14th January 2025 (72 points)
Kicking the year off with a couple of 28mm WW2 buildings….targets for 02 Hundred Hours!
29th January 2025 (40 points)
28mm AWI British
12th February 2025 (32 points)
Midgard is proving very popular so I’m back doing Vikings again. I had sold off my old unused sprues a while ago when I had enough figures painted up for Saga…but Midgard uses more units so I had to rebuy more sprues - hilarious!! Typical wargaming really!!
2nd March 2025 (32 points)
Back with some more of those Vikings…
Vis Lardica is a website devoted to wargaming and military history, with a special emphasis on the company-sized rulesets produced by the TooFatLardies: I Ain't Been Shot Mum (WW2); Charlie Don't Surf (Vietnam); and Quadrant 13 (science fiction)
Welcome to Vis Lardica, a not-for-profit website mostly dedicated to the company-sized wargaming rules produced by the TooFatLardies, but encompassing my other gaming interests as well.