17th January 2020 (210 points)
(and next two pics)
Just finished up a batch of 6mm stuff.
8) CR32 &1) RO37bis from Shapeways
8) P40 Tomahawks and 6) Bostons for Desert Air Force from Collectair
8) P40Ns from Collectair: 4 for RAAF and 4 for the VVS
And 4) PzVDs and 4) PzVAs from 2D Wargaming
Total of 31 planes and 8 tanks in 6mm

5th February 2020 (15 points)
Six GHQ Panzer V Panthers

5th February 2020 (60 points)
12 Novus Designs buildings in 6mm. I did a lot of work with filler and the dremel to make these look less cookie cutter.

8th February 2020 (96 points)
Finished up some more 6mm stuff
3) T34 model 40
3) T34 ekranami
Both from 2D Wargaming
8) P40E for 450 sqdn RAAF
5) Typhoon mk Ib 247 Sqdn RAF. These fiddly things from CinC had 8 parts and I added 17 decals per plane.

15th February 2020 (56 points)
Getting some 15mm scenery done for the Ukraine. I couldn't find any decent shabby rural fences so decided to make my own.
56 inches worth of fencing. I reckoned about 15 post per inch so that works out to around 840 plus tiny little plastic boards. I can see why this is not something a sane person would contemplate No idea how to score this labour!

9th March 2020 (126 points)
More 6mm planes:
3) Spit Vc trops 607 Sqdn in CBI
4) BF110s Zg26 for No Africa
6) Bristol Blenheim Mk I
8) Blenheim MkIVs for North Africa
Must be over 200 decals in that lot of 21 planes!

9th March 2020 (40 points)
Back to 18th C for some upcoming SP games
10) 15mm converted Highlander casualties (wht does no one make these?)
30) British Rangers in 15mm

20th March 2020 (32 points)
Some 15mm for SP 2nd Seminole War
13) US navy troops
19) Marines
Lots of head swaps to get these dudes done.

29th March 2020 (27 points)
More stuff for SP in 15mm
8) 2nd Seminole War US regulars
17) US Dragoons and 2) casualties

10th April 2020 (81 points)
A bit more social distance painting:
41) 15mm figures for 2nd Seminole war. 8 more dragoons and 33 militia
5) 6mm old GHQ Pz38T for France 40
4) 6mm terrain pieces from Timecast of destroyed T34s and wrecked Gaz trucks
2) DFS 230 gliders for next game of IABSM in 6mm

22nd April 2020 (51 points)
Another odd combo of painting this week.
9) Shell splashes for Coastal Patrol
5) old Leva 1/285 buildings. Now from Legions for Hire
12) 2dwargaming 6mm Russians. Female snipers, female medics and Commo team
13) CinC PzIVs. I made 6 into late model Js with twin exhaust pipes and mesh side skirts

23rd May 2020 (68 points)
I finally finished some things.
47) 15mm Gebrigsjagers, mostly the uneven FoW figs with a few conversions thrown in.
And in 6mm, some GHQ minis. 2 late war Tiger Is in winter scheme, 3 Marder IIs with crews, and 2, 3 man FJ Puppchen teams.

30th May 2020 (98 points)
I ordered some more of the 2dwargaming 6mm stuff and it looks really good. I have no idea when I'll actually get a game in with them though but I did get them ready for one
Total of 196 minis in 6mm. Over half are the new Russian Sailors. 48 are some Russian infantry. The rest are some H&R FJ teams and Command and a few Brit command guys.

12th June 2020 (138 points)
In 6mm, 15 building bases of 1 to 3 dwellings and 8 outbuildings and extensions

12th June 2020 (12 points)
A Faller HO lumberyard for 15mm SP fights

25th July 2020 (57 points)
(and next pic)
Finished up a batch of PP Russians for CoC. Added some ushankas and capes to give them an arctic look. 57x 15mm.

8th August 2020 (31 points)
More winterish Russians. 31 x 15mm Peter Pig WWII Soviets with added capes and some ushankas.

8th August 2020 (12 points)
Working on more 15mm for the Petsamo Kirkenes CoC
3 T34/85 tanks. I believe they are from CD

8th August 2020 (37 points)
37 converted PP Germans Added jackets rucksacks and did some head swaps.

22nd August 2020 (100 points)
(and next pic)
Not the most exciting thing but certainly something you can never have enough of--around 200 small trees for IABSM in 6mm. Pines, orchards and copses.

5th September 2020 (96 points)
A few ships for Coastal Patrol from H&R.
A pair of Soviet G5 mtbs and a Minesweeper, a Rboate, a minebreaker for the Kreigsmarine in 1/600.
And a SEAC Vengeance, and 2 Judys and 3 Frances for the IJNAF in 1/300.

3rd October 2020 (72 points)
Some aircraft for the RAF in NW Europe
4) Mustang IIIs
4) Tempest Vs
And 4) whitewash Yak1bs
12 6mm planes

3rd October 2020 (72 points)
I declare the crap from Butler Prints done. Terrible product in 6mm. They shouldn't even market it in that scale
6) Churchill NA75s. 6) Churchill MkIVs
2) early T26s 3) twin turreted T26s and 3) T26 artillery tractors (I has to scrap the turrets)
2) Sdkfz 251/17. 2) Sdkfz 251 w 37mm
So 24 vehicles

3rd October 2020 (60 points)
A Elbing class torpedo boat from H&R in 1/600.
4) 1/285 B25Hs from Raiden
2) HS 129
2) Ju188s
Total 8 planes and 1 ship.

19th October 2020 (108 points)
A batch of Allied aircraft this week.
5 MTO A20s
2 CAC Boomerangs
4 P38J Lightnings
7 P40N Warhawks
Total of 18 planes

19th October 2020 (132 points)
(and next two pics)
Bit of urban renewal this time.
Dusted off some ruins I've had on the back of the queue. Mostly Novis Design stuff.
Some east front items that got a little extra work from JR Miniatures and Monday Knight along with Leva trench system piece.
And more bits from Monday Knight for Normandy.
Total of 22 pieces in 6mm.

19th October 2020 (42 points)
Finished a few stragglers this week.
2 Spitfire IX
4 Clipped wing Spits for Italy
1 MTO Beaufighter
Total of 7 more 6mm planes.

14th November 2020 (72 points)
More stuff for 6mm IABSM.
6) T40s
5) early war whitewash Sdkfz 251s
5) late war whitewash Sdkfz 251s
4) Jr Miniatures water mill buildings with 3 of them heavily modified
16 vehicles and 4 buildings in 6mm total

6th December 2020 (203 points)
(and next pic)
A corn field for 15mm games awhile back. 1120 plastic stalks spread out on 14 bases. Looks nice but was a pain.
And back to the SE colonies with some 35 15mm Native Anericans for my War of Jenkins Ear project.