4th January (4 points)
Faramir (1 foot, 25mm figure from GW)

4th January (16 points)
Warg Riders (2 mounted, 25mm figures from GW)

16th January (4 points)
British Para with Pram! 20mm

18th January (6 points)
A 1/300th scale house from TimeCast

15th February (12 points)
A 20mm M3 Lee from Hazegawa. Thomas would like to explain himself by suggesting you look at this link:

23rd February (12 points)
Todays entry is a 1/72 scale vehicle, a PzKpfw38(t) from Blitz 72. Also from Girls Und Panzer:

15th March (20 points)
28mm SSU Drakoni Squad for Dust Tactics from Fantasy Flight: five infantry

24th April (16 points)
These guys are 20mm from TQD/CP Models (not sure of the mix, had them for nearly ten years) and are supposed to be WH troops in Splittertarn. Eight of them.

5th June (8 points)
Four more 20mm infantry.

5th June (20 points)
These five guys are from the Red Star Miniatures 28mm DBP range

26th June (20 points)
28mm SSU Command Squad for Dust Tactics/Warfare (five figures)

26th August (48 points)
Twelve 28mm Gondor Militia. The figures are a mix of Warlord and Gripping Beast.

13th October (20 points)
These five guys are from the Red Star Miniatures DBP range. Points as
per 28mm figures, please. They are Paras and are wearing the TAP47 pattern camouflage.

15th December (40 points)
Martians from Mars Attacks, ten of them. Points as per 28mm figures, please.
They are my interpretation of the Mars Attacks comic book Martians.

31st December (10 points)
Three stands of Carthaginians from Pendraken. Points for 10mm stands,
whatever that might be, please.

31st December (28 points)
GW Veterans of Osgiliath. Points for 7 28mm figures, please.

31st December (8 points)
These two are Perry 8th Army and DAK. The Brit has been converted to
LRDG by a headswap with a Warlord Celt.

31st December (12 points)
Final bit of catch-up. A mixed bag of 20mm.
A Waterloo1815 Italian, 2 Dixon (I think) LRDG, 2 CP Models Paras and
a CP Models German. This pic shows quite clearly why I never finish
Points for 6 20mm figures, please.