19th January (12 points)
15mm camp for FOG Later Polish army.

19th January (64 points)
28mm SYW French horse

19th January (16 points)
15mm Serbian hussara

19th January (24 points)
15mm Polish Knights

19th January (24 points)
More 15mm Polish Knights

19th January (6 points)
15mm 1985 Soviet T72

9th February (96 points)
4 x 28mm FoG Mongol command elements (12 mtd figs)

9th February (96 points)
A unit of 28mm SYW Garde Francaise.

21st March (36 points)
One 28mm baggage camp for FOG

21st March (72 points)
Eighteen 28mm Samurai with bows

21st March (72 points)
Eighteen 28mm Samurai with bows

21st March (72 points)
Eighteen 28mm Samurai with bows

21st March (44 points)
44 15mm Brunswick Nap inf.

21st March (96 points)
24 28mm SYW French infantry

21st March (18 points)
28mm SdKfz 7/1 AA vehicle

12th April (96 points)
A FOG battlegroup of 12 cataphracts for my 28mm Later Seleucid army

12th April (36 points)
Two scythed chariots for my 28mm Later Seleucid army

17th May (96 points)
24 x 28mm SYW French infantry in campaign dress

17th May (32 points)
4 x 28mm SYW French generals

17th May (18 points)
1 x 28mm stone bridge

17th May (18 points)
1 x 28mm gabionned gun emplacement.

21st May (18 points)
A 28mm Warlord plastic Sherman for my Chain of Command Yanks.

27th June (144 points)
Newly minted 15mm Cold War Soviet battle group.

6th July (216 points)
Here are three brigades of 28mm Samurai Bushi & followers for use with Field of Glory.

6th July (44 points)
Here is a new squad of 28mm US for my new CoC force.

6th August (80 points)
Twelve more 28mm mounted samurai for FOG.

5th October (306 points)
Debutted my newly painted 900 pt FOGAM army (10th century Western Turk) at Derby this weekend. The camp has already been counted, new stuff is (all 15mm):
3 x cmd stands =9 mtd figs
24 x LH stands = 48 mtd figs
24 x CAV stands = 72 mtd figs
48 x LI stands = 48 infantry figs.

24th October (32 points)
8 more 28mm Yanks for my CoC US collection. Can never have too many bazookas!

24th October (100 points)
A battalion for my 28mm SYW French army. 23 foot and one mtd officer. Flags by Flag Dude.

24th October (36 points)
1 x 28mm SYW ox team & limber
1 x 28mm SYW horse team & limber.

24th October (120 points)
30 x 28mm Japanese mob

24th October (72 points)
18 x 28mm Bushi & followers

31st December (96 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Austrian dragoons

31st December (48 points)
6 x 28mm SYW French Currassiers du Roi

31st December (48 points)
12 x 28mm WW2 US infantry

31st December (120 points)
30 x 28mm Japanese mob

31st December (60 points)
4 x 28mm Samurai command elements (9 foot 3 mtd)