11th March 2017 (48 points)
Rebased: 12 French Line Lancers for GDB/Lassalle
11th March 2017 (18 points)
Rebased: 1 x 2 horse RHA limber for SP2; 1 x ammo wagon for SP2
11th March 2017 (9 points)
Rebased: 1 x 4 horse RHA limber for SP2
11th March 2017 (32 points)
Rebased: 8 x British Light Dragoons for SP2
11th March 2017 (64 points)
Rebasing: 32 x Highlanders
11th March 2017 (64 points)
Rebased: 16 x Brunswick Hussars for GDB/Lassalle
11th March 2017 (14 points)
Rebased: 7 x French Engineers of the Guard for SP2
11th March 2017 (18 points)
Rebased: 1 x 6 Horse Limber and Gun for French SP2
11th March 2017 (4 points)
Rebased: 2 x French Mtd Leaders for SP2
11th March 2017 (72 points)
Rebased: 30 x French Infantry for SP2, 6 x French Foot Leaders for SP2
11th March 2017 (24 points)
Rebased: 12 x Spanish Militia for SP2
11th March 2017 (27 points)
(and next pic)
Rebased: 10 x RHA gunners 1 x rocket 2 x 9pdrs for SP2
11th March 2017 (8 points)
Rebased: 4 x Spanish Gunners for SP2
11th March 2017 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
Rebased: 36 x Spanish Guerillas including 5x"Spanish Ladies" for SP2
11th March 2017 (12 points)
Rebased: 6 x armed priests for SP2
11th March 2017 (12 points)
Rebased: 6 x Spanish/Allied Leaders for SP2
11th March 2017 (14 points)
Rebased: 7 x wound/shock french bases
11th March 2017 (20 points)
Rebased: 5x French Grenadier/engineers for SP2
11th March 2017 (20 points)
(and next pic)
Rebased: ten Saxons for Dux
6th April 2017 (40 points)
10 x 28mm Zulu War British Lancers.
6th April 2017 (48 points)
12 x 28mm Roman Cavalry.
6th April 2017 (9 points)
3 x 28mm U.S. 30cal. Team.
6th April 2017 (32 points)
16 x 28mm Brunswick Avant-Garde Light Infantry.
6th April 2017 (24 points)
12 x 28mm Brunswick Avant-Garde Jaegers
6th April 2017 (27 points)
3 x 28mm KGL Guns, with 4 crew each.
6th April 2017 (40 points)
16 x 28mm Nassau Foot.
2 x 28mm Nassau Commanders on horseback.
12th April 2017 (56 points)
(and next two pics)
Commission painted: basing only.
14 x 28mm Dutch 5th Light Dragoons
12th April 2017 (56 points)
(and next two pics)
Commission painted: basing only.
14 x 28mm Duke of Cumberland Hussars
7th May 2017 (252 points)
(and next eight pics)
The figures I am getting ready for the Picketts Charge game we are putting on at the Legionary Show.
7 x 28mm ACW mtd command
112 x 28mm ACW foot including 1st Maryland Regt "Band O' Brothers", Layette Guard, and Gerrards Tigers.
7th May 2017 (228 points)
(and next two pics)
100 x 28mm Hanoverian Infantry
12 x 28mm Hanoverian LI
1 x 28mm Hanoverian leader Maj.Gen. Count Kielmannsegge
All re-based for GdB
24th May 2017 (56 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 7 x 28mm mounted command French ADC's / Brigade command
24th May 2017 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 24 x 28mm Lieb Garde Brunswickers
24th May 2017 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 24 x 28mm Belgian Line
24th May 2017 (64 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 32 x 28mm 79th Highlanders
24th May 2017 (12 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 6 x 28mm 60th Rifles
24th May 2017 (34 points)
(and next pic)
Basing only: 17 x 28mm Reb Dismounted Cavalry
24th May 2017 (2 points)
1 x 28mm Reb Gentleman with robotic arm for SP2
25th July 2017 (258 points)
(and next two pics)
Basing: 129 x 28mm Romans adding to my growing army...
25th July 2017 (16 points)
Basing: 8 x 28mm Hanoverian Command
25th July 2017 (24 points)
Basing: 12 x 28mm Nassau Jaegers
25th July 2017 (52 points)
(and next pic)
Basing: 26 x 28mm Boers
25th July 2017 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Basing: 12 x 28mm British "Inniskilling" Heavy Dragoons
26th August 2017 (40 points)
(and next six pics)
Re-basing: 12 x 28mm various command figures as division and adc figures for GdA
26th August 2017 (6 points)
Re-basing: 3 x 28mm dead for shock marker
26th August 2017 (174 points)
(and next 5 pics)
Re-basing: 87 x 28mm Allied Napoleonic figures
26th August 2017 (16 points)
(and next two pics)
Re-basing: 8 x 28mm US command figures
26th August 2017 (60 points)
(and next pic)
Re-basing: 30 x 28mm US Iron Brigade
12th September 2017 (36 points)
More basing completed this weekend: 18 x 28mm French skirmishers for GdA
29th October 2017 (6 points)
1 x 15mm Lee Grant Russian lend lease
29th October 2017 (6 points)
1 x 15mm Maus. Just because it was there...
29th October 2017 (18 points)
1 x 1/48 T-72 for the Chechen war
11th December 2017 (30 points)
(and next three pics)
15 x 28mm dead/wound markers Napoleonic for GDA... based
11th December 2017 (84 points)
(and next five pics)
42 x 28mm Rebs... based
11th December 2017 (52 points)
(and next pic)
26 x 28mm Union Marines for a little Sharpe Practice foray... based
11th December 2017 (60 points)
15 x 28mm early WW2 British Infantry including Private Walker, my character for our next big summer game in Devon.
I have no idea why they thought that character suited me?! Painted and based by me.