3rd April 2022 (125 points)
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After a 3 months hiatus from.painting and most gaming, I'm back. Started with something simple for my Gigabites Cafe Game Day project of a SP ACW game
Approximately 250 15mm minis rebased and reflocked. Haven't played with these little guys in several years.

3rd April 2022 (12 points)
Nothing exciting here. Just wanted to do some low crop rows for 15mm. 10 x 8 inch rows.

16th April 2022 (66 points)
First actual miniature painting in awhile.
6 Ki43 Oscars
4 Ki49 Doryu bombers
1 Auster OP plane for Normandy IABSM games.
Total of 11 6mm aircraft

22nd May 2022 (72 points)
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A few more WW2 aeroplanes in 6mm.
4 x USAAF Spitfire Vc; 4 x FW 190; 4 x Bf109 (one for winter on the Russian front, the rest for the MTO).

22nd May 2022 (30 points)
A few more 6mm aircraft for the MTO:
1 x Short Sunderland; 4 x P-39.

4th June 2022 (108 points)
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These are some of the 1/600 Coastal ships from H&R for the Baltic or Black Sea.
3 x MAL 2 artillery barges; 2 x Siebel Ferries; 4 x G5 MTBs

10th July 2022 (54 points)
Some 6mm Heroics and Ros WWII Russians. Newer sculpts including their Summer uniform and Scouts.
108 minis altogether.

3rd August 2022 (61 points)
These are the new 2D6Wargaming Volkstrumm with some misc recruits to flesh them out. Some dead cattle and concrete telephone poles.
93 Volkstrumm
4 dead farm animals
24 telephone poles
All 6mm minis.

13th August 2022 (126 points)
(and next three pics)
Finished a batch of Leven Miniatures.i try to scuff them up a bit and make them look battle damaged. Made a graveyard for the church which is going to be used for a Rots IABSM game. Loads of bits needed for the tombs and headstones.
20 buildings and wall pieces from Leven and a packed graveyard.

27th August 2022 (66 points)
Some East Front air stuff this time.
3 Ju88As in winter whitewash
8 Bf110s All with the Wespen marking on the nose. 4 whitewashed. 18 decals on most of them
Total of 11 6mm planes.

11th September 2022 (138 points)
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Finished up some more 6mm planes, this time all Allied
6 P39s for SW Pacific
6 A20As also for SW Pacific
6 B25Cs for the MTO
5 Martin Marylands for the desert

25th September 2022 (36 points)
Finished up some more RAAF planes for the SW Pacific.
Six 1/300 Beaufighters.

20th October 2022 (72 points)
(and next pic)
4 x Hurricane MkIIDs for North Africa
8 x I-16s in winter camo

20th October 2022 (36 points)
12 x CinC Shermans in the mud and black and OD for Commonwealth forces in Italy