12 points)
A desert oasis for the Sudan! As its 5" long its an oasis in 28mm and a small lake in 15mm and I'll be using it for both!
21st April 2016 (24 points)
Back to 15mm again this week with 12 Sassanid Persian armoured horse archers
7th May 2016 (12 points)
A scratch built (my first!) desert dwelling for the Sudan settlement
7th May 2016 (12 points)
An Assyrian camp
13th May 2016 (96 points)
24 Indian mutineers in 28mm for Sharp Practice 2

24th May 2016 (18 points)
For SP2 in 28mm, its a handy cart drawn by a couple of oxen

30th May 2016 (68 points)
In 28mm for Sharp Practice 2 of the Indian Mutiny flavour: 17 British foot
30th May 2016 (26 points)
In 28mm for Sharp Practice 2 of the Indian Mutiny flavour: 1 cannon and 4 crew, and 2 Mutineer big men

16th June 2016 (12 points)
Three 28mm outlaws
16th June 2016 (12 points)
3 mutineer rocketmen (Elton John sahib) in 28mm
16th June 2016 (48 points)
10 sepoy and couple of big men in 28mm

16th June 2016 (18 points)
3 British artillerymen and gun for SP Indian Mutiny
2nd July 2016 (36 points)
A nice Warbases hayshed (with homemade added timbers and roof as it was a bit plain as purchased) and that will find use all over the place with Chain of Command and SP!
2nd July 2016 (18 points)
Undead artillery which is 2 machines and 3 crew in 28mm
19th July 2016 (72 points)
Just finished off the following all in 28mm....love the smell of mdf in the morning...
Two buildings of Normandy (for Chain of Command)
19th July 2016 (72 points)
Just finished off the following all in 28mm....love the smell of mdf in the morning...
2 buildings of the Wild West
14th August 2016 (36 points)
Smart house...I see this being used in Normandy although I'm not sure it was intended for that!
14th August 2016 (36 points)
Stables for horsey-friends.
14th August 2016 (36 points)
A neck-stretcher...no customers yet but its there to discourage the wrong type of varmints coming into town...
3rd September 2016 (32 points)
28mm, 8 early war German Fallschirmjager
3rd September 2016 (16 points)
15mm, 8 Babylonian light horse
18th September 2016 (48 points)
One church, which will be used in both Normandy and Walmington-on-Sea; and three civilians for sundry purpose (vicar, verger, Mrs Fox).
"Don't look now Wilson, but isn't that nun wearing Nazi stormtrooper jackboots....??!"
8th October 2016 (76 points)
Another few things finished for Sharp Practice2 in 28mm:
1. 10 figures of mixed type to fill out a few units (hastily, as they were being used that evening).
2. A handy to use anywhere warm building - this will turn up in North Africa, the Middle East, and India...and anywhere else I think I can get away with it!
16th October 2016 (48 points)
Another dozen figures in 28mm....both outstanding citizens and pesky varmints
30th October 2016 (108 points)
(and next pic)
Three ruined buildings in 28mm
6th November 2016 (64 points)
This week we have in 28mm (actually 32mm!) 16 characters and minions from the game Conan....great game!
6th November 2016 (38 points)
Five figures for the party plus a snake, and ten chests (which obviously don't need much work!)
6th November 2016 (20 points)
Five hyenas in 28mm
14th November 2016 (76 points)
A few more opponents for Conan this week...2 piles of skulls, and 17 figures (mummies, guards and Skuthus - a Mr Nasty!)
27th November 2016 (48 points)
Hello Robert, this week we have in 28mm...twelve "lets get the party started" pirates.
7th December 2016 (36 points)
In 28mm we have 4 Pictish horsemen and Valeria (goodie from Conan)
19th December 2016 (40 points)
10 assorted casualties, for atmosphere!
19th December 2016 (32 points)
Four mounted Picts in 28mm
19th December 2016 (48 points)
12 Irish levy including a couple of Big Men