27th January 2018 (24 points)
Ikwen "Hardened Warriors" from Loud Ninja Games
28th January 2018 (10 points)
Late war German MG teams in 15mm from PSC
18th February 2018 (6 points)
Three late war German Panzerschrek teams from Plastic Soldier Company.
18th March 2018 (8 points)
(and next pic)
Squad of eight late war German infantry. PSC 15mm.

4th April 2018 (6 points)
15mm Matilda I tank from Zvezda

1st May 2018 (3 points)
Three MG drones from GZG

6th May 2018 (120 points)
15mm Russian village set from Things in the Basement

8th May 2018 (96 points)
A company of Polish 7TP tanks in 15mm from Battlefront.

8th May 2018 (36 points)
A platoon plus command tank of Polish 7TP (dw) tanks in 15mm from Battlefront.

19th May 2018 (36 points)
Platoon of six Viperia battlesuits for my 15mm Astagar army from Critical Mass games/Ral Partha

19th May 2018 (6 points)
Astagar Viperia Battlesuit: Comms/EW variant

19th May 2018 (24 points)
Two Volos Assault Mecha for my 15mm Astagar army.

27th May 2018 (12 points)
Astagar mortar teams: sci-fi Snakemen (15mm but about 20mm high) originally from Critical Mass Games but now part of Ral Partha Europe.

29th May 2018 (25 points)
Platoon of Astagar: 15mm sci fi snakemen originally from Critical Mass Games and now from Ral Partha Europe.

29th May 2018 (18 points)
Three Astagar Heavy Cannon teams.
15mm sci fi snakemen from Critical Mass Games and now Ral Partha Europe

23rd June 2018 (25 points)
Second Astagar platoon: twenty-five 15mm sci-fi snakemen, originally from Critical Mass Games now Ral Partha Europe.

27th June 2018 (12 points)
Final part of the Astagar infantry: bombardier and flamethrower teams.
15mm sci-fi originally from Critical Mass Games, now available from Ral Partha Europe.

1st July 2018 (37 points)
Itu’a Myriad swarm: 15mm sci fi bugs from Khurasan Miniatures.
1st July 2018 (6 points)
Three Kalat Bio-Mortars from Khurasan’s Itu’a range.
Although a 15mm range, these are easily 20mm tall, more like 30mm!
1st July 2018 (48 points)
Three Kalat Warbeast Squads (each 8 strong) from Khurasan’s Itu’a range.
Although a 15mm range, these are easily 20mm tall, more like 30mm!

8th July 2018 (48 points)
48 Kalinekt Warborgs from Khurasan Miniatures’ “Alien Invasion” range.
11th July 2018 (6 points)
15mm SdKfz 247 from Heer46
11th July 2018 (6 points)
15mm SdKfz 247 from Heer46

4th August 2018 (60 points)
War Caste Invaders from Khurasan Miniatures.
15mm sci fi: two platoons plus command and drone control support.
1st August 2018 (10 points)
Ten Science Caste aliens from Khurasan Miniatures’ The Invaders range
12th August 2018 (18 points)
Three 15mm Astagar Main Battle Tanks (Critical Mass Games, now Ral Partha Europe)

23rd August 2018 (18 points)
Three 15mm BM-21 Multiple Rocket Launchers. Models are from Battlefront.
2nd September 2018 (6 points)
Six flying drones from the All Quiet on the Martian Front range
2nd September 2018 (36 points)
Three scout tripods from the All Quiet on the Martian Front range
9th September 2018 (36 points)
Three more martian Scout Tripods from AQOTMF.
9th September 2018 (12 points)
Martian Slaver Tripod from AQOTMF
9th September 2018 (12 points)
Downed Martian Assault Tripod from AQOTMF.
13th September 2018 (24 points)
Two Martian Grenadiers for All Quiet on the Martian Front
13th September 2018 (36 points)
Three Martian assault tripods with Black Dust emitters
13th September 2018 (48 points)
Four Martian Assault Tripods with Green Mist bombs
13th September 2018 (36 points)
Last three All Quiet on the Martian Front scout tripods
13th September 2018 (12 points)
Power node for the All Quiet on the martian Front tripods.
18th September 2018 (35 points)
Platoon of 15mm Grudd from Onslaught Miniatures
19th September 2018 (18 points)
Three Gruntling (Space Dwarf) motortricycles from the now defunct Cactus Games.
19th September 2018 (6 points)
Three two-dwarf light mining laser teams. Crew from Cactus Games, lasers from the bits box, stand is a hama bead.
20th September 2018 (12 points)
Two Shaker Cannon from the Boontown 15mm Sci-Fi Dwarf range
20th September 2018 (36 points)
Three T-26 walkers from the Boontown 15mm Sci-Fi Dwarf range
20th September 2018 (24 points)
Landing pad and ramp from Warbases

27th September 2018 (42 points)
15mm sci fi dwarves: the Hearthguard from Boontown Metals.
Four squads of eight, two mortar teams, a sniper team and four Big Men.
6th October 2018 (9 points)
15mm SciFi Dwarves: Iron Lords from Onslaught Miniatures

6th October 2018 (16 points)
15mm SciFi Dwarves: the Drudgers from Onslaught Miniatures

7th October 2018 (12 points)
Wilk AA Half-Tracks for my Hura.
15mm sci-fi from Brigade Models.

7th October 2018 (6 points)
Wilk MRLS Half-Track for my Hura.
15mm sci-fi from Brigade Models.

11th October 2018 (23 points)
(and next pic)
Dwarven Clansmen from Boontown Metals. Two Big Men, a Medic, and two 8-man squads.

14th October 2018 (12 points)
Two “Shilka” AA tanks for my UAE/Egyptian army. Models are Battlefront 15mm.

18th October 2018 (5 points)
Audrey II’s.
Can’t remember the manufacturer!

18th October 2018 (6 points)
Suwalska 'Hetman' Command Vehicle.
Brigade Models 15mm sci-fi

18th October 2018 (30 points)
Battlefront 15mm plastic T-62 MBTs

29th October 2018 (30 points)
(and next two pics)
Vornid expansion: 52 figures re-based, 8 new figures.
15mm sci-fi from Khurasan

5th November 2018 (30 points)
Five BTR-60 APCs for the UAR Yom Kippur force.
15mm Battlefront plastics.

5th November 2018 (30 points)
Five All Quiet On The Martian Front tanks painted up for my Quar force.
15mm plastics.

11th November 2018 (15 points)
Two Assyrian 4-horse heavy chariots about to run over three individual “hero” figures.
All from Essex, apart from a couple of the chariot crews, which are Museum.
14th November 2018 (24 points)
Two bases of Assyrian cavalry, one Guard and one Regular.
Essex 15mm figures.

19th November 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
48 15mm Hoplites

19th November 2018 (12 points)
Three huts.
Resin blocks from The Square.

19th November 2018 (30 points)
Five more pseudo-WW1 tanks from All Quiet on the Martian Front. 15mm vehicles in plastic.

2nd December 2018 (48 points)
Another unit of Hoplites for TTS. This time the figures are from Forged in Battle’s 15mm range.

8th December 2018 (24 points)
Four M3 TCM-20 Anti-Aircraft Half-tracks in 15mm.
Models are from Battlefront.

8th December 2018 (24 points)
Four Israeli jeeps with TOW-launchers.
Models are from Battlefront.

10th December 2018 (8 points)
Eight 15mm Gaeseti Nobles from Xyston’s Celtic range

16th December 2018 (12 points)
A base of Shardana Guard for the New Kingdom Egyptians. 15mm figures from Essex.

16th December 2018 (46 points)
Two Clibanari units and three individual heroes for my Sassanid Persian army.
15mm figures from Forged in Battle.

20th December 2018 (44 points)
Two units of Sassanid Heavy Cavalry plus a couple of Heroes.
Forged in Battle 15mm

23rd December 2018 (18 points)
Three Gallic/Ancient British chariot bases.
Figures from Forged in Battle. Nice, but don’t the wheels look a bit small?
27th December 2018 (32 points)
Sixteen light cavalry for my Ancient British
27th December 2018 (18 points)
Three chariots for my Ancient British
27th December 2018 (24 points)
Four elephants for my Sassanids. Forged in Battle figures in 15mm.
29th December 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Four bases of Celtic infantry in 15mm. One unit for To The Strongest, four units for Vis Bellica. Oh…and a somewhat anachronistic shed!