5th January (26 points)
Seven 20mm Polish Paras and a Tetrach Tank
8th January (24 points)
Two 20mm Universal Carriers. Models by Plastic Soldier Company, Stowage Early War Miniatures. Extra Vickers from the bit box.
18th January (26 points)
Seven 20mm British Para's with a 6-pounder AT-gun
18th January (36 points)
Eighteen 20mm French infantry

24th January (26 points)
20mm French: 75mm Field gun with seven crew

24th January (20 points)
20mm French: 47mm ATG with four crew

24th January (22 points)
20mm British: 75mm Pack howitzer with five British Para crew
7th February (12 points)
A 20mm Sherman tank
11th February (24 points)
Twelve 1940 Fallschirmjaeger in 20mm
15th February (30 points)
Five 15mm T-34/85s

18th March (24 points)
A 20mm Sherman tank and a 20mm Firefly using PSC models
5th April (36 points)
Nine 28mm Romano-British for Dux. Figures by Musketeer Miniatures.

27th April (30 points)
Five 15mm T-34/85 tanks

4th May (24 points)
Two 20mm Daimler Scout Cars

17th May (40 points)
Eight Romano-British foot and one British horseman. All 28mm Musketeer Miniatures.

14th June (38 points)
Nineteen German Fallschirmjaeger

12th July (24 points)
Twelve British WW2 infantry

12th July (24 points)
Two 20mm Churchill tanks

12th July (18 points)
Six 28mm Sci-Fi/Post-apocalyptic roads (4x 60cm by 10cm, 2x 30cm by 10cm) (half a building)

22nd July (20 points)
Five 28mm sci-fi officials from Heresy Miniatures

26th July (22 points)
Eleven 20mm German Fallschirmjäger, mix of FAA, Early War Miniatures and AB Miniatures.

31st July (16 points)
These 4 Sci-fi Gangstery types from Heresy in 28mm are my next entry

25th August (36 points)
Boxes and shipping containers from LaserCutCard. Mostly used as a
practice run for the next entry. 28mm.

25th August (18 points)
28mm Moffel logistics vehicle from LaserCutCard. The model starts life
as a flatpack in an envelope.

6th September (18 points)
A 28mm Sci-Fi recce vehicle (Model and stowage by Old Crow)

6th September (4 points)
A 28mm Victorian adventurer (Brigade models)

21st September (18 points)
A 28mm South African Buffel recruited for sci-fi purposes

25th October (24 points)
Six 28mm Steampunk Ottomans. Figures from Lead Adventure Models.

25th October (4 points)
28mm British Steampunk Hussar from the Brigade Games VSF range

10th November (16 points)
4 x 28mm Sci-Fi sentry guns

10th November (20 points)
10 x 20mm German Fallschirmjaeger

24th November (24 points)
Six 28mm asylum patients who wandered into a cemetery.
20th December (8 points)
A mysterious lady and her loyal driver. 2x 28mm Pulp heroes from
Statuesque miniatures.
20th December (12 points)
20mm crew and tow vehicle for an 47mm AT gun
20th December (12 points)
A civilian truck in 20mm
20th December (36 points)
3x 20mm M.36 Landsverk armoured car (SHQ models)
28th December (48 points)
12x 28mm Sci-fi Cold weather troopers by Four A miniatures
28th December (40 points)
5x 28mm Sci-fi drones by Anvil industry

31st December (48 points)
12x 28mm Sci-fi Cold weather troopers

31st December (24 points)
6x 20mm German (FJ) Jump-off points for Chain of Command
6x 20mm German drop containers

31st December (12 points)
6x 20mm Dutch Jump-off points for Chain of Command