3rd February (60 points)
10x 28mm Indians for the French and Indian War (pictured)
2x 28mm WW2 British mortar crewmen
3x 28mm WW2 German pioneers

18th February (44 points)
11 more 28mm late war Kiwis

21st April 2016 (18 points)
1x Cromwell tank in 28mm

21st April 2016 (44 points)
(and next two pics)
11x Dug in WW2 British infantry in 28mm

2nd July 2016 (296 points)
(and next five pics)
Early medieval Breton retinue, all in 28mm. Some I've painted from scratch: 12 horse & 6 foot.
The others I bought off fleabay. The paintjob was a flat scheme with no highlight and shadow. I've rebased them, dipped and highlighted them: 6 horse & 32 foot.
2nd July 2016 (8 points)
Mounted standard bearer
2nd July 2016 (4 points)
Lovely lady in 28mm: Lenore
2nd August 2016 (18 points)
28mm Jeep with driver
2nd August 2016 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Three carts with four draft animals. Ranging from quite little to rather big.
2nd August 2016 (20 points)
Some medieval civvies: a taxman and some oppressed peasants. Five figures all up if you don't count the kids!

14th August 2016 (144 points)
(and next three pics)
some 28mm terrain this time:
3x Dark Age buildings
A pigsty (oink!)

3rd September 2016 (18 points)
A Vickers gun carrier in 28mm

3rd September 2016 (18 points)
A Cromwell tank in 28mm with swappy magnet magic so it can transform from the 75mm gun tank to the 95mm howitzer close support tank.
25th September 2016 (18 points)
1x Pak40 AT gun (3 crew) in 28mm
25th September 2016 (18 points)
1x Flak38 AA gun (3 crew) in 28mm
25th September 2016 (24 points)
6x Pioneers (photo shows more but some were already painted)
in 28mm

16th October 2016 (40 points)
10x 28mm WW2 Partisans
16th October 2016 (16 points)
4x 28mm WW2 Germans with SMGs (because you can never have too many SMGs)
6th November 2016 (6 points)
Freejumper Freighter
6th November 2016 (6 points)
Freejumper space station

6th November 2016 (30 points)
Freejumper space ships
27th November 2016 (18 points)
(and next pic)
An M5 Stuart tank in 28mm (either with or without turret).
27th November 2016 (18 points)
An M5 half-track in 28mm

27th November 2016 (84 points)
Some Breton archers, 21 of them in 28mm.
26th December 2016 (24 points)
Six ninjas in 28mm
26th December 2016 (36 points)
A bridge in 28mm