5th January (144 points)
Twelve 1/6000th ships

8th January (12 points)
Two T-62 tanks in 15mm

11th January (24 points)
Two additional miniatures @ 1/6000 scale. Odin Class CDS

11th January (72 points)
Six additional miniatures @ 1/6000 scale. Siegfried Class CDS

14th January (48 points)
Four 1/6000 scale Brandenburg pre-dreadnoughts

18th January (72 points)
Six new ships in 1/6000th

18th January (120 points)
A mixed bag of ten 1/6000th vessels consisting of Armed Merchant Cruisers, Tramp Steamers, German Battle Cruisers and a modern conceptual Arsenal Ship

26th January (156 points)
One 1/6000 scale ACR New York, seven Turn of the Century Amphitrite class monitors also 1/6000 scale.
Six pieces of 15mm desert terrain

2nd February (159 points)
Thirteen micro naval ships 1/6000 and 1/2400 scale; one AA Gun in 1/144 scale

2nd February (18 points)
Three 2mm terrain tiles

11th February (72 points)
Six 1/2400 scale US Navy pre-dreadnought cruisers containing four cruisers and gunboats

11th February (16 points)
Sixteen Fallschirmjaeger casualties in 15mm

15th February (30 points)
Two Vickers 6 ton tanks, one Wz. 34 armored car and two 37mm wz. 36 anti tank guns. 15mm

15th February (48 points)
Four 1/2400 ships of the American Asiatic Squadron

23rd February (24 points)
Two 1/2400 Gazelle class cruisers

23rd February (48 points)
Six 60mm Evil/Mad Snowmen

23rd February (25 points)
15mm Platoon from Polish 10th Brigade

23rd February (7 points)
15mm Polish support (1) adjutant and (6) anti-tank gunners

9th March (36 points)
Three British warships for the Battle of Coronel. 1/6000.

18th March (76 points)
Four 1/6000 scale German warships for Coronel; two 1/2400 scale Chinese battleships, built by the Germans; four 15mm Early War Germans

18th March (18 points)
15mm Two Panthers and a StuG

18th March (60 points)
One 1/6000 scale HMS Endurance; four 1/2400 scale Warships: two of the Pelayo, one of the USS Olympia and one of the SMS Braunschweig

23rd March (6 points)
Six dead Colonials in 15mm

23rd March (6 points)
One 15mm kubelwagon

5th April (14 points)
Fourteen 15mm figures making up six Machine Gun teams for the Early War Germans.

13th April (276 points)
Twenty-three 1/2400 warships for the Spanish, American and German Navies

15th April (32 points)
Sixty-four 15mm Germans: a full late war platoon plus support and anti-tank gun crews. Count as 1/2 points as some are just cleanup and re-basing.

20th April (13 points)
Thirteen 15mm WW2 Polish infantry

20th April (12 points)
Two 1/144 F2B aeroplanes

7th May (60 points)
Five 1/2400 scale pre-dreadnoughts: three British Cressy-class cruisers, the German SMS Elsass and the Russian battleship Slava.

24th May (24 points)
Two 15mm buildings to be used for WWI but useful for early modern to the present.

29th June (48 points)
Four 1/3000 warships

29th June (6 points)
Four WW1 machine gun stands (twelve 6mm figures)

29th June (72 points)
Six ships' boats in 15mm

12th July (72 points)
Six 1/6000 warships for the Falklands

15th July (90 points)
Three 1/6000 scale Missile Corvettes; two 1/3000 scale British Battleships for post WWII era; one 1/3000 scale R-80 British Airship and one 15mm scale Gunboat for the Colonial Era to WWII

23rd July (168 points)
Here are seven 1/6000 scale warships being a mix of US Navy Destroyers and Frigates and Soviet SSGNs. While I painted them, they were for an experiment in how to tag them. Looks like I will be going with MS Excel and white glue!
4th October (102 points)
7 Ships in 1/6000 Scale 3 Aircraft in 1/1200:
HMS Conqueror – Churchill Class SSN
ARA General Belgrano – Phoenix Class Light Cruiser
ARA Piedra Buena – Sumner Class Destroyer
ARA Hipólito Bouchard – Sumner Class Destroyer
ARA Salta – Type 209
HMS Brilliant – Type 22 Frigate
HMS Yarmouth – Type 12 Frigate
3 Sea King Helicopters No.820/826 Squadrons

4th November (12 points)
One 15mm bridge

7th November (32 points)
As part of "The Big Push" here is an image containing 20 15mm figures
and 16 telegraph and sign posts.
24th November (24 points)
Two 15mm buildings
30th November (36 points)
Six Soviet bombers in 1/1250 scale.

30th November (12 points)
Two 15mm A7V (German WW1 tanks) ready for battle.
8th December (60 points)
Here are eight stands of 1/6000 scale warships for the Soviet Navy
(Nanuchka and Akula warships) and two 1/2400 scale oil rigs as
objectives or targets.
15th December (18 points)
15mm WWI vehicles: two Mark IVs and a truck from Shapeways
15th December (18 points)
15mm WWI vehicles: three Whippets from Shapeways

20th December (24 points)
Two 15mm structures (watch tower and a building).

24th December (64 points)
Here are two battalions of 64 Arab troops (15mm) for the 1914-18 Ottoman Army.

28th December (8 points)
Six 15mm figures for Command stands for my Arab troops for TOOFATLardies ITLSU.