6th January (23 points)
A platoon of 15mm late war Germans made up of left over figures: waste not want not! A total of 23 15mm figures.

12th January (23 points)
A platoon of 23 late war German infantry by Peter Pig

12th January (11 points)
Command post/objective marker from Battlefront

24th January (23 points)
23 figure strong second platoon for my late war German Luftwaffe field division company. All figs 15mm from Peter Pig or Battlefront

31st January (18 points)
The latest additions to my late war war Germans - three 15mm Battlefront Hetzers, one with a commander bravely surveying the way ahead.

7th February (26 points)
26 Soviet infantry in 15mm

7th February (6 points)
SU-122 in 15mm

18th February (12 points)
Two 81mm mortars each with 3 crew (15mm Peter Pig)
Two Maxim HMG's each with 3 crew (15mm Peter Pig)

18th February (31 points)
Three SU57 self propelled anti tank guns, each with 2 crew (15mm Battlefront). Seven (precariously perched) tank riders (15mm Battlefront).

22nd February (24 points)
24 ACW Union infantry, based as skirmishers

22nd February (24 points)
24 ACW Confederate infantry, 20 in line and 4 skirmishers.

1st March 2016 (18 points)
Three WW2 Lend-lease Soviet universal carriers with 15 crew figures

1st March 2016 (27 points)
27 WW2 Soviet submachine gun armed infantry in 15mm from Battlefront

8th March 2016 (23 points)
Here's a shot of my latest output, in this case 20 Confederate infantry and 2 command figures. Total 21 x 15mm foot and 1 x 15mm mounted officer.

23rd March 2016 (23 points)
Twenty-three Confederate infantry in 15mm

23rd March 2016 (9 points)
Nine 15mm ACW Union troops (6 skirmishers and a 3 figure command stand).

30th March 2016 (23 points)
Twenty three Confederates in 15mm

30th March 2016 (24 points)
Two artillery pieces and caissons for my 15mm Confederates

5th April 2016 (50 points)
Yet more Confederates (Confederate army has now broken the 500 figure mark - can’t actually fit them on my table, not that that will stop me painting the renaming 200 or so figures left!)
Figures in this update: 44infantry, 1 limber, four horses and 5 artillery crew.

19th April 2016 (59 points)
(and next two pics)
Two regiments of ACW Union infantry, a couple of Confederate skirmishers, a Union general with ADC and a pair of hills (made from insulation foam salvaged from a skip and based on pound shop floor tiles- total cost £1 and there’s plenty left to make more!)
A total of 33 foot figures, 1 mounted figure and two hills. All figures 15mm as usual.

28th April 2016 (24 points)
A 24-strong 15mm Prussian Napoleonic Landwehr battalion found in a box in the loft!

28th April 2016 (76 points)
Thirty-eight 1/72 Russian WW2 infantry. The figures were bought from a antiques /flea market and have had helmets, webbing and packs painted, an ink wash, a varnish and a rebase.

3rd May 2016 (76 points)
Another battalion of the ‘rescued Russians ‘ that I got from the flea market. Thirty eight 1/72 figures.

19th May 2016 (20 points)
More Confederates- 20 x 15mm Essex Miniatures

24th May 2016 (24 points)
20 renaissance pike with 4 heavy swordsmen. All Essex Miniatures 15mm.

30th May 2016 (17 points)
17 landsknechts and with harquebus or crossbow-all 15mm Essex Miniatures.

30th May 2016 (52 points)
Phase one of my mammoth medieval rebasing project -104 spearmen, all 15mm. They were organised 7 to a base as irregular horde for dbm on slightly wonky hand cut bases- they were predictably useless! Now they're based as spears for FoG on mdf laser cut bases, they’ll hopefully meet with more success!

5th June 2016 (120 points)
The rebasing madness continues apace. This week 60 new bases of men at arms, billmen and assorted armed hangers on. All in all 240 x 15mm figures rebased from badly cut card bases to new laser cut 2mm mdf...phew!

5th June 2016 (15 points)
Another 15 landsknecht harquebus figures

16th June 2016 (91 points)
The rebasing madness finally draws to a close with 183 x 15mm longbows rebased and ready for action.

16th June 2016 (16 points)
Fresh off the production line are 8 x 15mm renaissance mounted harquebusiers

16th June 2016 (11 points)
Some 15mm Wars of the Roses command bases - with removable kings on home made sabot bases. A total of 9 foot and 1 mounted figure.

21st June 2016 (22 points)
Another two bases of Wars of the Roses command and four bases of Wars of the Roses pike. All in 15mm as per usual.

12th July 2016 (16 points)
16 x15mm Peter Pig Wars of the Roses hand gunners.

19th July 2016 (9 points)
8 medieval Welsh spearmen for The Wars of The Roses (Donnington new era 15mm).

19th July 2016 (20 points)
20 ACW Union infantry (Essex 15mm).

26th July 2016 (72 points)
A Russian battalion for Rapid Fire consisting of 36 x 1/72 figures. These are some more of the figures that I rescued from the local antiques /flea market a while ago, after a major repaint and rebasing they're ready for action!

2nd August 2016 (14 points)
Two Union regimental command bases and three general’s bases. 15mm.

2nd August 2016 (30 points)
One ACW Confederate regiment, and a general’s command base.

14th August 2016 (60 points)
another two battalions of 15mm ACW confederates, a total of 48 figures, and another few bases of odds and ends to fill out some units, 12 figures.

14th August 2016 (64 points)
16 x 28mm Gripping Beast late Romans, quite a change from 15mm ACW! They've been in garrison duty in the loft for far too long so they've had a total refurbishment- weapons reattached, paint work retouched, some highlights added and a rebase on 2p coins. They're off to find a new home on ebay!

14th August 2016 (64 points)
Another batch of 16 x 28mm Late Romans rescued from garrison duty in the loft. They’ve been rebased on individual bases and had weapons reattached and chipped and worn paint re painted and are off to find a new commander on eBay!

23rd August 2016 (21 points)
21 x 15mm WW2 Soviet scout platoon (Battlefront)

23rd August 2016 (24 points)
12 x 15mm renaissance cavalry (Essex miniatures)

3rd September 2016 (6 points)
1 x 15mm WW2 German armoured car sdkfz 223 (I think!) Battlefront model. I actually did need this to round out my PBI recce platoon!

3rd September 2016 (24 points)
12 x Wars of the Roses mounted men at arms (Peter Pig) picked up brand new, unpainted at Britcon, no idea why - I don’t need any more medieval men at arms.

3rd September 2016 (47 points)
47 x 15mm WW2 Soviet sapper company (Battlefront figures)-purchased in a fit of absent-mindedness from a nearby games store

18th September 2016 (12 points)
A hut!

18th September 2016 (12 points)
Germans: an 8 wheel armoured car with 2 crew and a passenger, also a kubelwagen with 3 occupants.

18th September 2016 (23 points)
A WW2 German Luftwaffe platoon -23 figures.

18th September 2016 (12 points)
Two Russian T34/85 tanks, one with a very brave (or plain crazy) commissar exhorting the troops to even greater feats of socialist valour-think I'll give him a +1 on morale throws!

25th September 2016 (28 points)
39 x 15mm Peter Pig/Battlefront WW2 German infantry, 18 of these are newly painted the rest are rebased so I can more easily differentiate between rank and file and officers /Big Men.

25th September 2016 (48 points)
Some scenery: a log redoubt in 15mm by Peter Pig and three home made log barricades.

25th September 2016 (18 points)
3 x Panzer IVH tanks, 15mm by plastic soldier company.

8th October 2016 (36 points)
18 x ACW Confederate militia (15mm Peter Pig)

8th October 2016 (54 points)
27 x WW2 Soviet infantry (15mm Peter Pig)

8th October 2016 (24 points)
6 x 28mm orcs (all set for a game of 1st edition Dungeons and Dragons next weekend....how very 1980’s!)

20th October 2016 (32 points)
32 Wars of the Roses billmen/men at arms. All in 15mm as per usual. The figures are mainly Donnington new era with a few Peter Pig thrown in for good measure. These were all purchased at Britcon in Manchester back in August- that's about two months from trade stand to tabletop! Quite a fast turnaround by my standards!

30th October 2016 (88 points)
(and next pic)
More late Romans rescued from garrison duty in the loft and restored to their full glory! They've had chipped/worn paintre-touched, the horses have been given a makeover and lances and bows have been reattached, all followed by a rebasing-they're now off to find a new home on eBay to help fund my 15mm WW2 and ACW addiction! In all it's a total of 6 mounted and 10 foot, all 28mm Gripping Beast figures.

6th November 2016 (16 points)
16 WoTR pikemen (15mm Peter Pig)

6th November 2016 (16 points)
16 landsknecht pike and swordsmen (15mm Essex)

6th November 2016 (18 points)
18 landsknecht shot (15mm: mainly by Essex, a few by 15mm.co.uk)

14th November 2016 (63 points)
An English Tudor colonial army all set to fight the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and assorted belligerent localsin the Americas, Africa andthe East Indies!
In total it's a force of 57 15mm figures and one tiny cannon! Figures are from Freikorps 15 and Essex Miniatures.

27th November 2016 (15 points)
My English Tudor army gets a few reinforcements: a couple of Demi lancers, eight billmen and three ship's crew with harquebus, swords etc. All 15mm as usual.

27th November 2016 (48 points)
Another six 28mm late Roman cavalry, rescued from deep storage in the loft. They've had weapons reattached, chipped and worn paint redone and have been rebased on new mdf bases.

7th December 2016 (112 points)
(and next pic)
A mass rebasing of my Wars of the Roses 10mm figures. All in all 393 foot, 18 mounted and 3 organ guns.

19th December 2016 (33 points)
33 x 15mm WW2 Germans in greatcoats, mainly Peter Pig with some Battlefront. All based on autumnal bases!

19th December 2016 (34 points)
More Tudors!
2 demi lancers
4 border horse
8 longbows
8 musketeers
6 pike
Total of 6 horse and 22 foot. All figures are 15mm Essex Miniatures.

30th December 2016 (91 points)
(and next two pics)
91 WW2 winter German infantry on unseasonably cold winter bases. All the figures are 15mm by Peter Pig or Battlefront.