9th January 2022 (8 points)
Eight bugs from Khurasan

9th January 2022 (8 points)
Eight bugs from Khurasan

9th January 2022 (24 points)
Two sci-fi buildings/modules from Khurasan

15th January 2021 (48 points)
A small English flotilla of a 3rd rate, brig and two yachts. All Tumbling Dice minis and very nice they are.

15th January 2021 (48 points)
The Dutch: a 3rd rate, sloop, and two yachts. All Tumbling Dice minis and very nice they are.

15th January 2022 (72 points)
All Tumbling Dice models. A flotilla of Barbary corsairs

15th January 2022 (48 points)
A bunch of corsair targets, a large cargo fluit and some smaller merchant ships

15th January 2022 (48 points)
A bunch of rascally pirates: a fourth rate, sloop, and two brigs.

19th January 2022 (14 points)
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I’m back with more Khurasan 15mm weird sci-fi critters. When I saw these on his website I just knew I had to give them a go, in fact I bought two packs cause you know just one pack wouldn’t fill the bill. Hard part was figuring out how to paint them. That actually took longer than the actual painting! Great thing about sci-fi figures is the old imagination can run wild and who’s to say that is the wrong button color?

30th January 2022 (40 points)
I know I have said this before, but I really do believe these are the absolute last 15mm sci-fi in storage, until I find the next packet waiting to be discovered! GZG NAC medics and some wounded. The stern looking chap on the far right was painted years ago. He was used as a model for the medics. I think I did a pretty decent job matching the old paint.

12th February 2022 (36 points)
Back again with almost the last of 15mm sci-fi from the storage bin. Actually the largest vehicle was purchased last year, but the smaller vehicles are all Brigade minis purchased years ago. I painted them to match two other vehicles from last year.

24th April 2022 (36 points)
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15mm scenery bits that could fit in anywhere in a game. I find I’m enjoying painting sci-fi since I don’t have to worry about proper color schemes…call it laziness or creativity I can’t decide.

29th June 2022 (144 points)
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These minis are all from Wartime Journal and they are very nice models indeed. All of them are 3d prints. The close up shows the kind of detail on these very small models. The cranes and the gun barrels all came cast on the model and are surprisingly sturdy. My guess is they will stand up to handling better than lead models. What we have here are ships of the Russian Pacific squadron.

29th June 2022 (384 points)
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All 1/2400 and a mix of Panzerschiffe and WTJ models. The next photo is of the protected cruisers accompanying the fleet at Tsushima. The third photo shows some of the destroyers in the Russian fleet.

29th June 2022 (456 points)
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These models are from Tumbling Dice. I must say I really like them even though I worry about the masts. Still, they painted into very nice looking ships. The photos show pretty much all of the Japanese fleet at Tsushima.

29th June 2022 (162 points)
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These ships, and the following Spanish ships, are Panzerschiffe and were painted years ago and have graced the table many times. They got a rebasing for this project which really spiffed them up since the old bases were starting to show their age.
The first photo actually contains two ships not involved in the war. Kearsarge wasn’t built yet and Maine was sitting on the bottom of Havana harbor.
This fleet has quite a few little ships in it since, at least in the Philippines, the fighting was done with nothing larger than the PC Olympia

29th June 2022 (108 points)
Here’s the last of the Russians. These are all Panzerschiffe and are the reason I picked up the WTJ ships. Once the combat fleets were all painted what was I to do with these models. I had replaced them with WTJ models but I didn’t want to just toss them in the bin either. So they are painted in pre-war colors of white overall, something a little different and probably never to get on the table, but who knows?

29th June 2022 (240 points)
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More Russians. This time a mix of brand new WTJ printed ships and 25-30 year old resin Panzerschiffe. The top photo is a group shot of the 4 Borodin class battleships. Quite a difference in the models, fairly hard to tell they’re in the same class. The next photo shows all of the Russian battleships at Tsushima. The next photo is all of the old coast defense battleships that were basically targets for the Japanese. The last photo is of the 3 armored cruisers in the Russian fleet.

29th June 2029 (36 points)
The last three Yankee ships

29th June 2022 (432 points)
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These photos shows all of the heavy ships that were in the Spanish navy, some of them never took part in the war at all but were kept close to Spain to protect the coast from the Yankee navy. There are two models of Colon, one as she historically appeared, main armament not installed and one conjectural model with guns in place. The Colon with guns is a WTJ ship recently added to the collection, but the rest were painted at the same time as the American fleet and have seen numerous table top battles over the years. They too look much better on they’re new bases!

23rd July 2022 (84 points)
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A group of Battleships and armored cruisers. Wartime Journal 1/2400 models and are reflective of the American Great White Fleet.

23rd July 2022 (84 points)
Protected cruisers. Wartime Journal 1/2400 models and are reflective of the American Great White Fleet, except for the cruiser San Francisco, which is a ringer. Don’t know what the model really is, it’s an old Panzerschiffe that was just lying around.

23rd July 2022 (108 points)
DD and gunboats. Wartime Journal 1/2400 models and are reflective of the American Great White Fleet.

3rd August 2022 (18 points)
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These are some of the new Quar models. 3D printed and very nice too, except the material has to be really scrubbed well to get primer to adhere. Other than that the biggest complaint is that no hatches or machine guns were provided! I can’t compare them to the older models since I have never seen them. These are Crusader vehicles and there are some infantry to be painted later.

3rd August 2022 (24 points)
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Here’s some Creevin faction vehicles. Same comments apply to these guys as too the Crusader rigs.

3rd August 2022 (25 points)
These are some Creevin infantry, actually a heavy machine gun section and some supporting infantry. These new sculpts are a bit bigger and certainly more detailed than the earlier models. I like them a lot.