4th February 2018 (156 points)
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28mm Perry plastics with Citadel Six decals for the banner and livery badges. Militia bowmen from Winchelsea and Canterbury.
17th February 2018 (24 points)
a bunch of dead guys
17th February 2018 (18 points)
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One guy bringing out the dead. The cart maker is unknown, he has been in my collection for at least 20 years waiting to get painted.
17th February 2018 (18 points)
A WOTR artillery piece
17th February 2018 (20 points)
Five single WOTR figures
17th February 2018 (48 points)
WOTR Command stands.
This is the second go around for most of the command stands. I’ve been using Citadel Six decals for my flags and have good results with them in the past. Unfortunately I changed spray varnish and ruined the first set of flags. When I sent a photo to Geoff at Citadel he immediately refunded the purchase, which I returned since it was I who goofed and not his product. He had some great suggestions on how to properly varnish his decals and you can see the results with this batch. I can’t say enough good things about Geoff and Citadel Six.
17th February 2018 (36 points)
A barn.
17th February 2018 (48 points)
Ancient archers from Wargames Factory
12th March 2017 (40 points)
a bunch of Warlord 28mm generals/legate figs. In case you really want to know, according to Warlord that’s Pompey in the rear, Marcus Aurelius is wearing the hooded cape, and the fellow with the ivy wreath is Julius himself. Nice figures.
12th March 2017 (20 points)
This photo contains Crassus, he’s the dramatic fellow with his arms out flung, no doubt trying to send off those Persians coming for his head! The rather sedate tall fellow delivering the scroll is supposedly Mark Antony. Myself, I would have switched the names around, but I don’t own Warlord either.
12th March 2017 (24 points)
a bunch of Foundry Centurions. These fellows were fun to paint. I love the one on the right who simply has his cane is staring the barbarians down.
12th March 2017 (24 points)
a selection of 28mm Foundry Tribunes. Great fun painting these guys. I took a bit more time outlining and highlighting the white areas since these were going to be more “one off” vignettes figures.
22nd March 2018 (96 points)
Just finished these fellows today. 28mm Foundry Iberian cavalry. I’m pleased with the way they turned out. Irregular units like this can be colorful but take more time to paint.
11th April 2018 (8 points)
Some Warlord 28mm Romans
11th April 2018 (96 points)
28mm Victrix Numidian cavalr
11th April 2018 (90 points)
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6mm paper buildings.
The 5 row houses came from a cheap kit I downloaded off the internet. The larger multipart building was also from the same company (Iliada). Both kits were only $3 each and the row house kit actually came with 4 sheets of buildings, something like 20-25 individual buildings. Not bad and they look pretty good. I’m not entirely happy with the large building, there are parts I wish I had done better. The good thing about downloads is I can simply print out another sheet and do it again!
I can’t take complete credit for the Vauban fort since my buddy and I built it for another fellow. It was not an easy build and it took some 15 hours to get it built. It is a Paper Terrain kit.
18th April 2018 (18 points)
Somua Tank in 28mm
18th April 2018 (18 points)
Renault tank in 28mm
18th April 2018 (18 points)
Hotchkiss tank in 28mm
11th May 2018 (36 points)
Some unidentified 20mm French WWII figs I picked up at the bring and buy at Enfilade 2017. They got me started collecting figs for a French COC force, but it wasn’t until WaT came along that I actually started painting them. Ironically I’m now going to finish the COC French project because of WaT, weird isn’t it?
11th May 2018 (12 points)
A Lancer 20mm Somua halftrack prime mover
11th May 2018 (12 points)
A Lancer 20mm Panhard armoured car
11th May 2018 (12 points)
Schneider P16 halftrack armored car from Early War Miniatures: 20mm.
27th May 2018 (96 points)
28mm Numidians, mostly Foundry
27th May 2018 (16 points)
28mm Numidian king: a Warlord figure
27th May 2018 (48 points)
28mm Numidian foot
27th May 2018 (24 points)
A13s from a plastic S kit (two models in each box) in 1/72; they are very nice kits and come with a selection of decals
27th May 2018 (24 points)
20mm BEF tanks from Lancer: a MkVI C and a Matilda
27th May 2018 (24 points)
20mm BEF tanks from Lancer: an A9 and A10
27th June 2018 (160 points)
WW2 French Infantry Platoon: 40 figures
27th June 2018 (108 points)
Almost complete WW2 French Infantry platoon (27 figures)
27th June 2018 (72 points)
French infantry support weapons etc
27th June 2018 (72 points)
WW2 French transport vehicles
27th June 2018 (54 points)
WW2 French anti-tank guns
24th August 2018 (18 points)
The BEF 40mm Bofors is a Zevezda 1/72 kit and is really a lovely model, almost too delicate for the gaming table. I’ve never built an AA gun before since I find it hard to believe that it will ever get in a game, but it was one of those “just gotta have one” projects.
24th August 2018 (36 points)
The French FT-17s are 1/72 Flyhawk kits. They are Chinese and are truly excellent models as opposed to wargame miniatures. Like the Bofors they are almost too delicate for gaming, but they will hit the table anyway! The tank commander is from Lancer and once I glued him the turret I had to glue the turret to the tank cause he was too heavy and tipped the turret off of the tank! Assembling the tracks were somewhat dicey since the diagrams were not quite clear enough and in Chinese to boot, but after the first one the second one was easy.
24th August 2018 (96 points)
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24 Foundry 28mm Iberian Caetrati. Everything hand painted, including shields. This was a fun bunch to paint.
4th September 2018 (56 points)
BEF goodies: a 28-man platoon in 20mm from Lancer minis.
4th September 2018 (12 points)
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Support for the BEF platoon: two Boys anti-tank gun teams and a sniper team, all from Lancer Minis in 20mm
4th September 2018 (16 points)
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More support for the BEF in 20mm: the figs are all plastics from Zvezda and consist of 4 engineers and 4 medics/patient.
14th September 2018 (80 points)
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I just bought the rule set Sons of Mars and part of the deal was a pack of 28mm Crusader figs. Naturally I painted them and then dug out some Foundry figs that had been half painted years ago. A very satisfying short term project; alas, being me I have got some more Crusader and Foundry glads wending their way to my doorstep. The Crusader figs are a bit bulkier than their Foundry counterparts, but most acceptable anyway. Nice having a project where I can let my color sense go and not have to conform to uniform. Now to get the game going!
21st September 2018 (54 points)
Char B-1s. Two of them are by Lancer and are definitely wargame kits. The other slightly more detailed kit is from some Russian maker, (I think). It was a prepaint, but had gaps and a pretty lousy paint job, so I filled the gaps and painted it to match the Lancer models. Also the wheel on the left front was not in the correct place and it looked like the tank was reaching out with the left side, definitely needed fixing! Decals are by Aleran.
21st September 2018 (36 points)
These are S models 1/72 models. Two H-35s. Very nice kits. The commander figures are from Lancer and are lead, but fit quite nicely in the turrets.
21st September 2018 (36 points)
These are S models 1/72 models. Two H-39s. Very nice kits. The commander figures are from Lancer and are lead, but fit quite nicely in the turrets.
11th October 2018 (90 points)
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Here’s some snaps of my latest project. 1/600 ACW fortifications. The big star fort is Ft. Jackson and the other is Ft. St. Philips, both guarded New Orleans during the early part of the war, until they were captured by the Federals. The third photo includes all of the extra batteries surrounding Jackson. I’ve also included a photo of four 1/600 paper houses that I built yesterday. They came from a series of famous ACW buildings and I chose the easiest to make! Tiny buildings, but they should look good gracing the banks of whatever river we are fighting on.
19th October 2018 (64 points)
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These all are Crusader 28mm gladiators and very nice figures indeed. Probably not going to do any more Gladiators for a bit. The next bunch will be perhaps some equites and those lucky folks who were trained to fight the lions.
11th November 2018 (100 points)
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Put the finishing touches on the last of the WWII French, I hope no more will find their way to my door. They are a mixture of SHQ arty crews and Lancer infantry. There’s something like 25 new figures in this lot. The guns were painted earlier and all got their bases yesterday.
11th November 2018 (18 points)
The ship is a Peter Pig 1/600 USS Blackhawk from the ACW. I think she is the biggest 1/600 ship in my ACW fleet. The town block and the wharf are also from Peter Pig. Hats off to Martin on his casting expertise. The town block is in one piece and is incredibly well cast for such a complicated looking piece, so is the wharf actually.
21st November 2018 (72 points)
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A pair of M36 Jackson TDs and a pair of M18 Hellcat TDs. These first photos are of the Jacksons, though the Hellcats are in the background. 1/72 Armorfast kits with a bunch of stuff added. The crew are from a sprue of Valiant US infantry I picked up this year, they didn’t fit with the other 20mm figs I had (being a bit big) but they stand in nicely for the crew. Had to do some hacking, slashing, and filling but they fit right in and add something, TDs need crew, otherwise there is a huge hole in the top of the turret that just doesn’t look right. I bought a pack of stowage from VaueGear and was very happy to add them to the models. I could have, and should have, added more stuff hanging off the machines, but I was conservative.

9th December 2018 (12 points)
A 1/600 ACW ship Teaser from Bay Area Yards
9th December 2018 (54 points)
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Some small 3mm ACW buildings and one European farmstead, all by Pico armor
23rd December 2018 (120 points)
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I finished these ships in October. I guess I didn’t send in any photos, so here they are. All the ships are Thoroughbred 1/600 ACW ships. The flat funny looking ironclad is Tuscumbia, the other ironclad is one of the Pook turtles.

29th December 2018 (108 points)
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A US platoon and supports for Chain of Command. What you see here are the three squads, the headquarters section up front and some 5 man mg and mortar teams in the background. 54x 20mm figures plus weapons from various manufacturers.

29th December 2018 (20 points)
Here’s a 10 man engineer squad, again 20mm, unknown maker.
29th December 2018 (2 points)
29th December 2018 (8 points)
Bazooka team, FOO team
29th December 2018 (12 points)
The Jeep is converted from a Dixon North Africa vehicle.
29th December 2018 (36 points)
The three halftracks are PSC.
29th December 2018 (36 points)
3 PSC M5 Stuarts. The Stuarts are nice kits, went together extremely well and painted up nicely.
29th December 2018 (14 points)
Here are two three man flamethrower teams and a junior leader to lead them.
29th December 2018 (12 points)
Here is a 50 Cal MG team from FAA .