16th January 2021 (10 points)
Ten not-Space Marines in 15mm from Vanguard Miniatures
16th January 2021 (3 points)
Three leader types for the not-Space Marines, also Vanguard Miniatures
16th January 2021 (8 points)
Two "dreadnoughts" with a 15mm figure for scale (they are the size of a 28mm mini) . From GZG .
24th January 2021 (10 points)
A second squad of 10 x Space Marines
24th January 2021 (10 points)
Two squads, each of 5 x Deathwing Terminators
30th January 2021 (6 points)
Here are the last of my 15mm space marines, all from Vanguard Miniatures, except for one GZG figure.
Here is a Librarian with a jump pack, with four marines with jump packs, plus an imperial assassin (the GZG figure)
30th January 2021 (20 points)
(and next pic)
20 jump pack assault marines in 2 x 10-man squads
14th February 2021 (8 points)
I realised today that I forgot to submit these two last year. They are two 28mm North Star Steampunk characters.
12th March 2021 (12 points)
These are three Bad Squiddo 28mm post-apocalyptic figures. I think of this group as "taking the post-apocalyptic dog for a walk".
24th March 2021 (8 points)
These are from the Copplestone 28mm Future Wars range. They are sold as "power-armoured troopers", but I am going to use them as Heavy Combat Droids.
16th April 2021 (36 points)
(and next three pics)
These are all 28mm Bad Squiddo figures, from the Feudal Japanese Onna Bugeisha female warriors range.
I decided to paint these up as staff, pupils and graduates from an
imaginary Ninja training academy. There are three members of staff, two junior students, two senior students and two fully-fledged Ninja graduates, a total of nine figures.
30th April 2021 (8 points)
Bad Squiddo 28mm minis: 1 x Cyborg (she is around 40mm tall)
30th April 2021 (8 points)
Bad Squiddo 28mm minis: 2 x Russian female soldiers in winter uniforms (samples from the latest Kickstarter)
21st May 2021 (16 points)
Victorian chaps with guns. Ironclad Miniatures 28mm Victorian SciFi range.
21st May 2021 (16 points)
Household staff. Ironclad Miniatures 28mm Victorian SciFi range.
31st May 2021 (20 points)
Five 28mm ATS figures from Bad Squiddo
31st May 2021 (3 points)
Three Fenris Games Toadstool Brownies from a recent Kickstarter (around 18mm tall)

31st May 2021 (20 points)
Five 28mm British Home Front ladies from Bad Squiddo
31st May 2021 (8 points)
Two Determined Young Victorian Ladies from Ironclad Miniatures in 28mm
31st May 2021 (12 points)
(and next pic)
Three female SOE agents in 28mm from Bad Squiddo
13th June 2021 (8 points)
28mm Bad Squiddo minis: 2 x ATA female pilots from the Women of WW2 range
13th June 2021 (4 points)
1 x Cat Man warrior
13th June 2021 (4 points)
1 x Sorceress with an owl
13th June 2021 (12 points)
3 x Evil Witches
24th June 2021 (32 points)
28mm Victrix figures to bolster my Peninsular War British forces: 8 x 61st Foot centre company rank and file
4th July 2021 (28 points)
(and next two pics)
A gang of Bad Squiddo 28mm Ghosts of Gaia Sci Fi fighters/scavengers. There are three characters; an alien psyker, the gang boss and her veteran mentor and four gang members with various weapons.
18th July 2021 (12 points)
More 28mm science fiction here. These are North Star figures for Stargrave. These metal figures were stretch goal bonuses for the Kickstarter but I think they are on sale now.
A Hacker, a Rogue and a Medic.
18th July 2021 (8 points)
More 28mm science fiction here. These are North Star figures for Stargrave. These metal figures were stretch goal bonuses for the Kickstarter but I think they are on sale now.
Two Mystics.
18th July 2021 (8 points)
More 28mm science fiction here. These are North Star figures for Stargrave. These metal figures were stretch goal bonuses for the Kickstarter but I think they are on sale now.
Two Psionicists.
31st July 2021 (12 points)
31st July 2021 (12 points)
Mad Preacher and two of his congregation
31st July 2021 (8 points)
Two Sheriffs
31st July 2021 (12 points)
Three Mexican caballeros
11th August 2021 (8 points)
Two Lumber Jills from Bad Squiddo
11th August 2021 (12 points)
Three Lumber Jills from Bad Squiddo
11th August 2021 (12 points)
Three Pinkerton agents
11th August 2021 (12 points)
Three dodgy characters
18th August 2021 (4 points)
Female gunslinger from Artizan
18th August 2021 (4 points)
The “Piano Player”
18th August 2021 (12 points)
Three gunslingers from Artizan
21st September 2021 (12 points)
3 x Bad Squiddo Women of WW2 war correspondents
21st September 2021 (20 points)
5 x Bad Squiddo Women of WW2 Land Girls doing farm work
17th September 2021 (20 points)
(and next pic)
Warlord Games plastic 28mm figures. These are actually AWI Americans but I've painted them up to use as FIW Milice Canadienne. 3 Officers and 2 Musicians.
17th September 2021 (96 points)
(and next two pics)
Warlord Games plastic 28mm figures. These are actually AWI Americans but I've painted them up to use as FIW Milice Canadienne.
3 x 8 militiamen
30th September 2021 (8 points)
Frostgrave or Oathmark 28mm figures from North Star
Two evil sorcerers
30th September 2021 (16 points)
Frostgrave or Oathmark 28mm figures from North Star
Four skeleton warriors
30th September 2021 (12 points)
Frostgrave or Oathmark 28mm figures from North Star
Three itinerant characters (bookseller, warrior monk and bare-knuckle fighter)
30th September 2021 (8 points)
Frostgrave or Oathmark 28mm figures from North Star
A genie and his lamp
30th September 2021 (4 points)
Frostgrave or Oathmark 28mm figures from North Star
A celestial wizard
15th October 2021 (28 points)
More 28mm fantasy stuff here: seven Elvish types from the North Star Oathmark range
15th October 2021 (8 points)
Two villainous sorts from the North Star Frostgrave range. I see these as an Executioner and a Torturer.
27th October 2021 (8 points)
Two jesters
27th October 2021 (12 points)
Three Oathmark "goblins", who are really Orcs as far as I can see.
27th October 2021 (8 points)
Two female adventurers from the North Star Frostgrave range
27th October 2021 (8 points)
Two heavily-armoured Frostgrave warriors
27th October 2021 (8 points)
A driver figure for a 1/10 scale remote control vehicle (the 28mm figure
is for scale only).
14th November 2021 (8 points)
A pirate captain and her pet giant iguana from Bad Squiddo
14th November 2021 (12 points)
Two archers and a swordswoman (North Star)
14th November 2021 (12 points)
Three female crew members (North Star)
14th November 2021 (20 points)
Five various characters (Foundry (archer in green), North Star and Bad Squiddo (the snake woman on the right))
14th November 2021 (8 points)
Two pirate heroes from Bad Squiddo
27th November 2021 (16 points)
These are all 28mm 17th century skirmishing types from Bloody Miniatures, a range of figures that I can recommend unconditionally.
4 x pistoleers
27th November 2021 (16 points)
These are all 28mm 17th century skirmishing types from Bloody Miniatures, a range of figures that I can recommend unconditionally.
4 x dismounted troopers
27th November 2021 (16 points)
These are all 28mm 17th century skirmishing types from Bloody Miniatures, a range of figures that I can recommend unconditionally.
4 x polearms
27th November 2021 (16 points)
These are all 28mm 17th century skirmishing types from Bloody Miniatures, a range of figures that I can recommend unconditionally.
4 x swordsmen
11th December 2021 (6 points)
15mm Volkssturm for a Chain of Command project.
2 x MG42 teams (6 figures)
11th December 2021 (2 points)
15mm Volkssturm for a Chain of Command project.
NSDAP ranking senior leader and bodyguard (2 figures)
11th December 2021 (8 points)
15mm Volkssturm for a Chain of Command project.
1 x Volksgrenadier StG 44 squad with Junior leader (8 figures)
11th December 2021 (8 points)
15mm Volkssturm for a Chain of Command project.
1 x Volkssturm squad with Panzerfausts (8 figures)
11th December 2021 (28 points)
(and next two pics)
15mm Volkssturm for a Chain of Command project.
3 x Volkssturm rifle squads with 3 junior leaders and 1 senior leader (28 figures)
11th December 2021 (4 points)
1 x Banshee
11th December 2021 (8 points)
2 x "Wizard Shades" a.k.a. ghosts
11th December 2021 (8 points)
2 x "Wizard Shades" a.k.a. ghosts
19th December 2021 (12 points)
3 x spirit thingies
19th December 2021 (4 points)
1 x Frostgrave Bog Man
19th December 2021 (4 points)
1 x Collegium Porter (a.k.a. The Angry Drinks Cabinet)
19th December 2021 (4 points)
1 x Stone Troll
19th December 2021 (8 points)
Dark Sorceror and Familiar
19th December 2021 (8 points)
Foundry Elizabethan Seadogs and Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (8 points)
Foundry Elizabethan Seadogs and Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (12 points)
Foundry Elizabethan Seadogs and Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (12 points)
Foundry Elizabethan Seadogs and Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (8 points)
Foundry Elizabethan Seadogs and Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (12 points)
Warbases Celtic cross plus two more Swashbucklers
19th December 2021 (4 points)
Wraith of Malcor
19th December 2021 (4 points)
Dark Sorceror
30th December 2021 (12 points)
30th December 2021 (12 points)
30th December 2021 (12 points)
More Halberdiers
30th December 2021 (12 points)
30th December 2021 (16 points)
Veteran Swordsmen