12th January (96 points)
Twenty four 28mm Perry Hessian Jägers. I hadn’t realised until I re-sized the pictures how much cat hair was on the table!
17th January (36 points)
Royal Artillery – two 6 pdrs with five crew each – 28mm Perry
17th January (120 points)
(and next pic)
Fifteen British Legion cavalry – 28mm Perry
17th January (80 points)
Twenty Loyal Ethiopian Regiment chaps – 28mm Perry
28th January (96 points)
Twenty four Foundry AWI Brits of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment of Foot

22nd February (432 points)
The last couple of weekends I’ve spent dividing my table into two, more TFL-friendly, smaller tables and putting some western buildings together – twelve assorted buildings: eleven 4Ground and one Sarissa (the green saloon) plus some bits and pieces like thunderboxes, hitching rails and watering troughs.

1st March 2016 (192 points)
(and next pic)
48 x 28mm Front Rank Napoleonic British

1st March 2016 (12 points)
3 x 28 Foundry Napoleonic British Command

1st March 2016 (64 points)
8 x 28mm Perry plastic British light dragoons

1st March 2016 (80 points)
20 x 28mm Perry AWI militia

1st March 2016 (32 points)
8 assorted Perry AWI command – 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment and 14th Foot for the Ethiopian Regiment.

23rd March 2016 (88 points)
28mm British line – Perry plastic – 22 figures

23rd March 2016 (188 points)
45 French Voltigeurs – 28mm Perry in a mix of plastic and metal plus two sergeants – 47 figures

23rd March 2016 (68 points)
La Contessa de Una Paloma Blanca and her merry men – La Contessa is a Brigade figure and her men are Perry figures from the Carlist wars range – 17 figures in 28mm

23rd March 2016 (8 points)
Chef de Bataillion Daniel La Rue – in dress and undress – 28mm Perry metal and an Old Glory Army figure

23rd March 2016 (308 points)
72 French Fusiliers – 28mm Perry plastic with five command figures in metal – 77 figures

2nd July 2016 (384 points)
(and next four pics)
After a bit of a lull, I have managed to paint a few 28mm Perry plastic medievals - 96 Hamburgers to be precise. Both Hamburg city troops and some for the family von Prahl.

16th October 2016 (36 points)
The Perry/Renedra plastic North American church, inspired by a recent trip with my daughter to the Niagara Peninsula and Lake Ontario, ready for the War of 1812.

16th October 2016 (72 points)
A 28mm recce troop for Chain of Command – the Cromwells are Warlord and the Firefly is from die Waffenkammer.

16th October 2016 (1137 points)
6mm moderns: 221 British vehicles (all GHQ), four aircraft and 150 Russians (GHQ and C-in-C).