14th January 2016 (44 points)
11 Irish warriors
14th January 2016 (16 points)
Four British slingers
14th January 2016 (16 points)
Dog handler and 3 doggies...where are the Scooby Snacks when you need them!?
21st January 2017 (24 points)
Six Dark Age Irish for Dux
21st January 2017 (48 points)
Twelve Natal native contingent for Sharp Practice 2
4th February 2017 (48 points)
12 Goblin skirmishers in 28mm
4th February 2017 (32 points)
8 Gondorian warriors in 28mm
25th February 2017 (32 points)
28mm, still in Middle Earth, 8 elves
25th February 2017 (24 points)
12 Crusader Knights (we come in peace, shoot to kill!) in 15mm
18th March 2017 (64 points)
In 28mm its a selection of 16 dark age hairy chaps, some with big choppers in their hands.
31st March 2017 (32 points)
In 28mm, 4 mounted Scots warriors out hunting haggii....
6th April 2017 (40 points)
We're back to Hyboria again with ten 28mm figures to play with Conan...Master of the Universe. No, that's not right is it!
12th April 2017 (164 points)
(and next two pics)
Back to 28mm WW2 with this completion of my early war German fallschirmjager force for Operation Sealion. 32 of them plus a couple of artillery/AT pieces.
20th April 2017 (12 points)
12 Persian foot in 15mm
7th May 2017 (16 points)
in 15mm we have 16 Greek hoplites.
14th May 2017 (36 points)
About a dozen bits of furniture for Conan (who knew he was a fan of Llewellyn-Bowen?). These were a bit bland as plastic pieces so I embellished them a bit with the invaluable coffee stirrers...
14th May 2017 (28 points)
The not so magnificent seven...those varmints are suffering from a severe case of lead-poisoning.
24th May 2017 (52 points)
More for Dux: 13 mainly Irish chaps and their Scooby O'Doo's in 28mm
24th May 2017 (16 points)
More for Dux: four slingers in 28mm
15th June 2017 (44 points)
Six pygmy blowpipes and five cannibals
15th June 2017 (16 points)
Three stiff upper lips and one chieftain
15th June 2017 (20 points)
Five untrained askari
15th June 2017 (20 points)
Five Amazons
15th June 2017 (32 points)
Seven cowboys and one big baddie from Conan
24th June 2017 (16 points)
15mm this time, eight Numidian horsemen.
24th June 2017 (156 points)
Terrain for 28mm Congo: 6 big bits, 8 smaller bits and a load of bushes. And three intrepid travellers enjoying a cup of tea.

24th June 2017 (24 points)
28mm with 6 bowmen for the Congo again.
15th July 2017 (26 points)
Twenty 15mm Austrian skirmisher foot and three mounted officers
15th July 2017 (12 points)
hree 28mm Picts
1st August 2017 (26 points)
In 15mm we have 7 mounted officers and 12 foot.
26th August 2017 (32 points)
Four mounted Saracens
26th August 2017 (32 points)
24 Greek foot in 15mm
3rd September 2017 (26 points)
In 15mm 26 Austrian foot
12th September 2017 (96 points)
In 28mm, 24 dwarf chaps mostly holding their choppers!
20th September 2017 (54 points)
A variety of barrels and chests, a wishing well.
20th September 2017 (54 points)
Boardwalks and hitching posts, a wagon and a watering tower
20th September 2017 (203 points)
Part of the 15mm Napoleonics rebasing project...these are part of the Frenchies.
Foot - 208; Mounted - 81; Artillery - 6
29th September 2017 (333 points)
(and next three pics)
Heres the next part of the Napoleonic 15mm rebasing project....with the first game this Friday...arggh. A total of 446 foot, and 110 mounted.
14th October 2017 (108 points)
Three nice Wild West shops from Troll Trader
14th October 2017 (72 points)
The large farmhouse from Sarissa, and the pigpen from Warbases
14th October 2017 (36 points)
28mm a ramshackle barn
14th October 2017 (41 points)
15mm: 41 Bavarian foot
7th November 2017 (84 points)
More items in 15mm for GdA: 24 foot; 12 cavalry; and 6 artillery pieces.

17th November 2017 (24 points)
In 15mm, 24 Maiden Guards for my ancient Indian army.
22nd December 2017 (80 points)
Just to round up the year I've finally finished these 28mm dark age/medieval types who've been on the painting table for about 3 months, thats 20 of them.