6th April (6 points)
Rebased: a 15mm Panzer I and Panzer I Befelswagon
6th April (9 points)
Rebased: three 15mm Panzer 38t
6th April (9 points)
Rebased: three 15mm Otter armoured cars
6th April (30 points)
Five 15mm T-34/85 tanks
6th April (324 points)
28mm Bavarian and Allies Infantry Division rebased:
1 x command
160 x infantry
6th April (60 points)
(and next pic)
28mm Dutch Landwehr Infantry Battalion rebased:
3 x Command stands
24 x infantry
6th April (27 points)
28mm Saxon Artillery Battery rebased:
3 guns 12 x crew
6th April (96 points)
(and next pic)
28mm German Cavalry rebased:
24 x Hussars
12th April (312 points)
2 x 28mm BTR's repainted and equipped.
69 x 28mm 1980's Russian Infantry rebased, inked, triple varnished.
12th April (8 points)
3 x 2 man 15mm 50mm mortar teams. German WW2.
12th April (8 points)
Two x two 15mm german motorbikes set up for scout markers for CoC
26th May (72 points)
(and next pic)
Ten jump off markers for CoC
26th May (50 points)
25 x 28mm British Napoleonic Inf rebased
26th May (52 points)
26 x 28mm British Napoleonic inf rebased
26th May (182 points)
91 x 28mm French Napoleonic Inf rebased
26th May (242 points)
121 x 28mm Mujahedeen/Taliban infantry figures with technical rebased ready for Fighting Season
26th May (64 points)
8 x 28mm French Chassuers
26th May (64 points)
8 x 28mm French Chasseurs
26th May (64 points)
8 x 28mm French Chasseurs
26th May (64 points)
8 x 28mm French Dragoons
26th May (128 points)
16 x 28mm French Lancers
26th May (36 points)
Two Union 10lb Parrot artillery, four crew each
26th May (96 points)
24 x 28mm British Infantry Napoleonic
7th June (326 points)
(and next two pics)
72 x 28mm Old Guard Grenadiers rebased
24 x 28mm Old Guard Chassuers rebased
1 x 28mm Caisson ptd & based
2 x 28mm command bases 6 foot 2 mtd rebased
12 x 28mm Empress Dragoons rebased
7th June (56 points)
(and next two pics)
10 x 28mm Mounted Natal Mtd Police/ Carabiniers rebased; 9 x 28mm Foot Natal Police/ Carabiniers rebased; 4 x 25mm british skirmishers rebased
16th December (36 points)
1 x 28mm Mil2 Russian Air Ambulance
16th December (18 points)
1 x 28mm T55
16th December (54 points)
2 x 28mm Winter War Russian trucks
1 x 28mm Winter War Russian Armoured Car
16th December (18 points)
9 x 28mm Natal Mtd Police dismounted rebased
16th December (72 points)
36 x 28mm Dacian spear warband... rebased
16th December (72 points)
36 x 28mm Dacian falx warband... rebased
16th December (18 points)
2 x 28mm light ACW guns... rebased
16th December (18 points)
2 x 28mm Heavy Mortars ACW... rebased
16th December (30 points)
15 x 28mm Roman Auxiliaries... rebased
16th December (40 points)
18 x 28mm Roman Auxiliaries... rebased
2 x general base... rebased