19th January (48 points)
First 12 figs are Companie de la Marine from Warlord / Conquest I've painted up for Sharp Practice and Muskets & Tomahawks.
31st January (30 points)
12 artillery groups, each with four crew, in 6mm from Baccus.
3rd February (48 points)
12 28mm Wars of the Roses Dismounted Men at Arms
3rd February (14 points)
14 6mm mounted officers
3rd February (24 points)
36 6mm baggage camels and 12 porters
9th February (48 points)
12 Perry 28mm WoTR handgunners

28th February (61 points)
More 6mm for my Sudan collection: 96 foot and 13 mounted

28th February (85 points)
(and next pic)
Finished off some 15mm US Paratroops for Chain of Command: 85 foot.
8th March (96 points)
24 Perrys Wars of the Roses infantry in 28mm
8th March (96 points)
24 Perrys Wars of the Roses infantry in 28mm
8th March (4 points)
A solitary female Spanish guerilla for Sharp Practice, 28mm.

16th March (60 points)
Ten buildings painted for the 6mm Sudan setup. These are from Baccus.
12th April (84 points)
21 bases of Palm trees
12th April (112 points)
(and next pic)
Twenty-eight 28mm WOTR figures
12th April (4 points)
1 Reaper Bones Marsh Troll ( heroic 28mm monster sized )
12th April (4 points)
1 Reaper Bones Evil Wizard ( heroic 28mm )
12th April (24 points)
36 rebased / touched up 6mm Austrian Jagers and 30 rebased / touched up 6mm Austrians Hussars
6th May (48 points)
Twelve 28mm Wars of the Roses foot
6th May (48 points)
Twelve 28mm Wars of the Roses foot
6th May (15 points)
Rebasing 6mm Austrians: 8 guns with 32 crew; 2 limber teams each with gun, limber, 6 horses and 3 riders.
6th May (50 points)
Re-basing 6mm Austrians: 50 mounted cuirassiers
6th May (23 points)
Rebasing 6mm Austrians: 28 6mm infantry and 9 mounted officers

26th May (124 points)
Thirty one 28mm foot

15th June (36 points)
28mm resin rocky outcrops, the figure is there to show scale.

30th July (40 points)
More fantasy bits and pieces

30th July (36 points)
House from 4ground

30th July (36 points)
Another house from 4ground
12th September (36 points)
Eight whole and two half zombies
12th September (48 points)
10 and a half skeletons plus skeleton dog and small debris base
12th September (24 points)
Six wizards
12th September (28 points)
7 various fighting men
12th September (28 points)
7 animals (mastiff, snow leopards, bears, hyenas)
12th September (24 points)
Giant frog and 5 bone bases
12th September (40 points)
Various treasure and objective markers
12th September (4 points)
Giant Snake
29th September (72 points)
(and next pic)
Two 4Ground houses in 28mm
29th September (112 points)
28 x 28mm Victrix Greeks
29th September (36 points)
9 x 28mm Mantic undead
31st December (32 points)
8 Wargames Foundry Armed Peasants
31st December (24 points)
Northstar Frostgrave Wraith, 2 x Snow Trolls and 3 more treasure markers
31st December (12 points)
Reaper Bones Purple Worm, Cthon, Akhnheg
31st December (12 points)
Reaper Bones Ettin, Roper, Marsh Troll
31st December (36 points)
7 Resin Terrain Pieces, Reaper Bones 3 x Golems, Brass Bull, Imp
31st December (36 points)
6 Resin Terrain Pieces, 6 Resin Treasure Piles
31st December (40 points)
10 Northstar Frostgrave Adventurers
31st December (40 points)
10 Northstar Frostgrave Adventurers
31st December (4 points)
Northstar Frostgrave Large Construct
31st December (4 points)
Reaper Bones Werewolf
31st December (40 points)
10 Mantic Skeletons