23rd March 2023 (66 points)
First thing finished is some Mediterraean, north German and a Hungarian complex in 6mm.

23rd March 2023 (132 points)
Finished up some 6mm aircraft.
8) Yak 3s for Normandie Niemen (tricky tricolor spinners)
3) La 5s
1) La 7
2) Lagg 3s in whitewash
3) Yak 1s in whitewash
2) Mig 3s in whitewash
1) I 16
2) B 17Es in a worn Hawaiian Air Depot scheme

23rd March 2023 (45 points)
Finishing off some microarmor for future IABSM games.
2) Hummel w crew
3) lend lease Bren Carriers w crew
9) lend lease Valentines w spare turrets
1) German truck

5th April 2023 (43 points)
(and next pic)
Started on my Cuba 1762 project for SP
43 x 15mm figs. More light colored and red clothing for darker skinned militia.

23rd April 2023 (57 points)
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Getting some progress on the Havana 1762 project: 12 Edinburgo Dragoons; 19 Artillery musketeers; 2 Habana Regiment; 12 Florida Militia for War of Jenkins Ear
Total of 12 horse and 33 foot in 15mm.

25th May 2023 (80 points)
The painting continues on the Spanish for Cuba 1762 and Sharp Practice. 15 more Edinburgo Dragoons and 50 infantry-mainly of the Espana Regiment.

25th May 2023 (101 points)
Got the bulk of the Spanish completed for SP games on Cuba 1762. Total of 101 x 15mm figures

10th June 2023 (40 points)
I think I have finished up the Cuba 1762 project: 12 x uniformed Black militia; and 28 x British Light Infantry

10th June 2023 (180 points)
(and next pic)
Oodles of Yucca - 170 individual plants to make the table look more distinctively Cuban

19th July 2023 (204 points)
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Finally finished a batch of PT Dockyard ships for Eastern waters.
1)M35 minesweeper. 2) S20 S sbootes. 3) Sturmbootes for the Kreigsmarine. 4) MBKs. 2) BKM2 rocket boats. 2) BM1/2 Stalnoi mtb. 1) SM4 mtb. 2)Km4 minesweeper
Total of 17 ships in 1/600.

19th July 2023 (100 points)
Finished up some terrain for 6mm Med games
200 little trees in total

2nd September 2023 (45 points)
I thought some of those distinctive cypress trees would add some flavor to my Italian IABSM games so I did a few. 90 x 6mm trees total.

2nd September 2023 (114 points)
8) Bristol Beauforts for the Med
4) MC200s
4) Westland Whirlwinds
2) Blackburn Skuas
1) Martin Maryland

2nd September 2023 (100 points)
(and next three pics)
Mess of 2D6wargaming figs finished for the Med IABSM.
77) Fallschirmjaegers and 3) 37mm Paks
105) Brit types
182) 6mm troops and 3 guns total

7th October 2023 (156 points)
Latest 6mm planes. Starting a Sino Japanese project and still working on the Chinese planes.
4) Bf109G6 for Hungarian AF
4) Bf109G6R6 for Italian AF
3) I15s for Soviets
3) Ki49 Helen bombers for the IJAAF
6) KI 12 Perrys for IJAAF in China
6) A5M Claudes for IJNAF in China
Total of 26 6mm aircraft

27th October 2023 (69 points)
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Working on a few miscellaneous 6mm pieces.
6 x Late Tigers; 4 x Semovantes in German markings; 5 x Sdkfz 250s with extra gear; 4 x Sdkfz 10s; 4 x Bren carriers including 3 conversions.
Total of 23 x 6mm vehicles

27th October 2023 (186 points)
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Finally decided this lot of Chinese Air Force planes was finished:
6 x SB2s; 7 x I16 t18s; 4 x I16 t5s; 4 x I15s; 4 x Hawk IIIs; 2 x Hawk IIs; 2 x P26s; 2 x P66s
Total of 31 6mm aircraft

2nd December 2023 (120 points)
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6mm ‘planes:
8x P38Fs for the Med and for China; 4x Ki32s; 3x P43s; 5x P40Ns

2nd December 2023 (48 points)
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Miscellaneous 6mm armor and guns.
3x T34/76s; 3x T60s; 1x Sdkfz 250; 2x Soviet tractors; 3x 6pdr w 5 crew each; 2x 2cm flak w 4 crew each; 2x towed flak

17th December 2023 (102 points)
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Finished up some more 6mm planes this time all Soviet: 3x IL4s; 6x Pe2s ; 4x Yak 7Bs; 4x Yak 9Ds

25th December 2023 (96 points)
It's more little planes. All Luftwaffe and mostly twin engines, twin tail craft.
6x Do17zs for the Russian front; 4x Bf110Ds with fuel tanks for the Med; 4x Bf110Ds Dackelbauch for Norway; 2x Me210s for the Med
Total of 16 6mm aircraft.