12th January (25 points)
A platoon of infantry led by a L2 Big Man (25 figs)

12th January (4 points)
A L2 Big Man and 2 FOO (4 figs)

12th January (16 points)
A unit of Tech Ninjas/assassins (16 figs)

17th January (96 points)
Here are 4 combat drones and 4 scout drones. They are all GZG 15mm models.

24th January (25 points)
These are more GZG 15mm figures and they complete the infantry company I began at the beginning of the year: a platoon of 23 infantry led by a L2 Big Man = 25 figures

24th January (18 points)
A platoon of 12 infantry equipped with various fire support weapons (laser rifles, plasma guns, SAWs), with a L1 Big Man and a FOO = 14 figures. Plus the Company Commander (L3 Big Man) plus FOO = 4 figures.

31st January (12 points)
Two GZG 15mm grav tanks for my alien army (from the Kra'vak vehicles range). One is a command vehicle (with some kind of alien communications blister on the roof) and the other is a gun tank.

6th February (21 points)
These are GZG 15mm figures. Officially they are Xar aliens, but I'll be unimaginatively just calling them Bugs. There are 3 x 6 bug squads, one L2 Big Bug and a L1 Big Bug, totalling 21 miniatures

12th February (84 points)
These are 15mm pieces from Critical Mass Games:
2 anti-grav scout vehicles that I'll give to one of my alien factions. I think they have a nice alien look to them.
3 objective markers in the shape of radar/comms dishes and two column-shaped objective markers. Both will be scenery for my Q13 games.

22nd February (28 points)
These are NOT Space Orks, they are GZG's 15mm Alien Mercenaries. There are 24 of them, supported by two "Rough Rider" scouts on motorbikes from thesceneuk.com.

1st March 2016 (24 points)
These are all 15mm GZG figures from their Japanese Corporate Ashigaru range: power armoured troopers (24).

1st March 2016 (27 points)
These are 15mm GZG figures from their Japanese Corporate Ashigaru range: 1st platoon (24 troopers, L2 BM, L1 BM) (27 in all)

1st March 2016 (5 points)
These are 15mm GZG figures from their Japanese Corporate Ashigaru range: Company HQ (L3 Big Man plus automatic weapon and spotter) (5)

1st March 2016 (27 points)
These are from the GZG Japanese Corporate Ashigaru range: another platoon of infantry (24 troopers, L2 BM, L1 BM) (27 figures in total)

1st March 2016 (20 points)
These are from the GZG Japanese Corporate Ashigaru range: a drone platoon with 2 heavy missile-armed hover drones and
6 spider drones with tri-barrel autocannon, plus a drone operator and assistant.

4th March 2016 (27 points)
15mm Japanese Corporate Ashigaru figures from GZG (24 troopers, L2 BM, L1 BM) (27 figures in total)

4th March 2016 (20 points)
A fire support unit of 4 tri-barrel autocannon teams with 2 hover APCs to act as transport

8th March 2016 (30 points)
Here is the start of my next force for Q13. Once again, they are all
15mm figures from GZG. A platoon of Kra'vak infantry: two 10 man leg squads, one 8 man support squad and a L2 Big Man. 30 figures in total.

13th March 2016 (24 points)
A break from space opera for a while so I can make a start on some figures for Sharp Practice v2. These are all Peter Pig 15mm and are:
8 x Berdan's Sharpshooters plus a sergeant
8 x Union Zouaves
8 x Union infantry with repeating rifles
All mounted up on Warbases movement trays (1 x holes and 4 x 3 holes)

19th March (54 points)
Here are some more GZG 15mm Kra'vak. Two platoons of Kra'vak scouts: each platoon comprises 2 x 12 man recon
squads, 1 spotter/EWSO and a L2 Big Man. 54 figures in total.

19th March (45 figures)
40 Union infantry from Peter Pig in 15mm, mounted on Warbases 4 x 2 movement trays and 5 sergeants = 45 figures

23rd March 2016 (32 points)
Two units of Union cavalry - 16 mounted figures. Peter Pig 15mm.

23rd March 2016 (26 points)
The same units dismounted - skirmishing troopers and horses with horse-holders, a total of 20 foot figures and 6 horses. Peter Pig 15mm.

30th March 2016 (22 points)
1 platoon of heavy assault troops - 3 x 5 man SAW squads, 1 x L3 Big Man (18 figures). The Kra'vak Force Commander - L4 Big Man (4 figures). GZG figures in 15mm.

30th March 2016 (30 points)
1 platoon of Kra'vak infantry - 2 x10 man leg squads, 1 x 8 man support squad, L2 Big Man. 30 figures in total from GZG in 15mm.

30th March 2016 (8 points)
Eight 15mm Zouaves from Peter Pig

30th March 2016 (23 points)
Leaders for my ACW Union force in 15mm:
The mounted leaders are: Maj. Gardiner Haskins (hat, ADC, foot standard); Maj. Randolph Carter (kepi, ADC); Capt. Bradley Stoke (hat, foot standard, bugler); Lt. Travis Perkins (light blue kepi)
And those on foot: Capt. Decimus Dewey (hat, drummer, standard) unfortunately a bit hidden in the photo; Lt. Jacob Van Klomp (kepi, bugler); Lt. Wingate Peaslee (hat, standard); Lt. Hans Niersteiner (kepi, drummer)

5th April 2016 (24 points)
Peter Pig resin buildings for my SPv2 ACW project. An encampment and a log cabin.

5th April 2016 (24 points)
Peter Pig resin buildings for my SPv2 ACW project. A large house and some outbuildings.

5th April 2016 (24 points)
Peter Pig resin buildings for my SPv2 ACW project. A smaller house and a church.

9th April 2016 (29 points)
Peter Pig 15mm Confederate cavalry - 8 mounted figures plus 8 dismounted (6 on Warbases movement trays), 2 horse holders and 3 horses.

9th April 2016 (24 points)
8 Peter Pig 15mm civilians with 8 sheep and 8 pigs

19th April 2016 (19 points)
8 Confederate Zouaves and 6 skirmishers on Warbases movement trays, plus three sergeants and Lt Chauncey Beauregard accompanied by a standard bearer. In total 19 figures.

19th April 2016 (13 points)
10 Confederate militia on a Warbases movement tray with Sgt Roscoe P. Coltrane, a standard bearer and a bugler - 13 figures in total.

21st April 2016 (44 points)
Here are my Confederate core troops for SPv2:
40 Peter Pig 15mm Confederate infantry on Warbases movement trays; Major Jefferson Davis Hogg plus a galloper.
Total: 40 foot and 2 mounted figures

7th May 2016 (16 points)
Various Confederate leaders. Mounted we have Col. Tom Parker and a galloper and Capt. Byron Beausoleil and on foot are Lieutenants Randy Vidrine and Nahum G. Pierce each with additional figures, plus 3 as yet nameless NCOs and a bugler. (3 mounted and 10 foot figures)

7th May 2016 (31 points)
8 mounted Confederate cavalry armed with shotguns, led by Maj. Gaylord Ravenal, plus their dismounted equivalents and horseholders. (9 mounted, 3 horses, 10 dismounted figures)

13th May 2016 (8 points)
Two Union colour parties and two buglers (I know I
only really need one of each). Once again Peter Pig 15mm figures.

13th May 2016 (24 points)
This is 15mm fencing from 4Ground: 2 metres of snake fences.

13th May 2016 (22 points)
This is 15mm fencing from 4Ground: 1.5 metres of picket fences.

13th May 2016 (2 points)
A couple of items from leftover fence planks, a signpost and a lumber pile.

13th May 2016 (6 points)
A colour party, two officers and two NCOs for my Syldavian forces.

13th May 2016 (8 points)
Eight grenadiers for my Syldavian forces

13th May 2016 (9 points)
Nine Peter Pig characters. There are three holy men, a nobleman and two women, two versions of a character I've invented and her former employer, a noblewoman.

24th May 2016 (40 points)
Part of my imagi-nations project: 40 Essex Austrian musketeers representing the Syldavian Istrow regiment, on Warbases movement trays.

30th May 2016 (19 points)
Here are some more 15mm Essex troops for my Sharp Practice imaginations project: a group of 8 Jägers with 6 Schützen (skirmishers), 2 NCOs, an officer and a mounted officer to be the overall force commander

30th May 2016 (17 points)
Here are some more 15mm Essex troops for my Sharp Practice imaginations project: a group of 8 Pandurs with 6 skirmishers, 2 NCOs and an officer

30th May 2016 (12 points)
Here are some more 15mm Essex troops for my Sharp Practice imaginations project: a Cannon with limber and 4 horses, a 5-man gun crew and an officer.

5th June 2016 (4 points)
2 Holy Men and 2 Physics for my ACW forces. The Confederates on the left and the Union ones on the right.

5th June 2016 (20 points)
A group of 8 troopers and 2 leaders from the Syldavian De Bourbon Dragoons - Essex figures on Warbases movement trays

9th June 2016 (18 points)
Here are the last of my Syldavians, once again all Essex 15mm figures on Warbases bases and movement trays. First up: 8 irregular hussars and a leader from the Tolminec regiment.

9th June 2016 (10 points)
Here are the last of my Syldavians, once again all Essex 15mm figures on Warbases bases and movement trays. Next: 3 mounted and 4 dismounted leaders.

9th June 2016 (18 points)
Here are the last of my Syldavians, once again all Essex 15mm figures on Warbases bases and movement trays. Next: 8 troopers and a leader from the Vranac regiment of Hussars.

16th June 2016 (26 points)
Here are the first of my Bordurian troops. Once again, all 15mm Essex figures. These represent the Freikorps Schtroumpf and there are 3 groups of 8 fusiliers with 2 leaders (26 figures).

16th June 2016 (22 points)
Here are the first of my Bordurian troops. Once again, all 15mm Essex figures. These represent a single group of 8 hussars with 2 leaders and a musician (11 figures).

21st June 2016 (17 points)
Light troops for my imagi-nations Bordurian army: a group of eight Jägers, six Schützen, two NCOs and an officer.
Essex 15mm minis on Warbases movement sabots.

21st June 2016 (17 points)
Light troops for my imagi-nations Bordurian army: a group of eight Grenzer, six skirmishers, two NCOs and an officer.
All Essex 15mm minis on Warbases movement sabots.

2nd July 2016 (12 points)
A Bordurian wagon with four horses and a driver and three mounted leaders

2nd July 2016 (12 points)
Here are some more imaginations troops from me. Once again all Essex 15mm on Warbases movement sabots.
Bordurian Artillery - 1 cannon, 1 limber with 4 horses, 5 man crew and 1 leader.

2nd July 2016 (28 points)
Here are some more Bordurians for the imagi-nations project, once again Essex 15mm figures on Warbases bases and movement sabots.
Here are 3 groups of 8 figures with 1 officer, 1 NCO and a 2 man colour party 28 figures in total

12th July 2016 (22 points)
Bordurians for my Imaginations project: 8 dragoons with an officer, a guidon bearer and a drummer

12th July 2016 (20 points)
Bordurian Lancers: 8 lancers plus two officers and a trumpeter

12th July 2016 (4 points)
Imagination Bordurians: four foot leaders in 15mm

14th August 2016 (48 points)
Some 15mm resin buildings from Hovels for my Imagi-nations project. First up, there are four peasant houses.

14th August 2016 (12 points)
Some 15mm resin buildings from Hovels for my Imagi-nations project. Next a house belonging to some kind of minor landowner or well-off merchant or maybe a member of the bourgeoisie.
20th October 2016 (6 points)
6 more civilians for my ACW SP collection. These are Peter Pig.
20th October 2016 (7 points)
An Engineering Group of 7 figures for my Imagi-nations armies. These will work for both sides and are from Magister Militum.
20th October 2016 (30 points)
A couple of ammunition wagons, a water cart and two mule trains, again Magister Militum, for my imagi-nations project.

30th October 2016 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Two more buildings for my imagi-nations projects. These are from Hovels and are 15mm resin models from their Eastern Europe range. The figure is for scale only.
There is a smallish church and a wooden house which would work for some kind of better-off farmer's or burgomaster's abode.

27th November 2016 (12 points)
Union artillery in 15mm
27th November 2016 (12 points)
Confederate artillery in 15mm