13th January 2019 (60 points)
15 x German Grenadiers

13th January 2019 (72 points)
4 x Soviet T-26 tanks

13th January 2019 (180 points)
(and next pic)
Four big 3’x’3’ resin canal boards for the Wargames Holiday Centre, and a nice Sarrissa bridge to go with them.

3rd February 2019 (84 points)
(and next pic)
21 Russian infantry from Warlord and Blacktree Design

3rd February 2019 (18 points)
A Blitzkrieg SdKfz 231

3rd February 2019 (18 points)
A Blitzkrieg Panzer III

16th February 2019 (16 points)
A little German assault boat

16th February 2019 (36 points)
6 walls and 4 corner pillars

16th February 2019 (36 points)
A rather nice resin factory from Empress

16th February 2019 (88 points)
42 BTD and Crusader Soviets

16th February 2019 (156 points)
39 Warlord Dacians

15th March 2019 (384 points)
48 Warlord 28mm Sarmation heavy cavalry...fun to do !

13th January 2019 (432 points)
36 foundry and Warlord Dacian archers
72 foundry and Warlord falxmen

13th April 2019 (32 points)
1 mounted and 6 foot command

13th April 2019 (24 points)
6 Perry Nassau skirmishers in 28mm

2nd June 2019 (272 points)
(and next three pics)
A Burgundian pike block and some crossbows - Perry metals and plastics plus some Foundry figures - 68 x 28mm in this batch

27th July 2019 (54 points)
Three bolt throwers

27th July 2019 (192 points)
Pike Block

4th August 2019 (72 points)
A scratch-built 3'x3' terrain board plus a removable Plancenoit church for the WHC's new Waterloo game (I get to play it this weekend!) a pimped Sarrissa kit.

4th August 2019 (196 points)
The third of my Burgundian pike blocks, 49 Perry and Foundry figs

4th August 2019 (104 points)
Some Hussitte commanders for a client 8 foot and 9 mounted figures.

4th August 2019 (54 points)
3 Hussite artillery pieces, with 4 crew each.

4th August 2019 (442 points)
(and next two pics)
4 big wagons, and 5 small ones, a pain to make, but came out alright- with a staggering 52 crewmen between them!
6 sets of scratchbuilt stakes for archers and 12 sets of chains to go with the wagons...

31st August 2019 (96 points)
A unit of 24 dismounted knights, a mixture of Perry and Steel Fist miniatures

31st August 2019 (192 points)
More 28mm Burgundians...24 Perry mounted coustilliers which were fun to do

10th October 2019 (504 points)
A 28mm castle build which was a lot of fun - 14 big old pieces, 6 towers, 6 walls and a couple of bastions

10th October 2019 (96 points)
12 more Burgundian mounted knights

10th October 2019 (64 points)
16 pikemen to fill in the back rank of an existing unit.

10th October 2019 (184 points)
46 handgunners

19th November 2019 (48 points)
6 cute little Perry mounted longbows

19th November 2019 (48 points)
6 Perry Burgundian Knights

19th November 2019 (144 points)
36 x Front Rank longbowmen

19th November 2019 (336 points)
(and next pic)
A quick addition in the shape of a load of ACW Zouaves, these have been hanging about for ages waiting to be based and flagged lovely Perry plastics, a joy to paint- 84 of the little blighters!

14th December 2019 (136 points)
(and next pic)
Yet more Burgundian knights and some Swiss command stands. Perry, Foundry and citadel figures with lovely standards from Pete’s flags - all in all 13 mounted and 8 foot figures all 28mm.