2nd January (192 points)
(and following three pics)
48 dwarves for use in Lion Rampant. Started before new year but only finished this morning!
2nd January (38 points)
(and following pic)
15mm Khurasan Bugs: one big one, 32 little ones

2nd January (28 points)
(and following three pics)
7 Meridian Miniatures steampunk divers
17th January (80 points)
(and two following)
25mm Front Rank SYW Austrians. Two mounted officers and sixteen infantry.
19th January (64 points)
Front Rank Hungarian grenadiers
19th January (64 points)
Crusader German infantry
19th January (64 points)
Front Rank German infantry
31st January (32 points)
8 front rank Austrian artillerymen.
31st January (64 points)
16 more Front Rank German infantry.
31st January (20 points)
A 5 figure set of paranormal investigators and slimy friend from Crooked Dice.
9th February (64 points)
28mm Front Rank German battalion for the Austrians
9th February (64 points)
Crusader Hungarian battalion for the Austrians
28th February (36 points)
(and next two pics)
Nine 28mm Meridian Miniatures VSF figures. These are going to used as Prussians.
14th March (24 points)
48 6mm Hoplites
14th March (24 points)
48 6mm Light Infantry
14th March (16 points)
32 6mm Skirmishers
14th March (12 points)
12 6mm Light Cavalry
14th March (36 points)
36 6mm Medium Cavalry
14th March (18 points)
18 6mm Companion Cavalry
14th March (10 points)
6mm Elephant and 14 runners
14th March (7.5 points)
6 mounted and 3 foot commanders, all 6mm
14th March (24 points)
Three 35mm Knight Models figures
14th March (8 points)
35mm Batman
16th March (144 points)
(and next three pics)
Meridian Miniatures 28mm for my blossoming vsf collection: 4 sections of 9 so 36 altogether.

28th March (16 points)
2 mounted Reaper Bones 28mm figures

28th March (8 points)
1 mounted Reaper Bones 28mm figure

3rd April (28 points)
7 x 28mm Perry Wars of the Roses casualties.

6th April (144 points)
A mere 288 Baccus 6mm successor pikemen to add to the painting score!
12th April (21 points)
(and next five pics)
The twenty-one troopers comprising Khurasan's sci-fi Foreign Legion i.e. 21 figures, each from a different alien race, but belonging to the same unit.
12th April (15 points)
(and next two pics)
Support weapons for Khurasan's sci-fi Foreign legion: two weapon platforms and two mobile weapon platforms.
12th April (50 points)
(and next six pics)
Khurasan Terrans, all 15mm: 41 infantry plus 3 vehicle crew and 1 vehicle.

18th April (16 points)
Two Reaper Bones Hill Giants and a 28mm Hasslefree figure for size comparison.
12th May (56 points)
(and next two pics)
14 West Wind Dark Age Warriors

7th June (48 points)
Six Centaurs in 28mm

7th June (48 points)
Six Centaurs in 28mm

7th June (4 points)
A bronze bull in 28mm

7th June (60 points)
Fifteen Satyrs in 28mm

7th June (92 points)
(and next two pics)
Twenty-three Argonauts in 28mm

20th June (112 points)
(and next three pics)
Twenty-eight 28mm Crooked Dice Minions for 7TV

29th June (44 points)
(and next pic)
Eleven Black Scorpion Wild West figures

27th June (52 points)
Thirteen crooked dice Time Lift Security Extras

30th June (12 points)
Three more Crooked Dice characters

12th July (112 points)
(and next three pics)
28mm Foundry Shield Maiden Types

12th July (88 points)
Eleven 28mm Fireforge Crusaders

16th July (24 points)
(and next pic)
Six ninjas this time, all 28mm

25th July (32 points)
Eight Dreadball players

25th July (36 points)
(and next pic)

30th July (100 points)
(and next seven pics)
Even more off the wall this weekend. A Ridend starter force for the Relics game.
17 foot figures
4 mounted (on chickens!)
Technically 28mm

30th July (72 points)
18 Artizan gunfighters, 28mm

22nd August (92 points)
(and next three pics)
GW Lord of the Rings this time: 23 infantry.

22nd August (120 points)
(and next three pics)
Fireforge and Perry crusaders this time: 3 mounted; 24 foot

22nd August (160 points)
(and next pic)
40 Gripping Beast Arthurian infantry (28mm)

29th August (72 points)
Four Rebel ACW guns

29th August (152 points)
Thirty-eight ACW Rebel foot

29th August (56 points)
Seven mounted ACW Rebels

29th August (64 points)
(and next two pics)
8 miniatures from the 35mm Knight Models DC range.

12th September (16 points)
Four members of the Joker's crew

12th September (40 points)
Ten LOTR Orc Leaders

12th September (24 points)
Six Cat Girls in 28mm

12th September (8 points)
Two robots (about 40mm high)

12th September (28 points)
Seven little grren men in 28mm

12th September (52 points)
Wargames Supply Dump Dick Garridon range 28mm: Ming, daughter and soldiers

12th September (20 points)
Wargames Supply Dump Dick Garridon range 28mm: Prince Barin and soldiers

12 September (20 points)
Wargames Supply Dump Dick Garridon range 28mm: Prince Voltan and Hawkmen soldiers

12th September (48 points)
28mm LOTR: 6 mounted Warg Riders

12th September (36 points)
28mm LOTR: 7 Nazgul and one mounted Mouth of Sauron

12th September (16 points)
LOTR 28mm: 4 Isengard Uruk Hai

12th September (36 points)
28mm LOTR: 9 Mordor Uruk Hai

29th September (56 points)
(and next pic)
Seven Crusading knights

29th September (120 points)
Thirty Ancient Britons

29th September (84 points)
(and next three pics)
Twenty-one FIW Indians and Rangers

24th October (48 points)
Twelve Zulu War Brits

24th October (48 points)
Twelve Zulu War Brits

24th October (108 points)
34 Zulu foot; 1 mounted Zulu chief

24th October (8 points)
Two Boudiccas

24th October (8 points)
2 Dice Bag Lady Dark Age shieldmaidens

24th October (96 points)
24 Redoubt Rebs in 28mm

8th November (76 points)
(and next two pics)
Nineteen soldiers from Crooked Dice

23rd November (36 points)
A 5 part ruined tower (Reaper Bones)

23rd November (72 points)
Two home made cork ruins

23rd November (36 points)
A couple of Renedra walls/arches for Frostgrave

23rd November (36 points)
Another new bit of cork built terrain for Frostgrave. Its about 6 inches square. The 3gargoyles are also a new addition. Picked them up at Crisis.

23rd November (42 points)
(and next pic)
3 GZG APCs and 24 GZG mercs

23rd November (38 points)
(and next pic)
Another Khurasan bug swarm. One bigun and32 littleuns.

11th December (236 points)
Mass ECW rebasing exercise over the weekend. 118 fine fellows. Mainly Renegade with a few Perrys thrown in.

11th December (96 points)
24 Reaper Kobolds (25mm) this time. For my next classic D&D themed Dragon Rampant army.

22nd December (60 points)
As far as I know these 15 very familiar looking characters are not available. I got a couple of sets in exchange for painting the display versions. Finally got a set done for me!

28th December (56 points)
14 Ironclad Miniatures VSF naval landing party.

28th December (40 points)
2 crooked dice UNIT troopers and eight 40mm "metal men".

28th December (16 points)
(and next pic)
2 crooked dice animated statues (80mm)

28th December (32 points)
4 crooked dice Argonauts (50mm)

28th December (36 points)
(and next pic)
Two Gatling guns and 8 crew

28th December (272 points)
(and next three pics)
10 VSF cavalry
48 VSF infantry

28th December (28 points)
7 Cro Magnons from Lucid Eye

28th December (32 points)
8 Amazons from Lucid Eye

28th December (36 points)
9 apes from Lucid Eye

28th December (16 points)
4 adventurers (includes pet Dino!) from Antediluvian

31st December (36 points)
Two Gripping Beast elephants each with four crew

31st December (18 points)
An humungous demon of unknown origin with six little Reaper magical creatures/familiars.