8th January (12 points)
In 15mm its 12 Illyrian infantry
19th January (24 points)
In 15mm: a phalanx of 24 Pyrrhic pikemen.
25th January (24 points)
In 15mm its another 12 Greek cavalry.
3rd February (16 points)
8 Greek cavalry

3rd February (12 points)
2 Greek elephants
9th February (7 points)
2 Greek command bases - 3 mounted and 1 foot figure, 15mm

9th February (32 points)
8 Gondor infantry in 28mm

9th February (32 points)
8 Rohan infantry in 28mm

9th February (4 points)
It's a cave troll

17th February (32 points)
Eight dwarves

17th February (64 points)
Sixteen Gondor archers

17th February (64 points)
Sixteen orcs

17th February (20 points)
Five orcs with bows

28th February (32 points)
Eight men of Rohan

28th February (32 points)
Eight men of Gondor
8th March (64 points)
Sixteen 28mm Uruk Hai

8th March (32 points)
Eight 28mm Orcs
16th March (12 points)
Three 'baddie' big men for LOTR

16th March (40 points)
Ten Gondor types in 28mm
21st March (24 points)
Six more LOTR figures in 28mm

21st March (4 points)
15mm two foot, one mounted Crusader leader figures ("we come in peace, shoot to kill...")

12th April (44 points)
Eleven 28mm figures for LOTR

25th April (32 points)
8 uruk hai berserkers in 28mm

25th April (28 points)
6 uruk hai and an orc standard bearer

6th May (16 points)
Eight 15mm Scythian horse archers

6th May (64 points)
Sixteen 28mm Morannon Orcs

6th May (4 points)

15th June (24 points)
12x15mm Roman auxiliary cavalry.

27th June (16 points)
8 Persian light horse

27th June (14 points)
7 Persian command on horseback

30th June (16 points)
Eight 15mm Greek light horse
6th July (16 points)
16 Persian heavy foot, in 15mm.
6th July (16 points)
In 15mm, it's 16 Holy Orders Crusaders: who come in peace of course...
6th July (8 points)
In 15mm, 8 persian slingers
6th July (10 points)
5 Persian cavalry which are just finishing off another couple of units.

15th August (56 points)
Fourteen WW2 US infantry in 28mm

15th August (24 points)
Twelve Scythian light horse in 15mm

22nd August (52 points)
Another 13 US infantry for Chain of Command.

22nd August (56 points)
Just finished another fourteen 28mm US figures for Chain of Command
29th August (168 points)
In 28mm we have 42 US WW2 infantry, which completes my
US forces for Chain of Command....all bar another MMG and a few odds and sods.

22nd September (16 points)
4 US infantry to finish off that collection

22nd September (132 points)
(and next pic)
33 German infantry to finish off that collection...includes panzerknacker team, assault engineers, medico, and The Fraulein who will be the adjutant.

22nd September (18 points)
An 88mm AT gun.
5th October (108 points)
(and next two pics)
Getting ahead of the game for a change for Fighting Season: 28mm, 27 Taliban/Afghan

8th November (32 points)
16 mongol horse archers (doing these for a mate so I've left them unbased so he can match his other stuff)

8th November (24 points)
12 Greek Successor cavalry

23rd November (68 points)
We have in 28mm 17 dwarves including Gimli...no sign of Snow White anywhere.

30th November (12 points)
This week we have in 15mm, 12 Ancient British types.

11th December (12 points)
12 Greek peltasts in 15mm

16th December (64 points)
In 28mm, 16 skeleton warriors

31st December (36 points)
In 15mm we have 36 British infantry for the Sudan. I will be using these for my development of They Don't Like It Up 'Em which was in one of the Specials a few years ago.