20th January 2020 (64 points)
Sixteen 28mm Waterloo-era Kings German Legion for Sharp Practice

23rd January 2020 (32 points)
Group of eight 28mm 2nd New York Regiment

23rd January 2020 (32 points)
Group of eight in 28mm: 41st Regiment of Foot for 1812

28th January 2020 (32 points)
8 infantry from 41st regiment of foot, war of 1812

28th January 2020 (4 points)
Captain from 41st Regiment of Foot, war of 1812

28th January 2020 (24 points)
6 KGL skirmishers

8th February 2020 (96 points)
(and next three pics)
The 24 figures of the 52nd (Oxfordshire) regiment, Peninsular war.
18 light infantrymen, 2 officers, 2 sergeants and 2 buglers - 28mm Perry Miniatures

15th February 2020 (40 points)
Ten 28mm Warlord French Fusiliers

(and next pic)
Twelve Victrix French Voltiguers. They were made from the Middle Guard box.

23rd February 2020 (48 points)
Eight 28mm Warlord Games French Chasseur a Cheval.

1st March 2020 (116 points)
(and next two pics)
29 x 28mm Brunswick Light infantry to add to my Hundred Days Campaign Sharp Practice Project .

29th March 2020 (48 points)
12 French Voltigieurs

10th April 2020 (64 points)
(and next two pics)
16 x 28mm Republican Roman Velites

10th April 2020 (32 points)
Eight 28mm Republican Roman Hastati

10th April 2020 (32 points)
Another eight 28mm British centre company infantry for 1812

22nd April 2020 (12 points)
A mounted Colonel and a Private from the Kings German Legion in 28mm

22nd April 2020 (28 points)
Seven 52nd Oxfordshire light infantry skirmishers in 28mm

22nd April 2020 (4 points)
A Captain from the King’s German Legion

22nd April 2020 (24 points)
Six King’s German Legion skirmishers in 28mm

3rd May 2020 (36 points)
(and next pic)
Here are another 9 28mm figures.
1 sergeant and 8 KGL light infantry.

3rd May 2020 (36 points)
(and next two pics)
16 x 28mm Hanoverian Landwehr

23rd May 2020 (80 points)
(and next two pics)
20 x 28mm AWI militia

30th May 2020 (8 points)
2 "rude" Blackwatch Highlanders in 28mm

30th May 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
16 x 60th Rifles in 28mm

30th May 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
16 x 28mm AWI New York State Line

30th May 2020 (68 points)
(and next pic)
16 x 28mm Anhalt Fusiliers, and an Officer

30th May 2020 (112 points)
(and next three pics)
28 x 28mm Republican Roman's

11th June 2020 (64 points)
16 x 28mm French Voltiguers

23rd June 2020 (24 points)
Six Mutinous Sepoys

23rd June 2020 (40 points)
(and next pic)
10 Badmashes

4th July 2020 (8 points)
Officer from the Black Watch in 28mm

4th July 2020 (48 points)
12 Libyan Javelinmen in 28mm

4th July 2020 (64 points)
16 Veteran Carthaginians in 28mm

4th July 2020 (40 points)
10 AWI Militia in 28mm

25th July 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
16x 28mm Libby-Phoenician spearmen

25th July 2020 (24 points)
6x Balearic Slingers in 28mm

25th July 2020 (12 points)
2x Carthaginian Standard bearers
1 x Carthaginian musician

8th August 2020 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
18 Balearic Slingers

8th August 2020 (32 points)
8 x 28mm 41st Foot for the war of 1812

5th September 2020 (28 points)
(and next two pics)
6 x 28mm KGL 2nd light battalion riflemen and their officer

5th September 2020 (60 points)
(and next pic)
15 28mm 60th Rifles

19th September 2020 (8 points)
1 x KGL 2nd Dragoons Officer in 28mm

19th September 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
8 x KGL 2nd Dragoons for the Peninsular War in 28mm

19th September 2020 (4 points)
1 x Tyrolean Priest to go with my Sharp Practice Prussians

3rd October 2020 (80 points)
(and next three pics)
Ten 28mm Perry Brunswick Hussars

19th October 2020 (22 points)
5 x 28mm Brunswick Horse Artillery Crew
1x 28mm Brunswick Horse Artillery Officer

19th October 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
8 x 28mm Brunswick Hussars including trumpeter

19th October 2020 (8 points)
1 Burnswick hussar officer in 28mm

19th October 2020 (16 points)
2 Brunswick staff officers in 28mm that I will be using as a deployment point for Sharp Practice

1st November 2020 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
16x Brunswick Avant Garde infantry
1x Brunswick Avant Garde Sergeant
1x Brunswick Avant Garde Officer

28th November 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
2 groups of 8 AWI British - 35th Regiment of Foot

28th November 2020 (32 points)
1 group of 8 Hanoverian Landwehr - 28mm

28th November 2020 (40 points)
Here's yet another batch of 10 28mm AWI British representing the 35th Regiment of foot.
They’re part of a long term plan to portray the 35th in whatever periods I play. After the AWI they became the Sussex regiment. How could I miss on the opportunity to portray the regiment named after the County I live in!

28th November 2020 (32 points)
Here are 3 big men and a musician for my AWI 35th foot

28th November 2020 (32 points)
8 x 28mm Foundry Americans for the War of 1812.

6th December 2020 (36 points)
(and next theee pics)
36 Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Germans for 1940

18th December 2020 (24 points)
Six 95th Rifles

18th December 2020 (48 points)
Eight 95th Rifles

18th December 2020 (24 points)
Six 28mm War of 1812 Americans

31st December 2020 (16 points)
4x28mm Hanoverian Landwehr command

31st December 2020 (28 points)
7x 28mm French infantry command