7th January 2017 (37 points)
Firstly the last of the Tudors, for now...
Two cavalry, twelve pike, twelve shot, three command and a cannon with three crew. All in 15mm.

7th January 2017 (36 points)
Eighteen 30 Years War mounted arquebusiers (new year- new army!). All in 15mm.

14th January 2016 (60 points)
My Thirty Years War army continues to grow! One group of 12x mounted dragoons. One group of 12x mounted arquebusiers. Two artillery teams, each of two draught horses, two drivers and a limber. All figures are 15mm, mounted figs are Essex, artillery teams are a mix of Donnington, Irregular and Freikorps.

21st January 2017 (66 points)
12 mounted arquebusiers; 8 hussars; 1 mounted general with 2 cuirassierbodyguards; 20 pike and shot foot
All for the Thirty Years War, all in 15mm as usual.

4th February 2017 (54 points)
Yet more 15mm Thirty Years War! 12 mounted arquebusiers (Essex Miniatures) and a 30 strong foot regiment (Freikorps 15).

11th February 2017 (30 points)
A TYW foot regiment of thirty 15mm figures by Freikorps

18th February 2017 (24 points)
24 AWI Hessian fusiliers, as usual all 15mm, all Peter Pig

25th February 2017 (42 points)
This time ACW. One infantry regiment of 24 figures; and one artillery battery of 12 men, 2 cannon, 2 caissons, one limber and 4 horses. All figures are 15mm, infantry are Peter Pig as are the guns, crews and caissons. The limber and horses are anyone's guess, I unearthed them from the deep lead pile when doing some tidying up!

11th March 2017 (58 points)
Two Confederate battalions-one regular, one irregular and a few bases of Union troops to fill out some existing formations. A total of 58 figures. All figs 15mm Peter Pig as per usual.

18th March 2017 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Confederates

18th March 2017 (24 points)
a pair of Peter Pig 15mm ruined buildings

18th March 2017 (12 points)
a pair of WW2 tank turret bunkers (15mm Battlefront models)

25th March 2017 (24 points)
First up a couple of Battlefront 15mm Russian Gaz trucks with loads, and secondly 24 Peter Pig 15mm Russian infantry in foxholes, however since there's only 24 top halves I'm guessing they're only half a painting point each!

12th April 2017 (4 points)
Four dancing Soviets

12th April 2017 (12 points)
Two bombards each with 4 crew.

12th April 2017 (24 points)
Twenty four swordsmen

12th April 2017 (12 points)
Six mounted knights

12th April 2017 (21 points)
A unit of 30 Years War dragoons: fifteen people and six horses in total.

20th April 2017 (24 points)
(and next pic)
12 x Wars of the Roses mounted knights (15mm Donnington New Era)

20th April 2017 (36 points)
(and next pic)
36 x Wars of the Roses billmen (15mm Donnington New Era again with some Peter Pig mixed in.)

26th April 2017 (24 points)
24 x 15mm longbows from Donnington New Era.

26th April 2017 (48 points)
24 x 1/72 medieval infantry from Strelets

7th May 2017 (4 points)
a 28mm Dungeons and Dragons figure-some bloke with a cloak and sword-photographed on my painting table for a change of scene!

7th May 2017 (16 points)
32 x 15mm rebased longbow, these are mainly old Minifigs and just didn't look right in threes so they're now on bases of 4.

7th May 2017 (24 points)
12 more 1/72 medieval infantry for my Lion Rampant project (I'm going to TRY to keep this below 200 figures.....)

24th May 2017 (72 points)
More 1/72 medieval figures, in this case 36 longbow archers.

4th June 2017 (36 points)
It's back to 15mm this week (but still on my medieval theme!): 18 x Hundred Years War French mounted knights by Donnington New Era.

15th June 2017 (50 points)
Yet more 15mm medievals!
In total, six mounted French knights, thirty two men at arms on foot and six longbow archers.

24th June 2017 (60 points)
Two Thirty Years War foot regiments, both of 30 figures. All by Freikorps and in my usual 15mm.

5th July 2017 (66 points)
One foot thirty-figure regiment (English, serving in the Palatinate), one twelve-figure cavalry regiment and six extra cavalry to fill out an existing formation.

1st August 2017 (103 points)
Some more ACW Union and Confederate infantry, extra Union command stands and a few Confederate skirmishers. A grand total of 103 15mm foot figures.

1st August 2017 (40 points)
7910mm Wars of the Roses figures, rescued from the lead pile and off to pastures new via eBay!

12th August 2017 (49 points)
Mainly more Tudor types for Irregular Wars rules. Pikes, half pikes, militia, swordsmen, mounted arquebusiers and lancers and one crossbow base for Field of Glory made from spare figures!
Total is 41 x15mm foot (all Essex bar 1 Irregular Miniatures!) and 4 X 15mm mounted (Essex).

18th August 2017 (78 points)
This week is all WW2 German in 15mm but for 3 different rule sets!
Firstly a 31 figure platoon of late War grenadiers for Flames of War made from spare figures from other units, bits from the lead mountain and some spare bases-all off to find a new home on eBay.
Next is a 23 figure platoon for PBI,my usual WW2 rules, and finally some support options for my early/mid war IABSM winter German army, namely 3 x mg34 and 3 x 81mm mortars with command figures and a pair of tank hunters with mines.
In total that's 78 15mm figures. Figures are mainly Peter Pig or Battlefront.

3rd September 2017 (36 points)
Here are 2 x Opel Blitz trucks, 3 x kubelwagen with 6 crew figures between them and 1 sdkfz 251 stummel with 2 crew.
All are 15mm Battlefront figures with added bits of PSC German stowage.

12th September 2017 (46 points)
Two 15mm WW2 German infantry platoons for Flames of War, all rescued from the lead pile and eBay bound. A total of 46 figures.

12th September 2017 (36 points)
A batch of ancients found in a 20 year old box in the garage during a clear out!! A quick paint job, some basing and again off to eBay ! In total 2 units of late Romans and 1 unit of some blokes with javelins. 36 figures in all.

20th September 2017 (33 points)
a battalion of Austro-Hungarian infantry from the lead pile. Thirty five foot, one mounted. All 15mm Old Glory.

20th September 2017 (10 points)
en gallowglass to join my Tudors, again 15mm by Essex.

20th September 2017 (12 points)
A built up area marker for PBI built from old cork coasters from IKEA, coffee stirrers, cat litter, gravel from the garden, drinking straws and wire off cuts from the garage! A recycled ruin! Nominally for 15mm figs. The 15mmfigs in the picture are not newly painted but hopefully give an idea of size.

29th September 2017 (20 points)
a group of ten 1/72 ACW Confederates painted solely to bring my ACW 1/72 collection to exactly 1000 figures!

29th September 2017 (64 points)
A group of 1628mm Wargames Foundry late Romans rescued from the loft, repainted and rebased, now off to pastures new on eBay.

29th September 2017 (11 points)
Next is a pair of 15mm WW2 Russian radio operators and a mule train with handlers (including a Battlefront miniatures commissar!). A total of 6 mules and 5 men.

14th October 2017 (24 points)
A 24 figure Hessian battalion, in factrepurposed and rebased SYW Prussians (until I can paint my Peter Pig figures in the lead pile).

14th October 2017 (12 points)
A 15mm Baueda resin building - an absolute delight to paint

14th October 2017 (8 points)
Two bases of 15mmHYW command bases, one English, one French (with a very dodgy shield design!).

29th October 2017 (24 points)
A 12 strong unit of 15mm Thirty Years War Cuirassiers

29th October 2017 (156 points)
A 'new' army. It's my old 15mm Seven Years War army. All figures have been re-based, battalion sizes halved to make them actually fit on my table and extra figures painted to fill in any gaps. A grand total of 36 mounted figures and 240 foot. Looks like some cavalry will be in order next!

17th November 2017 (24 points)
3 x 28mm Wars of the Roses mounted command by Perry Miniatures

17th November 2017 (30 points)
(and next pic)
30 X 15mm WW2 late war Germans, a mix of infantry and mortars

26th November 2017 (82 points)
Here is my latest painting output, 41 X 1/72 ACW figures. I found them as part of the great Summer garage clear out. I think they'd been there twenty years or more. The box had long since disintegrated due to age, damp and mice. Plastic figures though are indestructible! A thorough wash, a paint job and some basing and off they go to eBay for a new home!

11th December 2017 (33 points)
A 24 strong British Guards battalion and 9 guards light infantry. Figures in 15mm from Peter Pig.

11th December 2017 (36 points)
36 Hessian Grenadiers, including 4 skirmish figures. All in 15mm from Peter Pig.

22nd December 2017 (18 points)
an ACW nurse tending some wounded troops, a brass band to drown out their groans of pain and a command stand of 1 mounted general, one foot staff officer and a civilian interloper. Total of 16 foot and 1 mounted.

22nd December 2017 (54 points)
a Thirty Years War foot regiment and a cuirassier regiment. Total of 30 foot and 12 mounted.

31st December 2017 (21 points)
21 x 15mm English Civil War/Thirty Years War types for my new Pikeman's Lament forces

31st December 2017 (12 points)
an MDF Foreground ruined building with home made rubble piles.

31st December 2017 (12 points)
12 Italian Renaissance pike in 15mm, found in the lead pile

31st December 2017 (18 points)
18 eastern/Balkan/Cossack types to bulk out my Thirty Years War Hapsburg army