8th January (48 points)
12 Macedonian Hypaspists. 28mm Foundry figures.
25th January (24 points)
Ruined french cafe. This is an Airfix 1:72 model.
31st January (48 points)
28mm Foundry Hypaspists X 12

22nd February (96 points)
Alexander and his companions. 12 x 28mm Foundry cavalry.

3rd April (100 points)
Some Skraelings (dark age American Indians): 25 x 28mm Gripping Beast figures.

12th April (64 points)
8 x 28mm British Hussars (Perry figures)

25th April (72 points)
9 x 28mm British 7th Hussars. Perry figures.

12th May (48 points)
Some Napoleonic command bases needed as a result of unit re-organisation.
Two British, one French: 12 x 28mm Perry figures.

26th May (72 points)
The last of the infill painting. 3 more French infantry command stands (one of Swiss in French service), plus some cheveux leger lancers and cuirassiers.
12 x 28mm infantry, 4 cavalry.

27th June (18 points)
Limbers. 28mm Victrix limbers with horses from the spares box: probably Hinchliffe, but who knows!

27th June (18 points)
Entrenchments. 20mm resin models.
27th June (24 points)
Some British Artillery. 1 x 6 pounder horse gun, 2 x 9 pounder foot guns and a howitzer for a total of 4 Guns, 16 crew (Victrix figures with some conversions for horse gun).

6th July (64 points)
16 x 28mm Perry Napoleonic French

25th July (64 points)
The last of the French infantry: 16 x 28mm Perry figures

6th August (64 points)
British Napoleonic infantry
16 x 28mm Perry figures

22nd August (36 points)
Some French Horse Artillery
8 x 28mm Front Rank figures and 2 guns

29th August (64 points)
The last of the British Napoleonic infantry: 16 x 28mm Perry figures

22nd September (54 points)
A British rocket troop. 3 rocket launchers, 12 crew. 28mm Old Glory Figures.

5th October (72 points)
The last of the Napoleonic artillery:
4 x guns and 16 x 28mm Victrix figures

24th October (60 points)
The final batch of Napoleonics! (phew)
5 command stands in 28mm (Foundry figures): 5 x mounted, 5 x dismounted figures.

23rd November (24 points)
And some more Zulu War stuff - some Natal Native horse: 6 x 20mm mounted figures.

30th November (12 points)
Naval Brigade gun from the Zulu War in 20mm

30th November (24 points)
Twelve Naval Brigade from the Zulu War in 20mm

30th November (10 points)
Zulu commanders in 20mm

30th November (24 points)
17th Lancers from the Zulu War in 20mm

30th November (24 points)
Zulus in 20mm

16th December (216 points)
A project bought cheap off ebay years ago and which has been languishing in a cupboard, mainly because it required fiddly assembly and some scratch building of missing bits.
18 x 1:2400 scale Napoleonic ships.