12th January (36 points)
Seventy-two Addler, GHQ and Scotia late war winter German minis

12th January (30 points)
Five GHQ Jagdpanzer IV L70a

12th January (30 points)
Five GHQ SU-100 tank destroyers

12th January (36 points)
Six Scotia A20Gs for late war VVS air battles

3rd February (24 points)
Two Zvezda kits in 1/72 of Brit 2 Pdr with 2 crew each. Had to convert the crew to 8th Army types for Malaya Campaign

3rd February (72 points)
Four 1/285 Raiden Bf109Ks
Eight 1/285 Raiden Ki 61 Tonys

22nd February (38 points)
Six 2pdr crew figures to make two groups of five for my Aussie ATGs in Malaya; four Aussie Jr Ldrs with rifles for Malaya; two AussieFOs for Malaya; four more Japanese NCOs and officers; amd three green clad Aussies for SW Pacific

22nd February (18 points)
Three Scotia 1/300B25C Strafers

19th March 2016 (54 points)
Finished some more 1/300 planes for the SW Pacific:
2) Pete Floatplanes H&R
2) Val divebombers H&R
5) SBD Dauntlesses Scotia

5th April 2016 (162 points)
(and next two pics)
Working on some terrain for the Pacific:
Four 2X8 inch 'secondary' jungle pieces. Each has 20 plus small trees and foliage for 15 and 20mm games. Three large craters (vacufoam Amera ) 4 to 7 inch to represent some 500 lb explosions for 20mm games. Seven smaller resin craters for 15 or 6mm games.

19th April 2016 (96 points)
Finished another batch of 6mm WWII planes:
6 Scotia SM 79 bombers
4 Scotia MC200
4 MSD Gladiators for the Greeks
2 GHQ P39 for SW Pacific
Total of 16 planes

19th April 2016 (48 points)
Finally finished my rubber plantation piece for 20mm CoC.
120 small straight trees on a 12X24 inch base
Lots of tufts and ground cover added to the base

28th April 2016 (72 points)
Some more WWII 6mm aircraft: four Bf109Es for desert; eight F4U Cosairs for SW Pacific. Twelve planes total.

9th June 2016 (93 points)
Finished up some microarmour. Quite an odd assortment that has been siting around for months:
5) Ferdinand SPGs for Ponyri games GHQ
3) PzIVG in winter camo GHQ
2) Valentine Mk III winter camo GHQ
3) Renault trucks in German camo GHQ
5) Citroen Halftracks in German camo GHQ
5) T34 early-3 converted to 57mm tank destroyers for winter 41/42 games GHQ
3) Pz38ts for France 40 game CinC
Total of 31 vehicles in 6mm

16th June 2016 (132 points)
Feeling good about getting some never ending projects done
1) 1/72 Airfix jungle outpost that had parts missing
2) 15mm piles of loot from Wargamer of Poland
2) 15mm wells from Wargamer also
4) 6mm Cr42s from Shapeways
6) 6mm Fiat G50 s from Scotia
6) 6mm Fiat Br20 bombers from Scotia
Italians painted up for fighting my Greeks and RAF over Greece

2nd July 2016 (12 points)
(and next pic)
Since I tend to do most of my SP games centered around encounters in the North American wilderness, I decided to go a bit more naturalistic for my deployment points.
All on based on 2" washers, which seems to work nicely for 15mm.
First are the 2 designed for games in Florida, Second Seminole War most likely. We have a Florida panther climbing out on a dead tree with some palmettos bushes and of course an alligator working its way through the swamp grass.

2nd July 2016 (12 points)
(and next pic)
Since I tend to do most of my SP games centered around encounters in the North American wilderness, I decided to go a bit more naturalistic for my deployment points.
All on based on 2" washers, which seems to work nicely for 15mm.
I headed north for a couple of F&I pieces. I used a Woodland Scenics Cougar pack for the big cats. It came with 2 male adults, a female, and 3 cubs. They had to be repainted as they just looked too "plastic-y"

2nd July 2016 (12 points)
Since I tend to do most of my SP games centered around encounters in the North American wilderness, I decided to go a bit more naturalistic for my deployment points.
All on based on 2" washers, which seems to work nicely for 15mm.
As generic DPs I put together a couple of 5" tall dead trees. These will be handy for just about any of my games set in the woods of North America.
Only submitted as an example of something that could be thrown together cheaply, easily, and awfully useful.

31st July 2016 (52 points)
(and next two pics)
I've been putting together a load of items for SP2 games for 15mm AWI, F&I, and whatever.
First some 18th C civies and odds--10) physics, preachers, workers, townsfolk
1) British Legion mounted horseholder and 3 horses on a base
3) generic Deployment points that are stacks of supplies
The following DP all have some landscape feature, dead trees, rocks, fences... in addition to the mentioned 15mm figures
1) F&I DP with 3 Canadien and Indian figures
1) Jaeger DP with 2 figures
1) British Lt Inf DP with 2 figures with supplies
1) Loyalist DP with 3 figures with supplies
1) DeLancey's DP with 2 figures with supplies
1) Mounted Loyalist DP with 2 mtd minis and 5 inch tall dead tree
1) Native American DP with 2 figures
1) Mounted Rebel DP with 2 mtd figures and 5 inch tall dead tree
1) Rebel Militia DP with 3 figures and supplies
1) Continental DP with 3 figures and supplies
total of 13 DPs and 25 figures, plus 14 other 15mms

8th October 2016 (102 points)
(and next pic)
Got away from the 6mm aircraft and back to 15mm.
It was a long painful slog but I finally got a batch of cavalry done:
18 x mounted 17th Lt Dragoons
18 x mounted Queen's American Rangers Hussars
and some miscellaneous bits:
1 x mounted British officer
1 x Loyalist officer waving a bloody big blade (character for SP2)
1 x Queen's American Ranger officer
1 x Queen's American chosen man for SP2
1 x British Legion bugler
And some more Deployment points for the following:
1 x lean-to for 2nd Seminole War
1 x Canadien Militia (2 men on base)
1 x Queen's American Rangers (1 mounted hussar on base)
1 x AWI militia (1 mounted officer and 2 men on base)
Total of 39 mtd figures and 8 foot and 4 terrain pieces

16th October 2016 (27 points)
Twenty-seven 15mm 17th Light Dragoons on foot

And dismounted!

6th November 2016 (30 points)
Just finished a small batch of 1/285 lease lease armour for the Soviets: ten GHQ M4A2 (76mm)

27th November 2016 (98 points)
Finished a load of the new H&R Armstrong 6mm figures.
196 of German and Soviets for some winter Russian front IABSM games.

19th December 2016 (66 points)
Finished up some more 6mm stuff:
2 x Scotia Me262
2 x H&R B26 Marauders
7 x buildings from Scotia and Total Battle Miniatures.