16th January 2021 (102 points)
In 28mm for a fine little game - Mortal Gods - 21 Persian foot and a chariot.

24th January 2021 (72 points)
18 x 28mm Spartan foot, looking for some shade presumably.

9th February 2021 (24 points)
Jason and his chums looking for a golden delicious....I mean fleece.

9th February 2021 (52 points)
9 leftover foot figures, and 2 mounted Persians

14th February 2021 (40 points)
10 Valkyrie and other Viking chums (and they’ll catch their death of cold with no vests on)

14th February 2021 (12 points)
A Minotaur and his friend the old hag.

21st February 2021 (56 points)
In the sunny climes of Greece still (I wish!) in 28mm with 11 foot figures and 2 bases of livestock.

2nd March 2021 (72 points)
A couple of 28mm scenic items for Mortal Gods - the columns are from a boardgame which I’m repurposing and the “statue” is a freestanding objective point so I’ve scratchbuilt the bases and the stuff around that.

12th March 2021 (32 points)
8 Saracen warriors

12th March 2021 (32 points)
8 Bidowers

24th March 2021 (24 points)
Four SdKfz 251 in 15mm

3rd April 2021 (68 points)
17 cavepersons

3rd April 2021 (18 points)
A woolly mammoth

16th April 2021 (73 points)
Dipping my toe into something new this time in 13mm (!!?), with these Warlord ACW confederates. There’s 144 foot and 1 mounted for 73 points. I guess some will find an easy and quick way to do these but I’ve not found it yet!

16th April 2021 (96 points)
(and next three pics)
some more stuff off the conveyor belt and back in 28mm...
8 Picts
9 miscellaneous dark ages including some villagers
3 more dark age foot although one is a cyclops!!
A wagon and a mounted “big man” who looks a bit handy

30th April 2021 (54 points)
Three 28mm vehicles

30th April 2021 (42 points)
Seven 15mm vehicles

30th April 2021 (32 points)
Eight 28mm Viking figures

8th May 2021 (48 points)
12 Vikings in 28mm

8th May 2021 (86 points)
13mm 168 foot and 2 mounted. I seem to have missed some of them off in the picture...or maybe they were hiding over the hill!

21st May 2021 (28 points)
A frost giant and 5 flocks of crows

21st May 2021 (53 points)
104 foot and 1 mounted: 13mm ACW

31st May 2021 (159 points)
(and next pic)
Back in the land of the little people with the 13mm ACW stuff, with 312 foot and 3 mounted.

13th June 2021 (40 points)
Weighing in this time with some 28mm Chainrasps....I guess they aren’t going anywhere too quickly!

24th June 2021 (80 points)
In 28mm and these are the famous Dead Men of Dunharrow. Hopefully they’ve changed their armour.

24th June 2021 (48 points)
Still ploughing the old furrow in 28mm with 12 goblins….well every home should have one?!

4th July 2021 (64 points)
Still in 28mm and this time it is 8 mounted Greeks

18th July 2021 (36 points)
A mausoleum for the odd necromancer to get his 40 winks in…

18th July 2021 (48 points)
6 mounted Morgul knights

31st July 2021 (32 points)
8 Amazons (why are they called that when the Amazon is in South America, and I know that for sure cos I’ve seen it?)

31st July 2021 (32 points)
8 Greek pikemen

11th August 2021 (80 points)
20 x Greek infantry

11th August 2021 (50 points)
4 Greek cavalry and an elephant with crew.

18th August 2021 (56 points)
Started these boys about 5 years ago so thought it was time to dust down the trusty triad paints from Wargames Foundry to finish them off….at just under 28mm it’s 14 Pygmy foot…but I’m still claiming 56 points for them!

29th August 2021 (50 points)
Sticking to the 28mm theme in the bright summer sunshine (!!??) with another 8 Greek warriors and a dead elephant with some distressed individuals around him…

21st September 2021 (80 points)
20 foot figures

21st September 2021 (100 points)
16 US foot and a searchlight and oil tank.

30th September 2021 (96 points)
24 foot men at arms types for the Crusades etc

30th September 2021 (24 points)
3 mounted Greek officers in 28mm

15th October 2021 (96 points)
12 Middle Eastern type horse archers in 28mm

15th October 2021 (104 points)
Still in 28mm and this time it’s 26 British commandos.
Mostly Warlord plastics with separate arms and weapons, nightmare to put together so I won’t be making any more of these!

27th October 2021 (100 points)
25 Indian mutineer figures in 28mm

14th November 2021 (92 points)
Still in India and 28mm we’ve got 14 foot figures and a ruined fort

27th November 2021 (72 points)
28mm and this time it’s a bundle of villagers/civilians for Indian Mutiny type, there’s 18 of those

27th November 2021 (8 points)
A couple of ladies, one from a fantasy setting and the other a wench type handy for Sharp Practice or a myriad of other purposes.

11th December 2021 (72 points)
15 Roman foot and 3 Greek foot

19th December 2021 (60 points)
15 Ancient Greek casualties

19th December 2021 (80 points)
20 British commandos

31st December 2021 (64 points)
16 Highland foot destined for service in India (Carrying on up the Khyber perhaps!!).