5th January (37 points)
Thirty-seven 15mm US Paratroopers

5th January (24 points)
Four mixed 15mm German AA Tanks (Kugelblitz, Wirbelwind, Ostwind)

18th January (84 points)
Peter Pig 15mm US Para's: 4 x 57mm guns; 4 x MMG teams; 4 x bazooka teams; 4 x Big Men; 8 x Engineers for a total of sixty foot and four guns

26th January (26 points)
A full platoon of 15mm Germans with two officers for IABSM: 26 figures

26th January (24 points)
Two each of 15mm Forged in Battle Sd251/2 and Sd251/9

7th February (26 points)
A full platoon of 15mm WW2 Germans: three squads, two officers...26 infantry

19th February (42 points)
A mix of 15mm vehicles: four Lee/Grants, two Sdkfz 251/9 and one American AA Halftrack

27th February (72 points)
A mixture to round off some 15mm WW2 forces: 3 x Pak 40 with 5 crew each; 1 x 75mm Infantry Gun with 5 crew; Engineer Section of 10 men; a Sniper Team of 2 men; two Panzerschrek Teams equals 4 men; two Goliath High Explosive guided bombs; a British Jeep. So all in all its 36 infantry/crew, 4 Guns, 1 Jeep and 2 tiny bombs.

31st March (84 points)
15mm Prussian Napoleon Reservist Regiment of three battalions, with a mounted officer looking on. There are also some Drop Off points for CoC I have created. So 72 infantry, 1 mounted officer and 6 drop off points to score.

24th April (62 points)
Some more 15mm Napoleonics for you to put on the list. Three Battalions of 2nd Eble Landwehr and their commanding mounted officer. Sixty infantry and a single horseman.

4th May (32 points)
2nd West Prussian Dragoons: 16 Mounted 15mm Figures

13th May (72 points)
One Regiment of 1st Pomerian Infantry for Prussia. Three battalions of twenty-four men in 15mm gives 72 figures in total. Officers to follow.

21st June (75 points)
One Regiment Westphalian Landwehr Cavalry: 16 mounted figures; one Regiment 1st West Prussian Dragoons: 16 mounted figures; ½ Battalion 1/3rd Jaeger Battalion: 12 foot figures; one 6lb battery: 4 foot and 1 cannon.; assorted officers: 3 mounted and 1 foot. All in 15mm.

3rd July (66 points)
2nd Light Cavalry Brigade: 6th Hussars; 7th Hussars. Both 16 figures each and with 1 mounted Brigade Commander. Thirty-three mounted 15mm figures.

26th July (206 points)
For CoC: a Platoon of 28mm British Infantry (37); an MMG Team (5); a 3" Mortar Team (5); three Jump Off Points. Forty-seven figures in all.

4th August (30 points)
Five 15mm Battlefront ISII tanks

30th August (200 points)
28mm German Platoon with some extras. In total there are fifty figures.

13th September (108 points)
A bit of a mix here but mainly guns of one type or another in 15mm: four Russian Zis 2/3 Guns with five crew each; three Napoleonic Batteries with ten crew altogether; and five 28mm Drop Off points for CoC.

4th October (34 points)
1st British Hussars and Divisional Officer: 17 mounted figures

4th October (72 points)
Muscovie infantry: 36 foot figures