11th February 2023 (28 points)
I’ve completed 7 x 28mm Pinkertons in preparation for What a Cowboy.

4th March 2023 (18 points)
Another entry from me: a 28mm Vietnam era M102 howitzer - part of a few Vietnam related items I picked up at Vapnartek at the start of Feb.
This is a Rubicon kit which unfortunately had an error in the instructions mixing up the ‘on tow’ and ‘deployed’ elevation springs - hence the low elevation of the barrel!

23rd March 2023 (28 points)
Next batch of cowboys from me - a mix of outlaws and lawmen!

23rd March 2023 (18 points)
1 x 28mm Sherman Firefly

23rd April 2023 (18 points)
28mm US Sherman

23rd April 2023 (18 points)
1 x 28mm US Vietnam era M113 ACAV

23rd April 2023 (28 points)
7 x 28mm Cowboys

6th May 2023 (24 points)
6 x 28mm Western casualties (Great Escape Games)

6th May 2023 (28 points)
7 x 28mm Daughters of the West (Great Escape Games)

26th June 2023 (28 points)
7 x 28mm Star Wars Legion Fleet Troopers

26th June 2023 (8 points)
2 x 28mm Star Wars Legion Civilian Hostages

26th June 2023 (28 points)
7 x 28mm Star Wars Legion Inferno Squad

26th June 2023 (36 points)
28mm UH-1H Helicopter + 2 crew (crew are from Empress and didn't come with the kit - but were needed as the kit was tail heavy without them!)

7th October 2023 (100 points)
(and next two pics)
25 x 28mm US marines (all Empress Miniatures)

27th October 2023 (32 points)
8 x 28mm Vietnamese civilians

27th October 2023 (16 points)
4 x 28mm Viet Cong

27th October 2023 (16 points)
4 x 28mm Imperial Guard from Star Wars Legion

15th November 2023 (141 points)
141 x 15mm Soviet cold war infantry (PSC)

15th November 2023 (12 points)
2 x 15mm BRDM-2 support vehicles (anti air & anti tank)

15th November 2023 (30 points)
5 x 15mm Battlefront T-55AM

17th December 2023 (36 points)
28mm resin Transit Van & 1970’s US police car

17th December 2023 (18 points)
Oprl Blitz

25th December 2023 (54 points)
9x 15mm BMP-1s

25th December 2023 (54 points)
9x 15mm BMP-2s

31st December 2023 (48 points)
12x 28mm Germanic Warriors